What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-14. Feast of the macho (14)

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After drinking the drinks and resting on the bench for a while, Li Yexing turned his head and said to the girls: Let's go back. After getting the approval of the girls, Li Yexing and the girls stood up and prepared to go back to the room, while on the other side, Ada also stood up, she turned around and stuffed the empty can into Leon's arms, then laughed Let's go back, too. After that, Ada's hand lightly wrapped around Leon's waist, Leon was a little stunned, and then followed Ada's slender waist, which was wrapped in a bathrobe, obscurely. Sweeping over, he looked like he was hugging Ada's waist, but he couldn't get his hands free because he was holding a lot of Yi La Yao in his arms, but he was not in a hurry. When he got to the door, he directly took all the empty cans in his arms. Throwing it into the trash can, the free right hand naturally climbed up to Ada's slender waist, but in the next second, Ada reached out and gently patted Leon's hand. Leon was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look She looked at Ada with a puzzled look in her eyes, but saw a hint of slyness flashing in Ada's eyes, she smiled and said to Leon:

Leon nodded reluctantly. He walked through the corridor, unlocked the door with the key, and waited for the girls to return to their rooms one by one. When Li Yexing looked up, he saw Leon was leading Ada to open the door of the room, and their room was unexpectedly Right across from his room! With an evil smile on his face, Li Yexing waited for all the girls to return to the room before he took off his shoes and got into the room, closing the wooden door of the room with his backhand. As soon as she entered the room, Rita, who had already knelt down beside the wooden table, smiled and said, Sir, Mr. Kennedy and Miss Wang's room is opposite us, isn't it? With a wicked smile on his face, he said: 'I'm going to listen to the bed tonight. Wow! BOSS, you're too bad, right? Kanan couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Li Yexing's words, while Tililith tilted her head and asked: A bed? What is a listening bed? Come on, Let me tell you, listening to the bed is... Kanan hugged Tililith's shoulders, and then whispered something to Tililith. After a while, Tilly Jingsi was terrified, and she said Oh! He made a sound, but then turned his head to Li Yexing with doubts and asked, But why is Yexing listening to other people's Song? Obviously it can be done here, is it because Tililith's voice is not loud enough? Of course, Si's voice is loud enough. Li Yexing hurriedly said when he heard Tililith's words, but then he felt that something was not right, he turned his head and whispered:

On the other side, Ti Lilith, whose doubts were not resolved, whispered: 'Even if Ti Lilith's voice is not loud enough, Rita's voice must be loud enough, and Rita is so hard every time.

Miss. Even Rita couldn't help it, she blushed and whispered to Tililith, Please stop talking, a lady can't say such things.

After that, Rita turned her head, smiled and said to Li Yexing, However, to be honest, Mr. Kennedy seems to be very concerned about the affairs between Mr. Kennedy and Miss Wang.

Of course I care, I've cared about it for two lifetimes. Li Yexing replied in a low voice, he was already lying on the door, his ears pressed against the door, although

He couldn't hear anything, but he still listened attentively, and even his ears were subconsciously pressed against the thin wooden door, and the posture looked quite glissant. Tillyris looked at Li Yexing and thought about it. She followed Li Yexing's example and put her ear to the door with a blank expression. Kanan leaned against the door of the independent wardrobe in despair, looked at the ceiling and whispered: 'Damn stupid, is there something wrong with my boss's mind?

On the other side, Li Yexing and Ti Lilith were still clinging to the door, and after a while, Ti Lilith suddenly began to recite the scriptures and said with an expressionless face: Survival or destruction, this is indeed a question, which is more noble. ?Should you endure the ruthless destruction of fate in silence, or stand up against the suffering of the world and sweep them away?

Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, thinking that this is not Hamlet 0?

Looking down at Tililith who was muttering words in her mouth, Li Yexing whispered: Why did you suddenly read Hamlet? Hamlet? Voice: Miss Wang is reading, Tililith is just repeating

After that, Tililith put her ear to the wooden door again, and said with a longing in her mouth: We have all become cowards because of the heavy care, and the original fiery heart has been covered by this kind of thinking. Under this kind of thinking, Gray's great adventurous spirit retreated against the current and lost the meaning of action. This monologue expresses Prince Hamlet's inner heart. Hey, Li 2 Are you listening? Listen to Tililith one-word Repeating the words of Ada in the opposite room, Li Yexing only felt confused. And, if he guessed correctly, Leon, who was in the room with Ada at this moment, might be even more confused than him. Beside the wooden table , Hitomi Kanjima sat there alone, she looked at Li Yexing and the noisy girls beside him, her sharp eyes gradually softened, and Si envy and longing were revealed from it. Miss Kanichi, may I sit next to you? Suddenly, a soft voice came from her ear, and Hitomi Kanjima raised her head, only to see Rita leaning slightly and standing beside her, with a blank expression on her face. You can choose another smile. It was inconvenient for Hitomi Kanjima to speak, so she hurriedly nodded to Rita, and at the same time moved slightly to make room for Rita, Rita smiled softly and said, Thank you and then sat gently on Hitomi Kanjima's seat. Next to me. Speaking of Miss Rita, she seems to be female 10?

Looking at Rita sitting next to her, wearing a bathrobe, Hitomi Kanjima couldn't help feeling a little strange. In Hitomi Kanjima's view, Rita was a very rare beauty. She always had a charming smile on her face, and she made every move. It is full of confidence, calmness and elegance, just like the kind of aristocratic family that only appears in movies.

The size is the same, she is like the legendary Yuzaoqian, Su Da2, who brought disaster to the country and the people, but such a woman is willing to become Mr. Li's girls, although it seems that Mr. Li never really regarded her as a maid, But she still played the role of a maid with all her heart. Why would she be willing to do this for Li Yexing? While Hitomi Kanjima was thinking about it, Rita was smiling and observing her. After a while, Rita She smiled and said softly, Miss Kanjima likes Mr. Li, right? Hitomi Kanjima's eyes widened instantly. She looked at Rita and shook her head hastily, her face turning red. °Oh? It's Rita's eyebrows. Magang felt a little regret and she whispered: It's a pity. Looking at the regretful Rita, Hitomi Kanjima thought for a while, and then seemed to make up her mind. She opened her cherry lips lightly and stumbled softly: Hi ...

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