What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-16. Feast of the macho (16)

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It was not yet dawn, and two big men who woke up at night in bathrobes, stood in a row, put water in the bathroom, and then came to the empty restaurant together. Under the dim light, Leon was lying on the dining table with a tired face, looking rather haggard. I was drained? Li Yexing asked with a smile, looking at Leon's appearance as he was about to drive a crane to the fairy. I would rather be dried out. Facing Li Yexing's ridicule, Leon said weakly. Li Yexing slightly- He was stunned, a little surprised and said: No way? You haven't slept yet? Oh, ah, ah. With a bleak smile on Leon's face, he raised his head and said, Brother, you absolutely can't imagine what that woman did to me. Li Yexing didn't answer, but his eyes were full of exploration. Looking at Li Yexing, who was full of curiosity, Leon sighed melancholy, and then said quietly: 'Ada.. Tell me about Shakespeare for half the night..

After hearing Leon's words, Li Yexing's expression gradually became subtle. On the other side, Leon was still complaining in a low voice, he rubbed his fingers through the blonde hair on his forehead, and said, This is just a nightmare, I can't understand what she is saying, but whenever I can't stand it, When she was about to fall asleep, she pinched me! She tortured me! Leon rolled up the sleeves of his bathrobe at Li Yexing, only to see that Leon's arms were covered with bruises. It's really shocking. Looking at Leon's arm, Li Yexing commented after a moment of silence. Seriously, brother, do you think I'm the kind of person who can read this kind of serious literature? Feeling irritable, Leon said in despair: 'But she doesn't seem to care about such things at all. When she mentions these things, her chatterbox can't be closed. Li Yexing asked. That's not true. Leon waved his hand and said: Last time she and I chatted about Chinese literature, it seemed like someone was talking about a noble young master who is keen to mess with her maid or something. Although your description is not very appropriate, I probably know what she said. Li Yexing looked at Leon with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and he whispered to himself: Those in my family will not be like this, compared to saying- - a lot of Some are not, they prefer practical actions. By the way. As if being reminded by Li Yexing's words, Leon suddenly raised his head and asked with a serious face: 'Did you have a physical examination?

The blood sample has been handed over to BSAA, and it is estimated that the results will be available soon. Li Yexing said with a smile: To be honest, I think you and Chris are both a little nervous. I have lived with them for so long, Isn't it still good?, Don't say that. Leon looked serious, he looked around carefully, as if he was afraid of something, and double-checked that there was no one else around. What did he want to say? Seeing that Leon's expression was not quite right, Li Yexing put away his smile, and he slowly leaned in, waiting with a serious expression for what Leon was going to say next. The dim light shone on Li Jing's picture With a serious face, he hid half of his face in the shadows, and after a while, Leon-face seriously said to himself, I think, you are .. mutated. Li Yexing

On the other side, I saw Li 2 solemnly said: I saw it when I was in the bathroom just now, something is wrong under you, the size is too big... Li Yexing was stunned, he looked at Lyon with a pity, until Lyon's The corners of his mouth could not be restrained, and he realized that this bastard was joking. I'll go to your maid! Li Yexing leaned back in the chair and whispered to Leon: I thought you were going to say What, you scared me! After making fun of Li Yexing, Leon seemed to be in a better mood, but he waved his hand and said, But seriously, it's not impossible, Asians can really grow Are you the size? You fart! How many Asians have you seen? Li Yexing frowned and said, I was this size five years ago! Every woman in the red x light street in Loples loves me. After a brief quarrel, the two smiled, Leon bought two cans of coffee from the vending machine on the side, and Li Yexing lit a cigarette. But brother, let me ask you something serious. After drinking a sip of coffee and exhaling a smoke ring, Li Yexing put away the smile on his face, and asked Leon with a serious face: What about Ada, you What are you going to do with it? If there is no result, the two of you will lie on the wicker chair and bask in the sun. Really? Leon said indifferently: Isn't it just me getting old? Look, raccoon. It has been more than ten years since the city incident, and Ada is still the same as before, only I have become more and more vicissitudes. Be serious. Li Yexing tapped the table lightly with his fingers. Brother, I don't understand why you care so much about me and Ada? Leon said to Li Yexing with a smile, but after finding that Li Yexing didn't have the smile on his face, his expression gradually changed. Gotta get serious. Well, actually I often think about this question. Waving his hand as if admitting defeat, Leon said helplessly: 'You know, for some reason, I basically sold myself to QA now, every day Either fighting the living dead or walking on the road to fight the living dead, and Ada is different, her job is more like you, it's freelance, secretive all day long, and she never tells me what she's doing What, I still haven't figured out what she is

Who are you working for.. Speaking of which, Leon scratched his head helplessly and said: 'The way between me and her is too far away. Are you going to work for IA for the rest of your life? Li Yexing wrinkled He frowned and asked. Of course not, to be honest, I hate my colleagues, in my opinion they are a bunch of villains, not even as good as you Leon said bitterly: Maybe for most people you are not Nice guy, but at least you're very human, and those guys are just beasts, especially this time over in Mexico, I can't stand these sanctimonious bastards.

Speaking of this, a relieved smile flashed across Leon's face, and he said to Li Yexing: The good news is, I shouldn't have to endure these bastards for long.

Why? You have made up your mind to leave QA? Li Yexing asked. Almost, Adam wants to set up a new department. If this plan passes, I will leave IA and be transferred to the new department. Leon smiled and said .

Adam? The current President of Country A, Adam Benford? Li Yexing suddenly remembered that Lyon also had a close friend of the President of Country A who was in the military, so he showed a smile on his face and said: Isn't that good? After being transferred from CA, Your life should be a lot more stable, right? It's good for you and Ada. How is this possible? Leon shrugged his shoulders and said: 'How about the establishment and development of the new department], may it be smooth sailing? If this department is really established, then as the leader of the new department, I will definitely be very busy. , I'm afraid I won't even have the opportunity to take a vacation like now. Looking at the helpless face 2, Li Yexing lay on the table and whispered: Master, after a long time, it turns out that the real workaholic is you? ?

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