What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-17. Feast of the macho (17)

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After chatting with Leon, the sky outside the yard was slightly bright, and Rita, who was wearing a yukata, also entered the restaurant. After seeing Li Yexing, she smiled as if relieved: Mr. I got up really early today. Seeing Rita coming, Leon smiled and said to Li Yexing: Then I'll go back first. After saying that, he stood up and left. After Leon left the restaurant, Rita sat gently on Li Yexing's lap, leaned into Li Yexing's arms, and left the old days to keep the With the demeanor of a perfect maid, her delicate snow-white arms stretched out from the wide sleeves of the yukata, wrapping around Li Yexing's neck, just like that, she raised her head and quietly watched Li Yexing with a smile on the corners of her mouth, her eyes glowing. A love that seems to melt people.

Compared to a perfect maid, Rita at this moment is more like an ordinary girl who is simply staring at her lover. Putting the hand around Rita's waist, Li Yexing asked with a smile: 'What's wrong? It's nothing, sir. Rita said softly: I just want to enjoy the time alone with my husband, that's all. Looking at Rita in his arms and listening to Rita's words, Li Yexing felt a little distressed for no reason. Speaking of which, the most tiring and busy person in the office is probably Rita’s, right? Since Rita came to the office, she has been taking care of everything up and down in the office, ranging from household chores to ordnance purchases and errands. Communicating with other forces, Rita did her best to complete every work that could be shared by others. Except for the general direction and the affairs, Rita was almost one-person to undertake all the work in the office, large and small. . Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help hugging the girl in his arms, and he whispered, It's been hard work for you over the years. Rita was stunned for a moment, then shook her head with a chuckle and said, Rita is not hard, as long as With Mr., I don't feel hard. Li Yexing quietly stared at the girl in his arms, under the dim light, Rita narrowed her eyes slightly, a faint mist of water appeared in her gray eyes, a touch of red glow Stained her beautiful cheeks, along with gradually rapid breathing, the body temperature passed to Li Yexing's chest through the thin yukata was scorching hot. The atmosphere gradually warmed up, and the delicate snow-white soft grass slowly stretched into Li Yexing's yukata. The green jade fingers brushed across Li Yexing's chest, drawing scars one after another. After a while, the girl with the red glow in the back opened her red lips softly: Sir, I'm sorry. I.. The next moment, their lips were pressed together, and their warm breath gently touched Li Yexing's sensitive nerves. Her body was exuding a faint fragrance of Zhuwei, which seemed to be poisonous. Those who smelled it couldn't help but indulge, Rita climbed onto Li Yexing's body, hugged Li Yexing lightly with both hands, and tightly bound him like a sweet trap, until he could not bear it anymore.

When she was about to suffocate, Rita reluctantly separated from Li Yexing, her pink tongue with a faint aroma of tobacco, licked away the traces left on her lips. The restaurant was still empty - one person, sitting on Li Yexing's body, Rita breathed softly, she turned her head, glanced at the clock, and whispered to Li Youxing

It should be some time before the people in the Gao restaurant come to work. Come on, sir. You are in a hurry... Li Yexing frowned and whispered, This restaurant is under surveillance. The surveillance is at the counter. And the vending machine, we are behind the screen, can't take pictures. Rita whispered, this time. The perfect maid didn't ask her master's advice, she slowly stretched out her hand, and after a while, with a deep gasp, Rita leaned into Li Yexing's ear, her voice was like melted honey. It entered Li Yexing's mind. This time, let me love the master.

In fact, Rita still miscalculated. When the atmosphere was at its hottest, Kanan, who also woke up at night and planned to light a cigarette, also entered the restaurant. When she saw Li Yexing and Litazhi, she was stunned for a moment, then looked like a girl Like a hooligan, she sat directly opposite the two of them, lit a cigarette, and watched with interest. She wanted to see Rita smashed more than the scene she could always see in the office before her. The look of embarrassment when things are good.

But what Kanan never expected was that after seeing Kanan sitting opposite, Rita not only did not feel embarrassed, but became even more crazy, in the charming district, she looked back from time to time Looking at Kanan, there seemed to be a hint of provocation in his eyes. So Kanan's face gradually disappeared, and after a while, she pressed the cigarette butt in her hand into the ashtray, and said, Sure maid, she really deserves it.

Before the service staff of the restaurant went to work, Li Yexing and Rita ended the battle and cleaned up the battlefield under Kanan's observation. At this moment, Kanan suddenly felt boring. The tattoo on her arm trembled violently, as if she was going crazy, as if she wanted to fall off Kanan's arm, but Kanan just blushed slightly. Ye Xingdao I'm really convinced, I ran out to do this before dawn, BOSS, are you a estrus machine? It's not me, it's her who's in estrus... Li Yexing said quietly, he said I patted Rita who was in his arms. Hearing the conversation between the two, Rita turned her head, revealing the red face that had not yet disappeared, smiled at Kanan, she slipped off Li Yexing's body, put on her shoes, and said to Kanan: I Miss Miss and Miss Kanjima are about to wake up, I'm going back, sir, I'll leave it to you.. After that, Rita left. Before leaving the restaurant, she looked back at Kanan-eyed, sly His eyes seemed to imply something. After watching Rita leave, Li Yexing turned his head and found that Kanan was staring straight at him. What? Do you want to? After a few seconds, Li Yexing asked tentatively. First. Don't mess around under the watchful eyes of the surveillance cameras, this kind of thing can only be done by a shy maid! Kanan waved his hands impatiently. Jian Hanan really didn't want to do morning exercises. , Li Yexing poured out two cigarettes from the cigarette case on the table, one handed

Give it to Kanan, put one in his mouth and set it on fire. The two of them put the smoke into the flame, lit it together, and smoked the cigarette quietly. After a while, Kanan suddenly whispered as if talking to himself. Said: Why don't we try it next time? Li Yexing-0 was out of breath and coughed violently. Half of the cigarette butt in his mouth was not spit on Kanan's face. Ye Xing raised his head and said to Kanan: 'You're here too? Why? Seeing Li Yexing's ghostly expression, Hanan raised his eyebrows and said, You can do it with the maid He Shi, but you can't do it with a good brother? I said, you're not pranking with Rita, are you? Looking at Kanan's awkward face, Li Yexing was a little surprised. Yeah, I'm just pranking! Kanan admitted directly. She looked unhappy and said: Did you see the expression of that shy girl? It's like asking: Plus! Man woman, can you do 9? I learned Rita's perfect elegant smile After the four dissimilarities, Kanan casually flicked the cigarette soot, and then crossed his legs and said angrily: Ah, ah, ah, I'm so annoying! Isn't it just messing around under surveillance? Who does she look down on?! Don't play the cigarette ash Li Yexing first reminded Kanan, and then whispered: And you don't need to be angry with Rita, Rita is Rita, you are I. Tililith is Tililith, you are different.

Brother, Li Yexing said slowly: Look, the girls in the office are all great, it's true, but you're not the only one who can accompany me to smoke, drink and brag.

Kanan thought for a while, and suddenly said: It seems like this is the case.. The scene of the astringent maid smoking, drinking and telling pornographic jokes is really unimaginable. After saying that, Kanan's face had a smile again.

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