What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-19. The Festival of Men (19)

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Yixing, I want that! With a faint red light in her eyes, Tililith stretched out her hand and gently grabbed the corner of Li Yexing's clothes and tugged it, then pointed blankly at the small stall on the street. Li Yexing said Turning his head, he looked in the direction Tililith pointed to, and saw that on the small stand, there were sticks of bright red apple candy, and under the bright lights, the crystal clear syrup glittered alluringly. Glossy brought the girls to the booth. The little brother who was guarding the booth was stunned when he saw Li Yexing, a lineup of four men and four women. Then he greeted Li Yexing warmly. Li Yexing naturally couldn't understand this, but this did not hinder Li Yexing's choice. He turned his head to look at Rita and said: Come on four.

Four? Don't you want it, sir? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita frowned slightly and said softly. I'll let it go. Li Yexing smiled and waved his hand: 'I'm not that interested in sweets. Really. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita said with some sympathy: I heard that this apple candy is also one of the characteristics of Japanese festivals - well, sir, don't try it.

- -What a pity to taste.. After that, Rita put on her impeccable smile again, she was talking to the little brother at the counter, and soon, the little brother handed her four apple candies, and After Rita paid the money, she immediately distributed the apple candy to each girl. Taking the apple candy from Rita's hand, Qiandao Hitomi's pale face flashed a faint red glow, she surreptitiously glanced at Li Yexing, and then quickly turned her eyes back, like a thief with a guilty conscience. On the other side, after the apple candy was distributed, Rita gently shook the apple candy in Li Yexing's hand and said, Do you really want to try it, sir? No. Li Yexing waved his hand.

Since Li Yexing insisted not to try it, Rita couldn't say anything. She just looked at Li Yexing, stretched out her tongue and licked the apple candy, with a hint of syrup in her eyes, and there was a hint of lust in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking. What, after a while, she suddenly said: Sir, I once heard an interesting saying that at a festival in Japan, the apple candy bought by the boy for the girl contains sweet and sour love. Sweet and sour love? Seeing Rita's tongue licking the apple candy repeatedly, evoking - Sisi's syrup, Li Yexing frowned slightly and murmured: Why do I think there is only sweet and sour love? As soon as he finished speaking, an apple candy suddenly came in front of him, Li Yexing took a step back subconsciously, and then saw Tilly Jingsi raised her arms, looked at him seriously, and said: Yixing , sweet and sour love. Okay. With a helpless smile on his face, Li Yexing lightly licked the apple candy in Tililith's hand, and then said in surprise: This candy is so sweet...

Crack followed by a crisp sound, Li Yexing turned his head subconsciously, only to see that the apple candy in Kanan's hand was bitten off by her, revealing the pale yellow flesh of the apple inside, and the bitten pulp was mixed. With the solidified syrup, there were bursts of noises in Kanan's mouth. After swallowing the apple candy, Kanan licked the corner of his mouth and commented: It's quite sweet. Then, staring at the apple candy in his hand, Kanan seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and she excitedly shook the apple candy in her hand towards Li Yexing: 'Look! BoSS, iphone! The mental patient has a broad mind, and children with cerebral palsy have a lot of fun, good brother, in the future Get away from me so I can pretend I don't know you. Compared to Kanan's eating method, Hitomi Kanjima is much more artistic. The gangster who grew up in Japan holds a small wooden stick in her hand and licks apple candy in small bites. Her face is reddish, like a pure lover. Huai Chun Girl - In general, she has completely disappeared from the previous look with her eyes wide open and ready to cut people at any time. On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing had licked it, Tililith took back the apple candy in her hand, and then licked it again along the place Li Yexing had licked. Next, Li Yexing took the girls for a casual stroll on this temporary commercial street. To be honest, the small stalls here are a bit boring, and most of them sell some Japanese-style things, rather than selling them to locals. These things look more like they are specially prepared for foreign friends like Li Yexing. Even so, Li Yexing was still very satisfied. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the first time he took his girls to go shopping like ordinary people. An ordinary song must know that in Loples, he has the ability to do this. I am afraid that this kind of activity is only the old Italian, but if the Italians hold this kind of activity, I am afraid that it will become a fire and live on the scene in less than an hour. Walking among the crowd photographed by Xixi, and feeling this atmosphere full of daily life with his girls, Li Yexing felt in a trance that he had returned to his previous life, and felt extremely happy and peaceful in his heart. During the visit to the festival, something happened -In a small episode, Li Yexing and the girls met the old lady with radish legs in a witch costume in front of a mask-selling stall. When we met again, the eldest lady was still wearing a witch costume. After seeing Hitomi Kanjima, she waved at Hitomi Kanjima and said hello. She looked happy, especially when she saw Hitomi Kanjima's hand. After the apple candy she was holding and the light makeup on her face, the radish legs looked even more excited. She stepped on the clogs with her little feet wrapped in foot bags, and walked quickly to Hitomi Kanjima's side, her eyes were sly and constantly. He whispered to Hitomi Kanjima in a low voice, Hitomi Kanjima's face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to compete with the apple candy in his hand, especially when the girl wanted to say something out loud, Hitomi Kanjima even more shyly covered her mouth directly.

After the little joke between friends was over, the little radish leg happily said something to Hitomi Kanjima, and then stepped on the clogs and left with a happy step under Hitomi Kanjima's watch. Just now, the witch lady seemed to be saying that there will be witches from nearby shrines dancing on the stage at the festival for a while.- Lita next to her covered her mouth and said to Li Yexing with a chuckle, They are related.

That's good.. Just for a moment, Li Yexing noticed a trace of envy from Rita's eyebrows. Speaking of which, Rita seems to be like Tililith, and there is no bond between them other than her family. Kanan may have had friends, but they are all dead... Only 2 are left by their side. In front of the counter, Tiillis, who didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all, was still choosing a mask. In the end, she fixed her gaze on a white fox mask with a red face pattern.

Yixing, want this. Tililith pointed to the mask on the counter to Li Yexing. purchase. Li Yexing said. After Rita paid the money, Li Yexing took the mask, put it on Tililith's head, and said with a smile: It's so cute, Tililith, now you are the real one. monster. Yixing likes monsters? Tililith asked, tilting her head. No. Li Yexing shook his head, looked at Tililith's red pupils and said softly: 'Yixing likes Tililith.

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