What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-20. The Feast of Men (Twenty)

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After buying masks for Tilly Qiansi, Li Yexing planned to take the girls to other places to go shopping, but at this moment, Ganjima Hitomi, who had been silent, suddenly started to speak. She opened her red lips lightly and stumbled Speaking a little confused Japanese, while Rita stood and listened carefully, after a while, Rita turned to Li Yexingdao' Miss Kanjima said that her friend was rehearsing behind the stage, and she hoped to be able to watch it one look.

Li Yexing was a little surprised. He turned his head to look at Hitomi Kanjima, only to see Hitomi Kanjima staring at him, with a hint of begging in those naturally sharp eyes.

Then go take a look. Li Yexing said to the girls around him: Anyway, there seems to be nothing to see here, just right, Rita, who is also very interested in the dance of witches at the festival, smiled a little. She nodded, and then conveyed Li Yexing's answer to Hitomi Kanjima. Hitomi Kanjima immediately smiled. She bowed to Li Yexing and said Thank you in Japanese with difficulty. He led the girls towards the festival stage. After passing through the crowd of Xixi Shechuan, Li Yexing and his girls came to the festival stage not long afterward. Li Yexing still remembered that last night's At that time, the stage only had a sub-shelf, and it has been completely completed today. The stage looks small, but it is very delicate. There are spotlights hanging on the top shelf, and the whole stage is painted with strange red patterns. The white curtain was covered. Beside the stage, the nearby staff saw Li Yexing and a group of girls coming over and wanted to stop it, but Hitomi Kanjima went straight up, and just said a few staff members and immediately moved away Yes. Looking back at Li Yexing, Kanjima Hitomi nodded with a smile, motioning for Li Yexing to follow, Li Yexing didn't think much, and followed the girls directly. It's just a few steps away, the work behind the stage The staff frequently cast their obscure gazes, but because Hitomi Kanjima opened the way ahead, they didn't say anything in the end. It didn't take long for Hitomi Kanjima to lead the crowd to find her friend following the melodious music. At this moment, in the open space behind the stage, five girls in witch costumes are dancing to the melodious music, holding folded fans in their hands and slowly turning their bodies and swinging their arms amid the melodious music , the fan in his hand was waving gently as if playing a rhythm. To be honest, Li Yexing lost interest in this so-called ritual dance the moment he saw the five little girls. It seems that the slow dancing posture doesn't like this kind of Japanese music that is too strong. What's more, these five little girls are all Xiaoluo|\\legs.. Among the five dancing girls, Hitomi Kanjima The friend from her was standing at the front. She was the lead dancer, and she was also the only one who was quite attractive. As for the four people behind her, they were too ordinary to interest Li Yexing at all.

On the other side, the girl who was leading the dance saw Hitomi Kanjima, her somewhat indifferent face instantly smiled, and Hitomi Kanjima also waved at her. As for Li Yexing, he was completely obsessed with this so-called ritual dance. Losing interest, she simply found a big stone on the side of the road and sat on it, and watched from such a distance. When Tillyris saw Li Yexing leave, she immediately followed, and then sat directly on Li Yexing's lap. On the other hand, unlike Li Yexing and Tililith, Rita, who was standing by the side, looked at it with relish, nodding her head from time to time, but Kanan's performance was much more real. He asked in a low voice what they were dancing? Witch goddess music. Rita replied softly with a smile: In the early years, the main purpose of witches dancing this dance was to pray to the gods and ask for their blessings. To gain the favor of the gods, this It is a very traditional Japanese dance with a long history in Japan. Oh, I see. Kanan nodded and said that I had seen similar dances in Malvia, where the local rebels would strip naked before fighting - singing and dancing, praying what? ) \\Ga God's blessing, so that the bullets they shoot can automatically fly into the enemy's body, the boss also seems to have mentioned that there is a dance in their hometown, it seems to be called Dance God'? In essence, it is indeed very similar, The main point is to communicate with the gods. Rita frowned slightly, and said in a tangled manner: But for some reason, when Miss Kanan said it, it gave people a strange feeling... That's it, Hitomi Kanjima Quietly watching her partner dancing under the melodious music, with a little nostalgia in her eyes, she seemed to be reminiscing about something, while Rita patiently explained to Kanan Witch Goddess Music and African Black Uncle. As for Li Yexing, he is hiding in a dark corner with Tililith and facing the apple candy that has been eaten without the sugar coating. At this moment, the mutation protrudes! Accompanied by a girl's scream, this harmonious scene was instantly broken. The melodious music stopped in the summer. Li Yexing, who was burping an apple, raised his head and saw the staff hurriedly surrounding him, even Qiandao Hitomi. He Lita also squeezed over, and Kanan stood there. Putting down Tililith in his arms, Li Yexing went straight to Kanan and asked, What's the situation? An ankle was injured. Kanan shrugged and said:' A little girl in a civilized country can't stand the toss. Ignoring the panicked uncles around, Li Yexing squeezed directly next to Rita, and saw the little girl who had just led the dance sitting on the ground, her face rose. She was sweating coldly, her teeth were gritted, and her face looked very painful. Above the snow-white foot pockets, the girl's ankles were obviously red, and it was estimated that they would swell up in a short time. Full of tension and concern, she opened her mouth, but the more anxious she became, the more speechless she became. In desperation, she could only turn her eyes to Li Yexing for help. Looking at the anxious Ganjima Hitomi, Li Yexing Frowning, he turned his head to Rita and said, How about I straighten the little girl's bones? It's rare for Rita to hear Li Yexing's words.

She gave him a blank look, and she frowned slightly and said: 'It's all about this time, sir, stop joking. On the other hand, even though the pain did not ease, the girl with the injured ankle still struggled to stand up, but just as she stood up, she lost her balance. If Hitomi Kanjima had not supported her in time, she would have been cut down. Seeing her friend's face full of pain, Kanjima Hitomi tried to persuade something, but the girl shook her head firmly. Seeing this, Li Yexing frowned at Li

Rita turned her head and said a few words in Japanese to the middle-aged man with glasses with Mediterranean hairstyle. The man with glasses was a little dissatisfied, but - thinking that the woman in front of her came in with Hitomi Kanjima, her face was displeased. Immediately restrained, he patiently explained something to Rita, and after a while, Rita turned her head and said with an ugly face: There was a backup candidate, but the backup candidate was injured in the Changye Commercial Building incident. But, Jue I don't know how to evaluate it, Li Yexing can only say this in the end. Now, everyone can see that this lead dancer can't dance the lame dance, and the gods will definitely not be happy, but the festival can't be without it. Lead dancer, nowadays, the only way is to let this injured little girl get hard. Just when everyone was at a loss, Hitomi Kanjima sighed as if she had made up her mind. She patted the girl on the shoulder lightly and said a short Japanese sentence to everyone present. After a moment of silence, the audience instantly went into a frenzy. Their tongues and tongues and Kanjima Hitomi, who couldn't speak properly, were speaking in screeching Japanese, while Rita turned her head and said to Li Yexing: Just now, Miss Kanjima said she was going to lead the dance.

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