What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-21. Feast of the macho (twenty-one)

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Under the lanterns, along with the loud noises, the pedestrians at the festival gradually approached the direction of the festival stage. They stood under the cherry blossom trees with anticipation on their faces, ready to appreciate the tradition of the annual long-leaf cherry blossom festival. The program, the music of the witch goddess brought by the witches of Nagalea Shrine. Avoiding the crowded crowd, Li Yexing put his hands in his pockets. At this moment, he really wanted to light a cigarette, but there were too many people around, so he He could only stand on the side and quietly look at the stage that was blocked by the curtain, frowning, and said nothing. Sir. Are you worried about Miss Kanjima? It seemed that she noticed Li Yexing's restlessness. Rita asked with a smile. No. Li Yexing looked at the direction of the stage and answered simply. After a while, Rita He whispered: Really, sir, don't worry, you can trust Miss Kanjima a little more. Just ten minutes ago, after the stage, the girl who was supposed to lead the dance accidentally sprained her ankle, and in order to make her feel at ease To recover from her injuries, Hitomi Kanjima resolutely decided to lead the dance for her. For Hitomi Kanjima's decision, the uncles around were extremely surprised. According to Rita's translation, Kanjima once did it once when she was in high school. The lead dance of the witch Kagura at the Long Leaf Cherry Blossom Festival, and she did a pretty good job, but she never did it again because she didn't like it very much. Rather than jumping around on the stage, this girl prefers to show herself spends her time wielding her sword, and this time, for the sake of her friends, she decides to come back to power

Even if he had experience leading the dance, it was a long time ago, and there were only ten minutes left before taking the stage, and Hitomi Kanjima had to recall all the movements and perfect them within ten minutes, which was almost a mission Impossible. After hastily danced to the music, all the uncles around had a look as if the sky was about to collapse. Only Hitomi Kanjima was unaware. He turned his head and looked at Li Yexing with a smear on his face. Danxia, ​​her red lips parted lightly, and stumblingly said something to Li Yexing. Miss Kanjima, what about you, if she takes the stage in a while, will you be watching her from below? Rita, who was standing beside her, translated with a smile.

Of course. Li Yexing nodded solemnly and said. But now it seems that Li Yexing doubts whether he has given the girl too much confidence? Kanjima Hitomi's proficiency in witch goddess music is too low. In front of the stage, there is only time to practice dancing again, which is like catching a duck on the shelf.

Of course Li Yexing doesn't care whether Hitomi Kanjima dances well or not, but those audiences will care. Li Yexing is indeed a little worried. He is worried that the negative reaction of the audience will directly stimulate Hitomi Kanjima. + points to stable emotions, resulting in some unpredictable consequences. Just when Li Yexing was still thinking about how to control the scene as soon as an emergency occurred, the melodious music from the stage suddenly sounded in his ears. It's about to start. Rita, who was standing on the side, said softly, while Li Yexing instantly raised his head and stared at the stage intently. With a burst of light sounds, all the spotlights above the stage were turned on, illuminating the stage completely. In the low exclamations of the audience below the stage, the wide white curtain slowly opened to the sides along with the melodious music, revealing the five girls in witch costumes under the spotlight with their backs to the audience. Dignified kneeling on the ground, in the melodious music, stand up one by one from both sides to the middle, and then turn to the audience. When the prelude of the music is about to end, the leading girl slowly stands up, and then accompanies the music. He turned around gradually. Looking at Hitomi Kanjima on the stage, Li Yexing was only amazed. At this moment, Hitomi Kanjima changed out of the white kimono and put on a red and white shrine maiden costume. The black and supple hair is coiled on the head 5, and she wears a rather gorgeous golden crown on her head. Her face has disappeared from the previous shyness, and the sharpness between her eyebrows has become softer. Wearing delicate makeup, the girl who always talks about the samurai and kendo, has a fairy-like charm that does not know the fireworks in the world, and she holds the

A Kagura bell full of bells, and the red streamer tied at the end of the Kagura bell is held in the other hand. Under the skirt of the witch's clothes, her snow-white feet are wrapped in foot pockets, directly Step on the stage. Although it was a little far away, Li Yexing could vaguely see Hitomi Kanjima's erratic eyes. Her eyes swept across the audience under the stage, as if she was looking for something. Gradually, her brows seemed to look like There was a lot of anxiety that Si was not easily aware of, and even the dance movements became a little uncoordinated. Li Yexing thought for a while, then stood up straight, and under the strange gazes of the surrounding audience, he waved his hand vigorously towards the stage. It didn't take long for Hitomi Kanjima to notice him, so Hitomi Kanjima seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. , She raised her head, her face was reddish, her eyes stared at Li Yexing, as if she was going to Li Yexing in the melodious Japanese music, Gan Island Hitomi, who was standing on the stage, stared at Li Yexing under the stage, she stretched her waist, lightly Lightly shaking the Kagura bell in her hand, making a pleasant sound, she turned around and let the red ribbon on the Kagura bell follow her, while she tilted her head slightly, looking at Li Yexing from the corner of her eye, flattering. In this music, the girl named Hitomi Kanjima tried her best to show Yamato Nadeko's unique elegance and restraint, but she conveyed incomparable passion to Li Yexing with her eyes.

hot love. Unconsciously, Li Yexing was stunned. He suddenly realized that maybe it was not that he couldn't appreciate this kind of dance, but that he couldn't appreciate the people who danced before. At least now, he felt that Hitomi Kanjima danced really beautifully. In this way, the girl on the stage looked at Li Yexing with love in her eyes, as if this dance was only for the man she liked, and Li Yexing also ignored everything around him and seriously admired the graceful and elegant kendo girl. dance.

Against the flow of people leaving, Li Yexing returned to the stage with the girls beside him, only to see that Hitomi Kanjima had already replaced the previous one.

White kimono, taking off foot pockets

Taking off the crown, her little Luo N-legged friend was sitting beside her, talking to her excitedly, and even the uncles around the staff had smiles on their faces, which seemed to be Very satisfied with the on-the-spot performance of dry island sleep. Seeing Li Yexing coming, Gan Island Hitomi's pale complexion immediately turned ruddy. She looked at Li Yexing, but her eyes were a little dodgy, as if she couldn't stand Kan Island Hitomi's twisted look. The friend gave Hitomi Kanjima a shove in the back, and kept saying something, while Rita on the side also cast an encouraging look at Hitomi Kanjima. In this way, Kanjima Hitomi lowered her head, blushed, and walked towards Li Ye with small steps. When she was in front of Li Yexing, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to. What to say, but she couldn't say anything, the more nervous she was, the more she couldn't say anything. That's all, I know. She shook her head helplessly, Li Yexing just wanted to say I do to Hitomi Kanjima, but Kanjima Hitomi, who was speechless, raised her head reluctantly, her face was already red. And those sharp eyes were full of stubbornness, she gritted her teeth, and suddenly shot, - grabbed Li Yexing's arm, and then turned her head and ran away under Li Yexing's confused eyes. Oh oh! How bold! Seeing Hitomi Kanjima and Li Yexing walking away, the little radish leg, who was sitting on a chair, couldn't help but excited in Japanese. On the other side, Kanan, who didn't speak for a long time, slanted The head whispered: Just let the underworld lady kidnap the B0SS? Abducted? No. Rita smiled and licked her lips, the corners of her mouth twitched- -Silk Curve Station: 'Tonight Those who see have a share. After that, Rita bowed slightly to Tililith, smiled and said softly, Miss, are you satisfied with Rita's handling of Hitomi Kanjima? Looking at the direction in which Li Yexing was dragged away, the corners of Tililith's mouth Rarely evoked a slight arc, she whispered: It's okay.

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