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I don't know if it's Li Yexing's delusion, but since arriving in Akihabara, Tililith seems to have become unexpectedly energetic. When I usually stay in the office, I only play games, watch anime and sleep with Yexing. There are basically no other activities, and even a few words can be said smoothly, but now, this girl looks very excited, and her eyes are flashing all the time, even the beauty contact lens is difficult to block the light. On the other side, after pouring the drinks for everyone, it didn't take long for two little maids to come up with a tray. They smiled and put the five omelet plates on the tray on the table. , then take out the knife, and swipe the golden egg skin lightly, the yellow liquid like cheese emerges from the egg skin, and it covers the whole plate of rice like the snow on Mount Fuji. After all this, one of the little maids took out the ketchup and spoke Japanese to the crowd with enthusiasm. Rita smiled and translated: This lady 1 said that she can provide writing on the bag board. Service. Writing.. Tililith repeated softly, and then said without thinking: Tiliris asked for 'T and 9.. Rita smiled and said: Then I will write 'L and R' Are you all so nauseous? Kanan whispered, Then. I'll come to C and L. On the other hand, Hitomi Kanjima blushed and whispered something to that little girl. Rita turned her head and smiled and looked at Li Yexing: Sir, what do you want to write? What do I want to write. Li Yexing thought for a while, then smiled and said, It's better to put it in the order I know it. Write your name on it

Is that so? After listening to Li Yexing's words, Rita smiled slightly, and she said to Li Yexing: I have an idea. Then she whispered something to the enthusiastic little maid who was standing and waiting, that The little maid was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and handed the ketchup in her hand to Rita. Why don't we write our names on Mr.'s omelet rice... Shaking the ketchup in his hand, Li Tower smiled and said to the girls around, As for the words on our egg buns, let the gentleman write it for us by himself. In this way, the four girls took ketchup and left their names on Li Yexing's omelet rice, while Li Yexing left the words the girls wanted on their omelet boards, waiting to be written. When arriving at Hitomi Kanshima's omelette rice, Li Yexing made a mistake, so Rita smiled and held Li Yexing, who was holding the bag of ketchup, and gently helped Li Yexing write Li Yexing on the last omelet. Seeing that Li Yexing and the girls have all obtained the white egg buns, the little maid standing at the table showed a sweet smile, and her hands were combined in front of her chest - a heart shape, and then greeted enthusiastically. Seeing what Li Yexing and his girls were talking about, Rita smiled and said softly, She said, we will follow her to unleash the magic that can make omelette delicious. No? I still have to read.... Kanan muttered with a sad face: Isn't it just a lunch? Why is it so annoying? Because life always needs a little sense of ceremony. Rita smiled and said : It's like washing your hands before meals, doing housework diligently, and thinking about what to wear before reading or making out with your husband. As expected. Kanan said with a bit of disgust. That's it, under the leadership of the little maid , Li Yexing and the girls gestured weird poses, - - while doing the movements, they learned the little maid chanting strange spells, Tililith and Rita didn't seem to mind, and Kanan frowned. , with a chilling look in her heart, although Li Yexing also felt embarrassed, her movements were quite normal, while Hitomi Kanjima was a little different. Although her expression looked very shameful, she still worked hard to complete it. The whole set of actions. After completing this ritualistic spellcasting, the two little maids and one servant clapped happily, said a few words and left, and the lunch of everyone finally started, perhaps because they hadn't had a drink before. Because of this, Li Yexing felt that the drink, which looked like laundry detergent, was not bad, while the omelet rice seemed to be quite satisfactory. Although it was not bad, it could only be said to be very ordinary. The little maids leaned up again, and they warmly invited Li Yexing to take pictures with his girls. Li Yexing did not refuse, so everyone stood up and followed the two little maids to the back to prepare to take pictures. A large box of rabbit ear headdresses was pulled out from the counter, asking everyone to put them on. Tililith directly picked up a pair of earless headgear and put it on her head, and then picked up another pair and handed it to Li Yexing, Li Yexing thought for a while, anyway, he had even recited the spell of unknown meaning, and it was probably not bad. With a shattered smile, Li Yexing put the earless ear in Tililith's expectant gaze. On his own head, Hitomi Kanjima, who was standing on the side, looked at Li Yexing silently, then blushed and chose the pair with the same earphone as Li Yexing, while on the other side, Rita smiled and chose the pair in black. Rabbit ear headdress, just about to put it on, when he turned around, he saw that Kanan was constantly stepping back, and seeing Rita looking over, Kanan shook frantically, Don't make me wear that thing! I won't wear it even if I die! It's 9.. The pink rabbit ears of a girl's heart, Rita smiled at Kanando, her eyes squinted slightly, as if there was some danger hidden

- A few minutes later, with pink rabbit ears on her head, Kanan, with a reluctant expression on her face, stood up with the others, waiting to take pictures, - a relatively tall maid smiled and pointed the camera in her hand at them and the others beside them. The two little girls were talking happily, while the girls around Li Yexing subconsciously leaned on Li Yexing's body, and Tililith directly hugged Li Yexing's arm. After a few secrets, the photo was taken, everyone took off the rabbit ears and went back to their seats. After waiting for a while, the two little maids returned with the photos they had just developed. They covered up the flashes in their expressions. Subtle emotions, warm hands

I gave the photo to Rita. Rita glanced at the photo with a happy arc in the corner of her mouth, and then smiled and handed the photo to Li Yexing, she said softly: What do you think, sir? Li Yexing picked up the photo, I saw that everyone in the photo was wearing rabbit ears of various colors, and the two little maids who took the photo were not unexpectedly squeezed out to the two sides of the photo. There was no sense of existence in terms of appearance or height, and Rita had an elegant smile on her face. , Kananze - life is not as good as death, Hitomi Kanjima blushed, her eyes dodged a bit, but her smile was very happy, while Tililith held her arms expressionlessly, and finally, The one standing in the middle of the photo surrounded by the girls was himself with a helpless smile on his face. To be honest, Li Yexing was quite surprised by his smile in the photo, because whether it was a part-time job or a violent mercenary, It's impossible to imagine that Li Yexing would show such a smile. He was so happy that he was a little disgusting. So... I don't seem to have ever taken a photo with my girls, although this photo was not very good, It's even a little fuzzy, but this is still Li Yexing's first in this life - Zhang Family Portrait. Not bad With a simple smile on his face, Li Yexing answered the question just now from Lita.

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