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With the farewell of the little maids, Li Yexing took the girls out of the maid cafe. But on the street, I don't want to come to this ghost place anymore... Li Yexing turned his head and found that Kanan's expression was quite wonderful. Li Yexing vaguely remembered that the last time she showed such an expression, it seemed that it was still the same. In South Africa, after the two (- two) killed the big lizard. How do you say that word? Yes, after the catastrophe.. I think this store is not bad, Rita on the side reluctantly said, she With a chuckle, she said, I think that if you are willing to put aside the so-called shame and stereotypes and try something you have never experienced before, you can often reap unexpected happiness in the end. After that, she turned her head to Li Yexing smiled and said, What do you think, sir? I don't know very well. Li Yexing shook his head and said, Before I met you, all the choices I made were mostly the result of being helpless by Fu. After that, I seemed to have some fun with it again. Have fun. Rita gently lifted the hair between her brows, and then smiled and whispered: As expected of the first.. Rita didn't try again. Do you want to try the game? Tililith, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned back and she repeated Rita's words: 'Try something that you have never experienced before, you can get unexpected happiness. I have experienced the game, miss. Rita With a smile on her face, she said helplessly: 'After all, this is something that both husband and wife like, and Miss Kanan seems to be interested in games recently, so I should try it, but to be honest , only when playing games can I fully

She sighed softly. Looking at the huge game poster on the opposite office building, Rita said softly: I'm really not good at this, maybe it's because my thinking pattern is less and less like a human being. I got Li Tower's answer, Tililith nodded and stopped talking. It seems that the little princess in the office is quite concerned about the fact that her maid doesn't play games.

However, through this topic, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that he should buy a new game console for Tililith. For some unknown reason, Tililith broke her PSP. With the memory Z card, it's okay to let her play with her own, but Li Yexing thought about it and decided to buy a new one for Tililith. Quickly stepping forward, Li Yexing lightly patted and hugged Tililith on the shoulder, Tililith turned to look at Li Yexing, her big eyes that had been changed by the color contact lenses had some doubts, and Li Yexing smiled. He smiled and said to Tililith: While you're still in Akihabara, I'll buy you a new PSP. Tililith's eyes lit up immediately. Next, Li Yexing led the girls on the street to find a new PSP. They went to the video game store, and it didn't take long for them to find a home. Like those large-scale video game towns, the storefront of this store is not large, and various game posters are posted next to the glass door of the store. Li Yexing pushed open the glass door and took the girls into the store, only to see that the entire store looked like a bookstore, filled with shelves, and the shelves were densely packed with games on various platforms. , there are several boxes of consoles stacked on the cabinet by the wall. Li Yexing also saw the familiar PS3 and XB0X0 inside. Buy each and take it back. When the office was bombed, all the consoles at home seemed to be buried in front of the store. Behind the counter, an uncle with glasses and a little fat raised his head. After seeing Li Yexing and the girls, he was stunned for a moment, as if he was surprised by the prosperous group of beautiful girls in the store. , Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head again and focused his eyes on the PSP in his hand. Li Yexing could faintly hear the familiar singing of a certain virtual singer coming from behind the counter.

On the other side, Tililith looked at the dazzling shelves, her eyes flashing with excitement, she walked slowly along the shelves as if she was looking at art, and then she fixed her gaze on a certain game behind the glass counter. on board.

The ordinary PSP is thicker and the material of the shell is different from the ordinary PSP at first glance. It presents a comfortable dark gray with a light frosted texture, and the virtual joystick has a shallow concave shape. slot, and the speaker position becomes two cute kitten claws. Tililith raised her head and looked at Li Yexing eagerly. Although she didn't speak, Li Yexing could feel that Tililith seemed to say to him: I really want to.

Rita! Li Yexing called directly to Rita, who was standing quietly at the door of the store. He pointed to the unique PSP in the glass counter and said, Tilly Qiansi wants this.

It's 9.. Rita turned her head to look at Tililith, only to see the expressionless Tililith using her eyes to frantically launch buy it for me, buy it for me, buy it for me radio waves at her and Li Yexing. Rita understands.. Smiling and nodded, Rita greeted the shop owner behind the counter, so the owner walked over quickly, he looked at Rita and said in Japanese: 'Is there anything you need me to help with? Excuse me, how is this sold? Rita smiled and pointed to the unique PSP head on the counter. Sorry, customer, this is not for sale. The shop owner smiled and shook his head: MHP3 Limited edition PSP00, this is the shop

Rita looked a little embarrassed, she turned her head to Li Yexing and said: The boss said, this is not for sale.

Hearing Rita's words, Tililith froze as if struck by lightning, and after a while, she lowered her head, looking like she was greatly wronged.

On the other side, the store owner obviously noticed the change in Tililith's mood. He looked at the depressed girl, and then said to Rita in Japanese: Excuse me, is this the girl who wants to buy the limited edition machine? That's right Rita Nodding her head, with a bit of sincerity in her tone, she said in Japanese: Can the boss be accommodating? We

You can buy it at a higher price. After a moment of hesitation, the store owner sighed, shook his head, and said in Japanese as if he was talking to himself: Forget it, the handheld is about to be replaced, it is meaningless to keep it, sell it to 1 You e, just follow the original price. Thank you very much. Seeing that the shop owner was accommodating, Rita immediately smiled and bowed slightly in Japanese. Although she could not understand Japanese, Tililith could understand Rita's expression. Straightening up, as if being shrouded by a god's light, a burst of brilliance reappeared in his eyes.

Hehe, do you like Monster Hunter? What a cute little girl. Looking at Tililith, who was full of blood and resurrected, the store owner chuckled in Japanese and wondered whether she thought Tililith was cute or she liked Monster The little girl in Hunter is cute. I chose a PSP for Tililith. Next, Li Yexing bought one for Rita, Kanan and Hitomi Kanjima. Although Rita and Hitomi Kanjima repeatedly refused, Li Yexing still decided not to discriminate, with one person in hand. In addition, he also bought a new PS3 and XB0X0. The large and small boxes were piled on the counter. Rita said something, she seemed to be in a good mood, and Rita responded with a wry smile. After paying the money, Li Yexing left the video game store with a big bag and a small bag, along with the girls.

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