What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-28. Hunk Akihabara (six)

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When the dark night completely enveloped the entire Akihabara, the bright lights illuminated the entire commercial street. After dinner, Li Yexing and the girls left the hotel and started a new trip to Akihabara in the dark. Where do you want to go next, sir? Rita asked with a smile while standing on the street. I don't care. Li Yexing shook his head and said, The main thing is to see where our little house girl wants to go. -Besides, Tililith raised her little head and thought for a while, and then said: I want to buy a hand... A figure? Kanan was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a puzzled face: What is that? The figure is just... Li Yexing just wanted to open his mouth to explain to Kanan what a figure was, but he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be able to explain this thing.

Forget it. Li Yexing waved his hand, and then you will know about Hannan Road when it arrives.

After saying that, Li Yexing turned his eyes to Hitomi Kanjima who was following behind. Thinking about it carefully, since arriving in Akihabara, Hitomi Kanjima seemed to have not spoken a word. Even though she had recovered her language ability, she was still the same as before. That silently followed behind the crowd, - without saying a word. Is it because all the people present didn't understand Japanese except Rita? Li Yexing thought for a while, then smiled at Hitomi Kanjima and said, By the way, is there any place you want to go? Yexing suddenly talked to her, Kanjima Hitomi was slightly stunned, with a little doubt in her eyes, as if she didn't quite understand what Li Yexing was saying, so Rita smiled and translated Li Yexing's words to her, after listening to Rita's words After the translation, Hitomi Kanjima waved her hand quickly, speaking Japanese. Miss Kanjima said that she doesn't care where she goes, she is very happy with everyone. Rita translated to Li Yexing, she gently moved With a smile on his face, he said, What a lovely child. Li Yexing was a little worried. He was afraid that Hitomi Kanjima would not be sincere, so he asked several times to confirm that Hitomi Kanjima really had nothing special to do In place, Li Yexing sighed faintly.

I mean, Yamato Nadeko, who has a strict family education and is proficient in kendo, how could he possibly be interested in the dead house stuff? To be honest, since the time of crossing, even he has become a little less interested in these things. Now, in my spare time, I will play games and watch anime with Tililith. So, the next task is to accompany Tililith to buy figurines, right? The shop selling figurines is in Akihabara. It seems that it is not difficult to find. There are many animation peripheral shops in this electrical street that is popular all over the world with ACG culture. After walking on the street for a long time, Li Yexing found a very large shop. Push it open The glass door, Li Yexing walked in with the girls directly, and saw that the store was full of shelves, and the shelves were stacked with all kinds of anime peripherals. Between the shelves, there were people standing in twos and threes. These shelves Most of the products on the store are cheap anime peripherals, such as themed keychains for some anime female characters, some weird necklaces, or theme colors and other things, but these are not Tiililith's trip. The target, she just glanced casually and walked towards the depths of the store. In the innermost part of the store, there was a very small elevator. Li Yexing took the girls and followed Tililith to the second floor in the elevator, and then , the whole space suddenly opened up. I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the space on the second floor seems to be much larger than that on the first floor, and what is placed on the shelves and glass cabinets on the second floor is exactly the goal of Tililith’s trip. There was excitement in her eyes, and Tililith walked up to it quickly. She stuck it in front of the glass cabinet, looking at the various figures in the glass cabinet, her mouth 1

So, this thing is a figure? On the other side, Kanan, who was standing beside Li Yexing, raised her eyebrows. She looked at the various figures in the cabinet and said to herself, Isn't this the case? Plastic villains? What's so rare.

Dui, her natural gaze turned downward, and when she saw the price tag at the foot of the plastic villain, her eyes instantly widened, as if she had been hit by a culture shock, and she said in surprise: Why is this plastic villain? It's so expensive to sell?! It's just so expensive to sell. Li Yexing said with some reluctance, thinking about his previous life, his shopping cart of a treasure was full of figurines, but he just bought it, now 00 today, With money in my pocket, the desire to buy this stuff has dropped.

Is it because the real girls around him are so cute? With his hands in his pockets, Li Yexing turned his attention to Qiandao Hitomi. He was worried that Kanjima Hitomi would be bored, but to his surprise, Kanjima Hitomi would not take these hands. She seemed to be unexpectedly interested. She looked at the various figurines in the glass counter intently, her eyes seemed to be looking at something novel, and she didn't even notice that Li Yexing was looking at her.

Speaking of which, Kanan Hitomi, the eldest lady, seems to have never touched these things. Li Yexing thought she would not like these things, but she didn't expect that she seemed to have an amazing interest in the plastic villain in Kanan's mouth. Just when Li Yexing was amazed at the scene in front of him, Tililith suddenly gently tugged at the corner of Li Yexing's clothes. Have you made your choice yet? Li Yexing asked softly, but saw Tililith shaking her head, she pointed to a figure in the glass counter and said, It's Mr. Nidi.

Li Yexing was stunned for a moment. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the figure pointed to by Tililith, only to see that it was a silver-haired man in a red shawl.

Isn't this Dante from Devil May Cry? Li Yexing couldn't help but wonder.

It's Dante, but it's very similar to Mr. Kennedy... Tililith said in a low voice, Tiliris felt as if she had seen Mr. Kennedy somewhere before, but she couldn't remember. It turned out to be here.. The small light bulb on Tililith's head turned on again, and she suddenly said: No wonder the night walks so much, I like Mr. Kennedy, it turns out that Mr. Kennedy is a magic hunter.

In Li Yexing's stunned eyes, Tililith pulled Li Yexing's clothes and asked weakly, Can Mr. Kennedy also use a big sword? Of course Mr. Kennedy can't use a big sword! 1 But Li Yexing can't. I said this to Tililith because he read - Si desire in Tililith's eyes. Of course Mr. Kennedy will use a big sword. After the battle between heaven and man, Li Yexing nodded with a drowsy face and said. , He can also change the style and the second paragraph.

Oh! The expressionless silver-haired girl exclaimed, her eyes sparkling like a star. Excuse me, Mr. Kennedy, but sacrifice yourself for the fantasies of a pure maiden. Having said that, Li Yexing had doubts in his heart. He clearly remembered that in his previous life, the series Devil May Cry was actually born out of the aborted case of Resident Evil 4. With a face, but, in this world, for some reason, the Resident Evil series did not come out, so in principle, Devil May Cry shouldn't be born, so why... In other words, if I remember correctly, the development of the Devil May Cry series seems to have started from the abandoned case of a certain game, right? In the end, Li Yexing still couldn't suppress his curiosity, so he chose Tentatively ask-ask the game pass in the office, Miss Tililith.

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