What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-29. Hunk Akihabara (seven)

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Why does Yexing know about this? Tillylith was a little curious when she heard Li Yexing's question. In her impression, Li Yexing seldom played games except to accompany herself, and opened the computer except for entrusting matters. Basically, I'm watching the news, and occasionally watching anime from 2- onwards, so she was somewhat surprised that Li Yexing would ask such a question. Nothing, I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere. Li Yexingxian said with a smile. Raising her head and thinking for a while, the expressionless silver-haired girl opened her lips lightly: The earliest Devil May Cry series was actually the abandoned case of Dinosaur Crisis 4. Li Yexing: ? Like Li Yexing's subtle expression, Tililith explained slowly: During the early development of Dino Crisis 4, drastic reforms were made, but the later chief producer Mikami Oji thought that what he made was fundamental. It's not Dinosaur Crisis. The protagonist is too powerful. Dinosaurs combine with human DNA to become monsters that can release magic. This is too magical. Therefore, the abolished case that he overturned has become today's Devil May Cry series.

It's really...the same thing. - Li Yexing, who was too shocked to speak, murmured in a low voice. Oh, that's right.. As if suddenly remembering something, the expressionless girl said faintly: Speaking of San Shang 0, he once said during the development of Dino Crisis 4 that this game will be - - it will definitely be It will be exclusively owned by Ren Otang's NGC host, otherwise he will cut his belly As a result, Dino Crisis 4 will leave the PS2, right? Li Yexing said directly. Yes. Tililith nodded and said:' Until today , Dinosaur Crisis 4 is not only not exclusively owned by NGC, but also ported to the host platform supported by all current functions, becoming a full-platform game in the true sense. The fuse was stuck. Li Yexing didn't know how to evaluate these things for a while. After a while, he said with some emotion: What is this? Is the world line coming to an end? I didn't care about Li Yexing's self-talk. , After finishing the little science, Tililith turned her attention to the figure in the glass cabinet. After a while, she pointed to a large figure in the cabinet next to her and said: ''I want this! Li Yexing Looking in the direction Tililith pointed to, there was a muscular man standing in the cabinet. He was wearing a hood and wearing a technical combat uniform. He was holding a chainsaw gun with blood stains in his hand. Full of viciousness, among the beautiful girl figures, this macho man stands out from the crowd in terms of size and shape. Best vision. Li Yexing said with sincere admiration. In the end, Tililith purchased The large figure of Marcus in Gears of War, the figure of Diablo in Diablo, the triangular head figure of Silent Hill and--a lot of them don't look like girls should like it The figure, she even bought a pair of Predator of the same style..

Of course, in the end, she didn't fall down wearing a red cloak and holding a rebellious great sword. Mr. Kennedy I'm going to put Mr. Kennedy on Yexing's desk. Tililith whispered: If Yexing misses Mr. Kennedy, just look at Mr. Kennedy's figure. If you miss him, I can give it to Mr. Kennedy. He called, I have his phone number. Li Yexing shook his head and said, and then he felt that something was not right.

I have nothing to do to think about what that guy is doing? Carrying boxes of various sizes, Li Yexing was going to go downstairs to check out. He turned around and wanted to say hello to Hitomi Kanjima, but he saw that Hitomi Kanjima was also holding one in his hand. The box, the box contains a figure of a girl wearing a JK uniform, holding a Japanese sword, and looking quite sharp. At first glance, it looks a bit like Hitomi Kanjima. Facing Li Yexing's somewhat surprised eyes, Kanjima Hitomi just blushed, and Xianxian smiled. Came downstairs with the two girls and placed boxes of various sizes on the counter. Rita, who was beside him, took out the money from her satchel like a ruthless payment machine. Just as she was about to pay, she saw Ka Nan Hong put a small pocket the size of a palm in the pile of figure boxes, she whispered: - Let's check out. Li Youxing raised his eyebrows and picked up the small pocket, only to see that it contained - All kinds of cute cartoon cat stickers. Li Yexing's expression became subtle in an instant, and that look was like seeing a thick make-up big sister wearing a widened style of pure white lace cotton panties under her skirt. Gently putting the small bag back on the counter, Li Yexing looked at Kanan with a slightly more teasing expression, he smiled and said, I didn't expect my good brother who doesn't want to wear earplugs would like this kind of thing. thing.

What do you mean?! Kanan's hair froze in an instant, she blushed and said loudly: I'm a girl anyway? Is it wrong for girls to like something cute?! Before the eyes of the people around her were all focused, Rita quickly settled the bill, pushed open the door, and left the surrounding store with everyone. I have to say that this time I visited the surrounding store to sell figurines. As expected, he didn't expect that Tililith, who was the most like the little master in the office, would buy figurines so neatly, and he also didn't expect that the women in the office who were most like a man would buy things like this rich girl. .. Hanging it like a Christmas tree again, Li Yexing floated his gaze to Kanan's body, his eyes made Kanan's hair straight, finally, Kanan couldn't bear it anymore, she frowned and said loudly: Boss, you. Is it finished yet?! Li Yexing laughed, with a look of disgusting helplessness on his face, he sighed and said, Brother. It can't be done....You bastard! Put all the stickers on your ass! Kanan said viciously. As a result, until he returned to the hotel, Kanan didn't put the stickers on Li Yexing's ass. After putting the boxes of figurines together with the luggage, the room the girls have some

Noisily, Li Yexing came to the smoking area at the end of the hotel corridor alone. The lights were bright and the windows were slightly open. Li Yexing stood by the window, leaning against the windowsill, letting the cool breeze at night really blow on him. On his face, he quietly looked at the street below. The street was brightly lit, full of traffic, and pedestrians were taking pictures. Speaking of which, he hasn't felt the light of civilization for five years since he crossed over. It won't be long before he will follow his girls to leave the world of civilization and return to a place outside the law. For a moment, he was nostalgic for this beautiful world. After a while, Li Yexing lit a cigarette. He quietly buried the little extravagance in his heart. He knew that the girls around him couldn't live in a civilized world for a long time. After all, they were not human, except here. , there is no place for them in this world, this is not only love, but also responsibility

Throwing the cigarette butts into the trash can, Li Yexing was just about to renew one, when he heard messy footsteps behind him, turned his head, and saw Tililith Rita, Kanan and Hitomi Kanjima walking towards him under the corridor lights. Come by yourself. Seeing Li Yexing holding an unlit cigarette in her hand, Kanan walked up in three steps and two steps. She frowned and said, You bastard, why don't you call me a smoker? You really don't have to do it as a brother? As she said that, she put her hand into Li Yexing's trouser pocket, took out half a pack of cigarettes, and poured one out for herself. Li Yexing lit a lighter. Just as she was about to light a cigarette for the two of them, Kanan reached out and stopped him. he. Miss Underworld is looking for you. With a cheerful smile on his face, Kanan stepped aside, revealing Hitomi Kanjima who was standing between Tililith and Rita behind her. She lowered her head and blushed. Just like a girl in a Japanese anime who wants to confess. Sir, Miss Kanjima said she has something for you. Rita, who was standing beside - smiled at Li Yexing. Is there something for me? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes to Kanji. Shima Hitomi, there is a trace of exploration in his eyes. After some hesitation, Hitomi Kanjima said something in a low voice, she put her hand into the pocket of her jacket, took out a small bag, opened the bag and took it out carefully. - A silver necklace, hanging on the necklace - a small silver ring with small inscriptions. Miss Kanjima said that they were bought from a roadside stall before. Although it was not expensive, she felt very It's suitable for Mr. With a smile of harmony on her face, Rita translated softly. She held the necklace in her delicate hands, Hitomi Kanjima raised her head, and her eyes with a light mist stared at Li Yexing quietly, and Li Yexing immediately Reluctantly, she leaned over to Kanjima Hitomi and stretched out her hand, gently hanging the necklace around Li Yexing's neck. Holding the ring on her hand, Li Yexing smiled and said to Kanjima Hitomi: It's beautiful, I like it very much. Although her English level was poor, Hitomi Kanjima could probably understand at this level, so she smiled happily, like a cherry blossom at the end of March in Long Ye. Okay, okay, lit the cigarette! Seeing that Li Yexing had put on the necklace, Kanan immediately came up. She and Li Youxing put the cigarettes in their mouths at the same time and then tacitly put them on the lighter flame. They lit the cigarette together, while on the other side, Rita smiled and bowed slightly: Sir, the plane ticket to R country has been booked, and when we arrive in Moscow, Mr. Agor's acquaintance will arrange for us to return to Idonia. Rita can handle these matters by herself. Li Yexing shook his head with a smile and said, I don't worry about your work. No problem, sir. Rita said with a smile. On the other side, Tililith stepped forward and gently tugged at the corner of Li Yexing's clothes. She held up the limited edition PSP in her hand, and said expressionlessly: Yixing, God Eater: Break, - start the wasteland Okay, - start the prosperity.. Li Yexing smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed Cao Ti Lilith's head, he raised his head and looked at him with love hidden in his eyes. Girls, all the entanglements in your heart are instantly put down. A lifetime away from civilization. Staying in the illegal zone with their girls seems to be fine.. He and Kananqi finished smoking, and the two threw the cigarette butts into the trash can. Then, Li Yexing followed the girls and walked to his room with a smile. go. He didn't notice a kitten sticker on his ass at all.. .Mission.Extra.4.5-End..

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