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Slap! The big hairy hand slapped his arm fiercely, the bald fat middle-aged white man frowned, and he violently flicked the mosquito corpse on his arm, and then wiped the blood from his arm on his trousers. With a bit of annoyance and irritability, he set down the simple hammock, but was unwilling to leave the shadow under the tent. Beyond the shadow, there was white sand and gravel, and this land was madly absorbing the sunlight from the sun. light, and then radiates terrifying heat enough to fry an egg. No, maybe not, but it's enough to fry a fat man. So why should I follow that bastard Frank to this fucking place? Watching a group of mud-legged digging mountains? Wiping the sweat on his forehead, the bald fat man said to himself a little irritably. The fat bald man's name is Rube Palak, a down-to-earth native of country A, for a family called He has a chubby wife like him and a son who is as strong as a buffalo and loves drugs. In order to support this happy family, he has to leave his full family with his boss. It's the smell of stinky socks, and he came to this shitty island near the Caribbean Sea. The reason why he stayed on this damn island was because his boss was messing with a woman named Alex. When they got together, the woman claimed that she knew about a very secret rare earth mine and brought soil samples, hoping to cooperate with Paradise Mining. After signing the contract, in order to prevent the news from being known by those big business colleagues, They sneaked to the island with only a few people. After all, they didn't even know the size of the mine, in other words, they weren't even sure if there was a mine, so Frank said it wasn't necessary With a lot of people and large-scale mining equipment, the first task at present is to confirm the location and scale of the deposits on the island. After arriving on the island, because there is no suitable mining equipment, I use the monster named Alex. The woman suggested that Frank, a native of the village on the island, could be hired at a low price and thought about it for a while, and she agreed. So the situation has become like this. To be honest, Zengbo regrets it a little, not only because of this damn place. Dirty, hot, and most importantly, Ruburt felt more and more strange about it.

The employees of Paradise Mining, Flac did not bring a few, but when this guy got on the ship, he actually brought a group of unidentified militants! Those guys wore strange helmets that looked like gas masks on their heads, and they were wearing Black body armor and gray combat uniforms, with unrecognizable automatic rifles in their hands, they don't look like mercenaries at all, but more like regular soldiers, plus the look of seldom speaking, makes them Ruburt thought these guys were very rash. Zenber suspected that Frank's bastard must know something. Maybe the so-called rare earth mines buried on this island are not at all. God knows what they want to dig. Just when Gao Bo was about to go to pee and then continued to lie down, the walkie-talkie on the table suddenly rang, with a fidgety expression on his face, Lu Bo grabbed the walkie-talkie and said, This is Bo Bo, what's the matter? After a rustling sound , a young man's voice came from the opposite side of the walkie-talkie, and he said in a somewhat inexplicable tone: Mr. Gauber, please tell Mr. Frank that they have dug... Hearing the words on the walkie-talkie, Ruber slightly - - stunned, and then said: Those mud legs have dug rare earths? No, Mr. Ruburt. The man opposite the walkie-talkie hesitated: Anyway, I think you and Mr. Frank should come and see in person--next Better, I don't know what we've dug up. Okay, I get it, the girl's bastard.. Ruburt cursed and hung up the walkie-talkie. He stepped out of the tent in the heat and saw all around him. It is a large account of wealth, and on the other side is the village on the island. This village is quite large and the area is not small. It is said that the people in the village have lived on the island for generations, basically relying on fishing for a living, and their life is very closed. Until the last century, a group of foreign rich people lived on the island. A clinic was opened, roads were built, and a signal tower was built, and the villagers on the island really began to understand what was going on outside. But Rubur didn't care about the life of these mud-legged people at all. In order to avoid the sun, he subconsciously increased his speed, and after walking a few steps, he got into another tent, a middle-aged man with blond hair in Japanese clothes. I was looking at the map on the table attentively. The map was provided by the locals. Although it is not very accurate, it still has a certain reference value. Frank. Interrupting Frank's thinking, Bo Bo said solemnly: Pete said that the locals dug up something. Rare earth? Frank didn't look up, just raised his eyebrows slightly. No... Ruburt shook his head and said: Pete doesn't know what they dug up either. After listening to Ruburt's words, Frank raised his head, there was no surprise on his face, as if everything was in his plan, He rolled up the map together with the pen and paper on the corner of the table, put on the sunglasses hanging on his chest, and lit a cigarette for himself. After all this was done, he waved to Rubeus: Let's go see. Don't we have to look for that woman named Alex? Gabe asked. It's not necessary. Frank shook his head. Accompanied by the creaking sound, slowly advancing towards the mine pit on the mountain

Looking at the driver through the rearview mirror to confirm that he did not pay attention to the back seat, Ruburt slowly leaned towards Frank, he whispered: ' 'Frank, to be honest, I don't think that woman Alex can be trusted. The stench of heavy sweat poured into his nose, and Frank frowned subconsciously, and this expression made Chambers mistakenly believe that Frank was determined to trust Alex, so he got closer and said nervously: Frank, I know you're in a rush to get rich, but think about it, since we got here, that woman doesn't care about mines at all

As for the mining progress on the other side of the pit, she was running around in the mud every day, asking questions, like a reporter who wanted to photograph the president's mistress..

I can hear you talking, there's no need to get that close. Frank frowned, he reached out and pushed Ruburt away, and said, Whatever calculus the woman plays, it doesn't matter to us. Because you brought a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition? Gao Bo wondered: 'I haven't figured it out yet, why did you bring such a group of people? You must know that we didn't even ship the mining equipment, who are they? who?

After a while, Frank said, Security contractor. Well, do as you like... Ruburt scratched his head, then leaned back in his chair and said, I hope you understand what you're doing, after all, you'll always be The smartest among us... The tattered car slowly drove up the winding road. It didn't take long for the pedestrians on the road to gradually increase. Holding a pickaxe and a shovel, he hid under a tree by the roadside to rest, looking at the little broken car with a hint of vigilance in his eyes. When they got there, they pushed open the car door, and as soon as Ruber and Frank got out of the car, a young man with brown hair greeted him, with a bit of worry on his brow, and Q said: You are finally here, Mr. Frank, you I have to see, I don't know what we dug up. Speaking, Pete turned his head and took Frank and Rubeus along the bare mountain road, past the local people who helped dig the ground, and came to the bottom of the mine. Only I can see that there is a hollow under the mine. The opening is only the size of a washbasin. But it is enough to prove that the underside of the mine is hollow. My God, this shouldn't be a tomb or something. Rubur frowned and said: Are we here to mine or hunt for treasure? We've dropped flares, and the depth should be no more than five meters. Pete whispered beside him: We dare not make further decisions, you see Let's see what to do next?' Looking at the hole at the bottom of the mine, Frank said coldly: 'Dig it. Through the sunglasses, no one could see the expression on his face.

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