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By the way, I don't seem to have seen you for a while, what have you been busy with recently? Li Yexing just stepped into the bar, and the bartender sitting at the counter asked curiously. It's not busy, just to deal with it. Some things. Sitting casually in front of the counter, Li Yexing tapped the counter with his fingers lightly, and then said, Three bottles of craft beer Bokendi, I'll have an appetizer first. This is not up to the bartender. The man Hanging the dead fish eye, he waved his hand, turned his head to the small waiter beside him and said, Jiang, go get three bottles of oak barrels.

Okay.. There was a neutral voice in his ear, the waiter in a small skirt and ponytail stood up, he walked quickly into the warehouse, and came out with a case of beer after a while. He gently placed the box on the ground beside the counter, then took out three bottles of Bokendi, which opened in front of Li Yexing. Looking at the respectful little waiter beside him, and then looking at the red-haired drunk woman lying on the counter, wearing a white vest and scolding in a low voice, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said to the little waiter: Have you quarreled with her again? There's no quarrel, it's just a little quarrel. The little waiter said helplessly: 'You know, Puglis is like this, she was so excited a second ago that she was about to ascend to heaven , the next second, she suddenly looked like she was about to die, and the most terrible thing was that she had to drink whether she was excited or depressed. Speaking of this, the little waiter scratched his head irritably and said, Really , I said that I would not have an affair with Anna, and I even wore a dress for her, why can't I coax her? I believe in this. The dead fish-eyed bartender nodded and said: After all, Ana has always been your face in front of Puglis...

You're annoying me. The little waiter took out six bottles of beer from the box and placed them on the counter, saying, 'I also drink, Minors can't drink. The dead fish-eyed bartender smiled. Said. Your underage waiter is being beaten to death every day by two astringent big sisters! Opening the bottle cap, the little waiter raised his neck and said ton, ton, ton - after the whole bottle, he said He wiped the beer foam on the corner of his mouth and said bitterly: This is workplace bullying! No wonder your bar always has no customers. Looking at the scenes that seemed to be playing tricks in front of him, Li Yexing suddenly felt inexplicable. Happy, he lit a cigarette, then smiled at the bartender and the waiter and said: You know, most of the Loples can't stand your Big Bang Theory-like family fun

It doesn't matter if they like it or not. The bartender waved his hand casually and said, Tell me about you, Li, what have you been doing these days? Wow, question me? Li Yexing tilted his head and chuckled, This is What do your supervisors mean? Of course not, it's just my own curiosity.. The bartender shrugged and said: You must know, our side is just an outpost set up by the supervisor to facilitate the connection with you, not for you and The watchtower of your wives. Well, since you sell me 50% off all your drinks, it's not that I can't talk to you. After a moment of silence, Li Yexing cleared his throat and said solemnly. : Remember when my house was demolished at the beginning of this year? It's a little bit in the ear... The bartender nodded and said, So what about F?

His mistress was ripped off and drowned in his toilet! With that, Li Yexing took a swig of beer, pushed the empty bottle aside, and wiped

Wiping the corners of his mouth, he said: - a small gang out of town that doesn't believe in that, brought in - a group of colleagues who don't believe in evil want to fuck me, I really never expected this... As expected of you, you can be bad-tempered. Li Yexing's personality that must be reported, the bartender commented. By the way, Yexing.. - Beside, drinking too quickly, some of the little waiters on the top looked at Li Yexing with an inescapable melancholy in their eyes , He said helplessly: Brother Yexing, can you teach me how to coax a woman? Li Yexing was stunned by the little waiter's words. On the other side, the little waiter said to himself as if he had opened a chat box: I am so envious of Yexing brother, there are so many women around, but he seems to be able to do it with ease. There are only two by my side, so I start to jump around here. It's 9. Li Yexing didn't know what to say to the little waiter, so he opened the next bottle of wine. To put it simply, this bar is not just a bar, standing behind this bar is a black man. e Umbrella's European branch is a giant, and the bar itself is Black Umbrella's outpost in Loples. The director named Casimir said that he hopes to cooperate with Li Yexing in various aspects in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an outpost that facilitates communication. F is, after returning to Loples from Japan, Li Yehang immediately followed the address provided by Casimir and found the so-called outpost. He never expected that the so-called outpost was The outpost turned out to be a bar operated and supplied by Black Umbrella. Li Yexing suddenly felt that the style of this Casimir director's painting seemed to be different from the villains he had in mind who were smashed to death by elevators. It's the same. With a bit of vigilance, Li Ye walked into this bar run by the work unit of my father-in-law's family, and then he found that the bar was different from what he imagined. There was no B0w hidden in the wine cellar. The waiter did not wear Daxiang Bai, what's surprising here is just a bar. The most important thing is that this bar sells all his wine.

Fold! So, after going back and forth, Li Yexing got acquainted with the group of people in the bar. The dead fish-eye bartender who looked super unmotivated was named Fuming Fisher, who was from country A and was said to have served in Delta. As for The little waiter in a small skirt and a single ponytail, his name is De Xueyang, Tianchao\\, underage, and the hottest thing is that this guy is actually a boy! And he also has a-Zhang Neng Let the woman get wet on the spot

The face is an out-and-out red-faced beautiful boy!

She is Jiang Xueyang's girlfriend. It is said that Jiang Xueyang is at least five years old. Although she is a rare beauty, she seems to have some kind of mental problem. Her emotions are always sliding back and forth between extreme mania and high-pitchedness and extreme depression and depression. This made Jiang Xueyang suffer. In addition to her, there was a big blond girl named Anna Sanders, whose position was tentatively regarded as a drink holder, but after everyone knew that it was a drink holder, no guests would invite her again. I drank, and since then, the woman's attendance has become a state between touching and not touching, no, she didn't come today

Speaking of which. Where's your boss? Suddenly, Li Yexing noticed that there seemed to be no one in the tavern today.

Boss? He's stocking up... The dead fish-eye bartender Fischer - while wiping the glass in his hand - replied. Yes.. Li Yexing thought about it, drank the wine in his hand and stood up body, walk straight out. Brother Yexing is leaving? Jiang Xueyang, who was a little dizzy, asked drunkenly on the counter. Li Yexing waved his hand and said nothing.

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