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On the day he left the office, the person who came to pick him up was the owner of the frantic tavern, the little belly uncle who saw the dragon in sight. He rolled the car window and looked at the four beautiful girls standing neatly in front of the office. The boss had a weird smile on his face. He turned his head to Li Yexing with a big backpack and said, Yanfu is not shallow. .

Come on. He threw the big backpack on the back seat, Li Yexing turned his head, looked at his girls, and said helplessly: You guys too, there's no need to give it to me, just say it, just go for a cutscene. Sir, be careful when you get there, Rita said softly with a worried expression on her face. Pay attention to checking your weapons and equipment, remember to ensure smooth communication at all times, and the Caribbean Sea is in the tropics, and there is an anti-mosquito spray in the back of the backpack. .

Okay, okay, Li Yexing got into the car, closed the door, and said to Rita: 'The office will be handed over to you during my absence, take care of Nan, and let her drink less alcohol, Don't let her fight with the locals in the Agor Tavern, if she kills one, the Italians will get the hang of it

Hey! What do you mean?! Kanan couldn't help shouting loudly: 0N0, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, where are you from, father?! Hurry up and get out of the car and watch the annoyance! Tililith did not speak , just stood there watching quietly, but Hitomi Kanjima in a white kimono looked like she had something to say. She struggled for a long time, but couldn't organize a decent English vocabulary in her mind. After a long time, Yamato Nadeshiko blushed and whispered shyly, Kill them all. I won't kill them all, I heard that the local people are kind... Li Yexing shook his head, smiled and said to the girls outside the car window, see you in a few days. After that, he patted the front seat lightly and said to the owner of the frantic bar: Let's go. With the sound of the engine, the car slowly moved, and then it got further and further away from Li Yexing's office. , Li Yexing turned his head and saw the self through the rear window.

The girls of 2 are still standing there watching themselves.

Li Yexing didn't speak, just put his hand out of the car window and made an OK gesture. The car turned the corner, and his girls could no longer be seen on the rear window, so Li Yexing turned his head, sighed slightly, and said in a low voice, Suddenly a little reluctant to sit. It's really enviable The bar owner in the front seat said with a smile: In the early years, I also hoped to have a family of my own, but then forget it.

As if recalling something, the tavern owner's face showed a hint of helplessness, and he followed the rearview mirror into Li Yexing's eyes.

Oh. With a bit of ridicule, the tavern owner smiled and said, UsS, have you heard of it?

Hearing the tavern owner's words, Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then said in surprise: Umbrella's quick response security forces?! You even know this? The troop is only for the same internal service, how did you know this number? My previous boss was a UBCS, who used to work at Umbrella's Paris headquarters. As for the tavern owner's question, Li Yexing chose to move out the owner who had been buried in the ground. Umbrella Resident Evil Emergency Response Team is no wonder. The tavern owner nodded and said, It seems that guy is from the Umbrella era just like me. What's up with your boss recently?

It's buried in the ground. Seven years ago, someone shot him through the head. Li Yexing sighed: Seriously, he's a great man, and his influence on me

Is that right? the tavern owner whispered, with a hint of heaviness in his words. The car fell into silence, except for the sound of the engine. After a while, Li Yexing couldn't help but open his mouth: Speaking of the boss, since you are here The USS has served, so have you heard of 'Hank? The tavern owner's facial muscles twitched slightly. Not noticing the abnormality of the tavern owner, Li Yexing said to himself: ''I heard my boss say that the USS card, the famous god of death Hank was trained on Rockford Island, the home base of the Ashford family, and is known as no matter what How difficult the task of terror division can be completed, in the hellish raccoon city on earth

He's a fart legend! the tavern owner holding the steering wheel couldn't help cursing.

Looks like you know him. As an old fan of the Resident Evil series, there was a trace of excitement and curiosity in Li Yexing's eyes, and he couldn't help but say, Can you tell me about him?

Nothing to say! With an inexplicable emotion on his face, the owner of the tavern said bitterly: He is a selfish bastard, he watched his teammates go to death but did nothing! Looking at the reaction of the tavern owner , Li Yexing probably understands that the tavern owner probably participated in the mission with the god of death Hank when he was young. As a result, his teammates died tragically during the mission, which caused the old man to have some prejudice against Hank. Since this is a sad thing for others, Not to mention that, Li Yexing resolutely chose to shut up and continued the journey. It would be very boring. Li Yexing and the owner of the tavern chatted with each other. Most of the tavern owners were doing homework. speak from behind

Guess is a bipolar disorder, and when he gets sick, he drinks more than the guests. As for the wine to Anna, she is a slut who is keen to fuck Pugliese's boyfriend.

During the period, Li Yexing deliberately slammed the information about the black Umbrella, but in addition to confirming that the staff of the mad tavern except the boss are all

Except for the freaks kicked out by the security department of each branch, no useful information was obtained. In this way, after a long drive, the tavern owner finally drove Li Yexing to the designated connection point.

The place where the black Umbrella joins is a life

The open space is full of weeds, tents are still standing next to the open space, and several helicopters without any signs are parked in the open space.

With the sound of the brakes, the car stopped, and a black Umbrella security department member with a gun immediately ran over. The tavern owner rolled the car window and showed him a card, and the member of the security department immediately stood up straight. He saluted the owner of the tavern with a military salute, and this scene just fell into Li Yexing's eyes.

It seems that the owner of this tavern is quite a formidable guy. From the driver's seat, the owner of the tavern warned the security force member a few more times. The security force member raised his head and looked at Li Yexing, who was sitting in the back seat. Then nodded.

Okay, get out of the car, my mission is over, the rest of the way is up to you. The owner of the tavern turned his head to Li Yexing Road. Hearing the words of the tavern owner, Li Yexing directly pushed open the back door of the car After getting out of the car, he reached out and pulled out his big backpack. Just as he was about to say goodbye to the owner of the tavern, a young girl's voice suddenly came from behind him. Why are you here! Pig!

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