What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-7. The first time the macho meets his sister-in-law

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Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then turned his head following the voice, and saw a short girl standing behind him. The girl has a delicate and lovely baby face, her soft blonde hair is pulled into two long ponytails and hangs down from the back, she frowns slightly, her left eye is covered by a black Umbrella Log blindfold, and the pupil Her ruby-colored right eye hides a faint scorpion. She is fair-skinned, wearing a black Umbrella's standard black combat uniform, carrying a HK.416 full of accessories, a black body armor. She was covered with magazines, with black waterproof wooden boots on her feet, and behind her, she was carrying an oversized silver-white metal box like a coffin, a girl like a doll, let Li Yexing thought of Tililith. At this moment, this pretty girl was raising her eyebrows. With a displeased expression, she skipped over Li Yexing who had just got off the car, and pointed directly to the owner of the pavilion sitting in the driver's seat. She said loudly: What about you! Pig

He sighed indistinctly, the tavern owner didn't get out of the car, he just gave a military salute to the blond girl in the car window, and said, Sorry, Commander-in-chief, because of some force majeure, we were delayed on the way - a little time. Hmph, sure enough, pigs are pigs, and they can't even handle such trivial matters. The blond girl pinched her waist and turned her head, her mood seemed to have improved a lot. Yes, Commander. The tavern owner nodded with a gloomy expression. After teaching the tavern owner, the blond girl turned her attention to Li Yexing. She stared at Li Yexing's face as if she was thinking. What, just when Li Yexing couldn't help but want to say something, the girl's expression suddenly became like seeing a ghost, she pointed at Li Yexing and said loudly: Ah! I remember you! You were kidnapped. Big sister's perverted and passionate madness! On Li Yexing's side, the girl's face quickly turned red, not just because she was shy, I saw her first stammered: ...you.. this big... Immediately afterwards, a burst of white air suddenly appeared from her head, and then the girl suddenly stomped her feet angrily, stomping her feet while saying: Damn humans! Damn humans! Looking at the irritable blond girl, Li Yexing scratched his head. Scratching his head, he turned his head to the tavern owner in the driver's seat and whispered, You called this thing the commander-in-chief just now? Although it's a pity, this kid is indeed the commander-in-chief of the frantic bar. The tavern owner ordered Nodding, he whispered: As for whether she is the commander-in-chief of your operation, I don't know very well. Let her command the operation? Li Yexing frowned and said, Why do I think her head is a little abnormal?

I have no intention of commenting on our commander-in-chief... The tavern owner shook his head, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face, and after a few seconds, he whispered: But you don't have to worry too much, after all, if it is there A supervisor's subordinates work, and it doesn't matter who commands the battle.. On the other side, the girl finally recovered from the state of berserk. She blushed and gasped lightly, just like that, she was dead. Staring at Li Yexing like a puppy ready to pounce at any time. Then, I'll withdraw first, Commander-in-Chief. The tavern owner in the driver's seat gave the girl a military salute. Go away! Pig! The blond girl gritted her teeth and said fiercely, but she did not intend to take her eyes off Li Yexing's body at all. The bar owner just shrugged and drove away, leaving only Li Yexing and Li Yexing. The blond girl who looked a little manic looked at each other. You are the mercenary Li Yexing of Loples, am I right? After a while, the blond girl looked bad. It's me Li Yexing Feeling a little inexplicable, he nodded and said: 'You are the commander of this operation?' Yes, it's my lord! The girl nodded and said. Li Yexing thought for a while, and extended his hand to the girl Then we.. happy to work together?

The blond girl lowered her head, looked at Li Yexing's hand that was reaching out to her, and then suddenly froze. Then, as if thinking of something, her face instantly flushed red, and then she slapped her in a row. Li Yexing stretched out to her hand and said angrily: 'Don't touch me! You stupid and dirty human! A perverted and astringent madman who specializes in BOW! The blue veins were faintly bursting on the sixth day of the sun, and Li Yexing's face appeared With an elegant and easy-going smile, he suddenly took action, grabbed the blond girl by the collar, and pulled the girl into his arms amid the girl's exclamations. The two fists clenched instantly, tightly sandwiched between them. The girl turned her head on both sides, and Li Yexing frantically squeezed the girl's temples on both sides with his joints like an electric drill--Bian said ferociously: Little rich brat, do you think I dare not take care of you, um Ahhhh! Don't! My lord is going to be raped by BOW's savage hunter!! The girl who was punished by Li Yexing waved her hands indiscriminately and screamed loudly.

Hearing the girl's screams, Li Youxing subconsciously stopped the movements of his hands, raised his head, and saw all the busy black Umbrella staff and security staff in the surrounding open space focusing on himself and the other There was an inexplicable color in the girl's eyes. Very happy? What are you looking at?! The little commander, who was violently dancing in the night, yelled: Kill all of you! Kill all! Kill, kill, kill!

The people around Black Umbrella immediately bowed their heads and resumed their intense work. Looking at this scene, Li Yexing suddenly felt a little funny, and it was not the same as the serious and serious conspiracy he imagined. The black Umbrella seems to be very harmonious? Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Li Yexing Suddenly, a huge force came from his arms, the girl stubbornly broke free from his arms, she shook her double ponytail with a gloomy face, and then turned to Li

Nocturne: Don't be too presumptuous, human. Well, what you say is what you say, after all, you are the employer... shrugging, Li Yexing shook his head helplessly, he already had some guesses about the girl's identity.

Throwing the big backpack on the ground and putting the equipment on him one by one, Li Yexing casually asked the girl, By the way, what's your name. T. Tilizhian - The blonde girl next to him whispered Are you the sister of Tililith? Li Yexing asked after installing the holographic scope on the AR-15 - while aiming at the flying birds in the distance -

That's right, I'm the sister of the elder sister! Said her elder sister, the girl named Tilly Hean finally had a happy face, but this joy immediately turned into a tense talk, She asked Li Yexing in a low voice, 'Have the perverted elder sister mentioned me in private? How could Tillyris have mentioned you? Are you thinking about shit? Ah, I mentioned it. Li Yexing points She nodded and said, Sister, what did she say to me? The girl asked quickly, looking at Li Yexing with a hint of anticipation and urgency in her eyes. After finishing the equipment, Li Yexing put on his backpack and held up his gun. , turned his head to look at Ti Lilian and said: Ti Lilith said that you... It's a pity.

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