What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-8. The macho father-in-law sells his daughter online

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After packing everything up, everyone boarded the helicopter. This trip was different from what Li Yexing had imagined. The helicopter first arrived at the airport with him, Tililian and the security forces, and then some of the security forces stayed behind, while Li Yexing and the rest flew by transport planes. They went to a small island controlled by Black Umbrella, and then they changed to a helicopter on the island, and the new security department boarded the team before they went to their final destination. With the dusk, the helicopter flew to the target island with a roar. In the helicopter, Ti Lili sat quietly in the seat next to her, and the opposite side was full of members of the security department. Unlike the previous noise, she sat there quietly, as if thinking about something, and after a while. , she surreptitiously shifted her gaze to Li Yexing who was sitting beside her. It was different from what Tillylian had imagined. During the whole trip, Li Yexing didn't say a word to her. Except for the necessary communication with the people around him, the man sat there without saying a word, and his face was filled with disapproval. Chusibo's expression changed. He occasionally looked at the relevant information about the mission goal saved on his mobile phone. When he was hungry, he took out a box of dry talk from his backpack and ate alone. Seemingly aware of her gaze, Li Yexing turned his head and handed the lecturer in his hand to Tililian. After a moment of hesitation, Tililith reached out and took it. She picked up a piece of the sandwich and stuffed it into her mouth. Immediately, the aroma of the dried fruit and the sweetness of the fruit filled her mouth. Delicious, much tastier than nutritional notes.

Is my elder sister eating something like this every day? No wonder my elder sister is reluctant to go back with me. This hateful man, he must have a bad intention to give himself something delicious. He wants to do everything to his elder sister. Do it on her body, but Lord T-lian will not succumb to cravings! However, Casimir's father doesn't seem to think so.. The blonde girl recalled the episode that happened before departure, and has been kept by herself. 2. The respected father Casimir secretly brought her into the office and said that there was a secret task to be handed over to her. Just as she was waiting with great anticipation for her father to release the task, father Casimir turned his head and said, Seriously, he said to her: When you get to the island, you can find a chance to have a shot with your brother-in-law. Come on... She tilted her head, calmly analyzed it for a moment, and suddenly said: This is Does this operation need heavy fire support? It's okay, I can handle it myself without that filthy human! .No no, naive! Papa Casimir shook his head violently, then frenzied on his face Tillin's expression gathered up and said, That's it! Tail! Mating! Mating! Breeding behavior! Do you understand? In an instant, Tillin only felt that his smart head was about to be crushed by the huge amount of information. , she just widened her eyes and said: Casimir's father wants me to have sex with that filthy person... That's right! Casimir's father nodded excitedly and said, It's very simple, right? It's very easy. It's pleasant, right? No no no, Dad Casimir, this is not right... Tillin shook her head violently, the two ponytails behind her back swayed gently. She panicked, Isn't this strange Why do I want to be with that guy.. To heal your eyes! Casimir's father said: 'Don't you want to heal your eyes? Fingers brushed the blindfold covering the left eye, the blonde girl A flash in her heart - Si hesitated, and after a while, she still shook her head and said: This is so strange, Daddy Casimir, why can you cure your eyes by doing it with that guy? Also, shouldn't we take my sister with us? Are you coming back? But you look like... as if you want me too. Silly child, how happy your sister is over there! She doesn't want to come back! Casimir's father said earnestly: ' I am a kind father who loves his children deeply, so as long as you can be happy, even if you become a lonely old man, I am willing! What about the task? What about the task? The girl asked hurriedly. What do you think you are going to take the stupid pigs from the security department? Casimir's father said: Let them do all the dirty work, and your task is to find a place to squeeze your brother-in-law out of every drop left. But... Mama Angelica said, men are dirty, filthy, and in the toilet. Tillini wanted to say something else, but Casimir's father interrupted her roughly, the man Heartbroken: Daughter, how can you listen to that woman? That vicious woman, the one who wants to keep her lovely daughter forever. The woman chained to her, the woman who doesn't want to let go for her daughter's happiness, the stupid lace-edged woman who eats a lot of research money every year! That. Looking at the increasingly excited Casimir's father, Tilin Can't help saying: Don't scold, don't scold, Mama Angelica will hear it..

Of course I know she can hear it! Casimir's father took out a fingernail-sized bug from under the corner of the table with a ferocious look, and then roared at the bug: I know you are listening, and now I will do it right away. What) room! - A few minutes later, a blond woman with pale complexion and dark circles pushed open the door of the room and entered the room. She took off Bai Dafu and hung it beside - and said quietly: Mr. The way you call me every time is so ingenious. Stop talking nonsense, Xin woman! He waved his hand impatiently, and Casimir said coldly, Quickly persuade your precious daughter, she is already five years old. , it's time to talk about marriage, I decided to marry her to the legendary man, the man who walked out of the hell of blood and fire, the legendary mercenary Li Yexing, do you have any opinion?

Sisters are all married to one man, isn't it a bit contrary to human 1e? Angelica's mother said with a blank face. Humanity is for human beings! This child is not human at all! Dad Casimir

Dad was excited. Angelica's mother thought for a while and then showed the same excited expression, That's right. Just like that, in the dark little room, the helpless blond girl had a look of despair in her eyes, and she looked at her grown-up and arranged it in a few words. own future..

By the way, your name will be llin from today. Your name is Tililian. You have to have something your sister has, understand? Before leaving, Casimir's father told the confused The blonde girl said. So, the girl who changed her name to Tililian, in order to carry out the task of stealing food from Casimir's father, got on the plane with the man who was hated by the gods. The nasty guy who took away her sister Just when Ti Lilian couldn't help scratching her head and whispering to herself, the driver's voice came from the communicator, and he said loudly: 'I saw the target. Hear this At the moment of the sound, Li Yexing opened his eyes, and at the same time, Ti Lilian was keenly aware that the aura on the man seemed to have changed, as if a statue had come to life. With the roar of the helicopter, the helicopter Gradually sailing into the sky above the island, Li Yexing looked out the window and saw that after the beach, the island was full of large forests, and among the trees, a wonderful luminous object dragged white smoke with tail flames. With the sound of Chi Chi flying towards the helicopter, Li Yexing's pupils instantly shrank.

With an explosion, the helicopter without any sign of power in the air dragged flames and thick smoke and flew directly towards the other side of the mountain. Seeing that the helicopter was hit, the man wearing a body armor and carrying M4A1 put it down. With the Stinger missile on his shoulder, he turned his head and said with a smile: It's not rare to see it, No matter how strong it is, it's impossible to withstand this kind of explosion. - Sitting next to a big tree, wearing bulletproof clothes Clothes, wearing sunglasses, holding the cigarette butt that spit the FAL man out of his mouth, he said coldly, After all, he's just a human being So, it's not good to offend anyone, but to offend us Bw.. Wearing a peaked cap The blonde woman was debugging the AR-15 in her hands and sneered, Mud legs should stay in the mud pit and eat mud. The outside world is far from being as simple as you think.. The man sitting by the big tree. Standing up, he patted the tree beside him and said: Let's go, get things done. A few seconds later, a man in green camouflage clothes with oil paint on his face jumped off the tree with a SVD on his back. A few people, walking towards the other side of the mountain.

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