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In a trance, there was a crackling sound in the ear, and the cold raindrops hit the face drop by drop, and then gradually became denser, consciousness returned to the body, severe pain came from the abdomen, Li Yexing gently He hooked his fingers, and after making sure he could still move, he slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a blur of darkness. Raindrops on the ground and trees around. In the darkness, Li Yexing incense his back, very good, his backpack seems to be still there. Li Yexing gritted his teeth, moved his limbs desperately, accompanied by bursts of heat, Li Yexing forced his body up, and then Sitting up, he frowned and lowered his head, only to see a sharp black shard pierced into his abdomen. Li Yexing did not speak, he first pulled out his pistol to calmly observe his surroundings, and at the same time desperately moved towards the bushes beside him. Moving his body until the bushes blocked his figure, he removed the backpack behind him and took out a small amount of alcohol and a roll of gauze, as well as medical tape, needle and thread, and first aid spray. First, try a small amount of alcohol to wash your hands quickly, soak the gauze in the alcohol and then take it out immediately, and then pour a part on the needle thread. With the blood splashing, Li Yexing couldn't help but snorted. He rudely opened the wound with his fingers and poured all the remaining alcohol into it. Even if the pain made his eyes red, he didn't stop, biting. Tooth, he simply sutured his wound in the dim light, sprayed first aid spray on the wound, and then quickly folded the sterile gauze and pressed it on the wound and fixed it with medical tape.

After doing all this, Li Yexing leaned against the tree and breathed lightly. The first aid spray quickly eased the pain of the wound. It didn't take long for him to feel that his physical strength slowly returned to his body. After his physical condition was stable, he immediately checked Now - the condition of the lower body, the abdomen is injured but no internal organs are injured, the backpack is still there but the AR-15 and communication equipment are missing, the magazines on the body are also less than half, and the only thing that can be used on the body is a pistol and a dagger. Damn it! Li Yexing gritted his teeth and propped himself up, looking around for the wreckage of the helicopter, trying to get something useful from it, but there were only dense trees around him. At this moment, it was dark and it was still raining. Li Yexing couldn't even identify his specific location. More importantly, he clearly remembered that their helicopter was shot down! That is to say, there are hostile forces on this island! They will be simple and hospitable locals Is it? Li Yexing frowned, carefully searching for clues, and finally, behind the woods, he saw faint black smoke, which seemed to be smoke from the burning helicopter before it was completely extinguished by the rain. Why do I fly so far? Li Yexing frowned and muttered to himself. He took a pistol and got into the woods, heading towards the direction of black smoke.

After walking cautiously for a few minutes, his eyes suddenly became clear. Li Yexing discovered that there was a large village in front of him, and the wreckage of the helicopter hit his head on a small two-story building in the village. The fire on the wreckage has basically been doused by the rain, and even the smoke is about to dissipate. Looking at the helicopter that turned into this from a distance, Li Yexing shook his head silently. If he guessed correctly, Tililith's sister should not die, but he just doesn't know what the situation is. As for the others, Li Yexing doesn't think it is safe The guys in the right department will be as lucky as him. Right now, the mission is halfway through before the battle has started. Instead of continuing the mission, it is better to contact Black Umbrella first and wait for a new mission.. Before again, Let's look for Tililith's sister. If that guy is still alive, he probably won't go too far. Thinking of this, Li Yexing first used the bushes to hide his figure. He carefully observed the village in front of him. Seconds later, he frowned slightly and said, No way.

In the village in front of me, there is not a single person! Under the dark sky, there is no sound or light in the village, as if it is dead. The streets of the village are empty - there is no one person in Li Yexing's ears, except for the raindrops. Apart from the sound of hitting the ground, there was no other sound. Li Yexing thought for a while, and he silently chose to take a detour. In the wind and rain, he used the bushes to hide his figure, and slowly touched a large pile of tents next to the village. Entering the tent, the rain was instantly washed away. Isolated, Li Yexing moved forward cautiously, only to see bloodstains on the ground in the tent. There was a tattered hammock hanging from a tree beside the rich tent, and a walkie-talkie lay quietly on the table beside the hammock. After confirming the surrounding environment, Li Yexing quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and leaned it to his ear, only listening to the rustling noise in the walkie-talkie. After repeated debugging, Li Yexing came to the conclusion that the walkie-talkie should be malfunctioning.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything useful in this tent, Li Yexing quickly went to another tent not far away. This tent was one size larger than the previous one. On the table of the tent lay a thick roll. Thick paper, Li Yexing unfolded it and found that it was a map of the village and the surrounding area. This map was completely hand-painted, and it was marked with a large number of colored markers with various colored pens. Li Yexing took it out directly. Phone, took a picture of the map, and then pulled out the paper under the map. Most of these papers were unexplained documents. Judging from the words recorded above, they should be information related to geological exploration and mining of ore veins. They were of little help to Li Yexing's analysis of his current situation. Putting down the document in his hand, Li Yexing turned to other accounts. It didn't take long for him to search the surrounding tents. Except for the map, he couldn't find anything useful. All the walkie-talkies he could find in the tent. Everything was out of order, which gave Li Yexing some not-so-good ideas. Sticking out his head, he looked cautiously,

After recognizing that there were no enemies around, Li Yexing left the tent area. He looked around the village, and finally saw a tall signal tower in the forest opposite the village. After finding the signal tower, Li Yexing glanced at the map on his mobile phone. As long as there is such a landmark building, he can basically judge his position on the island. On this rainy night without moonlight, Li Yexing lowered his head. The figure, leaning against the wall, followed the dark and dark alleys full of debris and entered the village shrouded in death.

After confirming the safety of the surrounding area, Li Yexing rushed out of the alley. He was as fast and quiet as a cheetah. After quickly crossing the street, he went directly into an open door on the opposite side of the house. Closing the door gently, the sound of the rain was instantly isolated, Li Yexing wiped the rainwater on his face, and then a faint smell of blood rushed into his nose, Li Yexing stretched out a hand and gently touched the table in the room The bowl with the fish soup on top, the soup is cold but there is no sign of spoilage. Li Yexing frowned. To be honest, he is at a loss now. His mind is full of questions that he has not figured out. Who shot him down? Where did the locals go? That chick Tiililian Is she still alive? If she is alive, where did she go? What the hell happened on this damn island. Taking out the gun, Li Yexing walked slowly into the room. The footsteps stepped on the floor, making a squeaking sound, the blood on the ground gradually increased, and there were bloody handprints on the dirty wall beside him. As Li Yexing went deeper, his ears gradually heard There were bursts of strange sounds, the sounds were very rhythmic, one after another, as if he was beating something. Li Yexing slowly sold the corner of the corridor, and the sight that appeared in front of Li Yexing made him slightly stunned. I saw that the corridor in front was covered with bloodstains and minced meat. The splattered blood was everywhere, and even splashed on the ceiling. In the middle of the large bloodstain, Nan Jing spread a large mass of minced meat that was almost invisible. , smashed internal organs mixed with broken flesh and blood flowed everywhere, and in front of the piece of shredded meat, a man covered in blood and small wounds slowly raised the iron pick in his hand, and then attacked the shredded meat fiercely. The thumping down, he was like a machine, whispering something on his mouth, and then repeating the movements of his hands. Seemingly aware of other people's sights, the eccentric man covered in blood and wounds suddenly turned his head and looked at Li Yexing next to the corridor. Immediately afterwards, he showed a strange and evil smile, and then raised his hand. Tie Hao, a strange cry, rushed towards Li Yexing. Li Yexing looked indifferently at the strange man rushing towards him, and saw that the strange man raised the iron pick in his hand and slashed towards Li Yexing's head fiercely. Li Yexing avoided the blow sideways. Letting the iron pick rub his chest and hit the floor, then, before the odd man could pull out the iron that was nailed to the floor, he lifted his foot and stepped directly on the handle of the iron pick, and a huge force followed. The grip of the pickaxe rushed to the fingers of the strange man. The strange man stumbled and let go of his hand, while Li Yexing kept pulling out the pickaxe nailed into the floor, as if he was holding a war. Like an axe, a flower danced out, and then he swiped the head of the weird man in front of him fiercely. In an instant, the iron pick nailed into the monster's temple, penetrated the monster's head, and nailed its body directly to the wall. Looking at the strange body in front of him, Li Yexing's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Now, we finally know where all the good and hospitable locals have gone...

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