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The current situation is already obvious. For unknown reasons, a biochemical crisis broke out on this island. Li Yexing guessed that it was probably related to what the locals dug up. After all, the thing that would interest Black Umbrella would definitely not be what a good thing. Li Yexing's mission on this trip is to cooperate with the security forces of Black Umbrella to bring back the things dug up by the locals and the mining company, but to be honest, no matter what they dug up, Li Yexing feels that this thing has a high probability of 2 Can't take it away. Pulling out the pickaxe nailed to the wall, the body of the monster whose head was pierced instantly collapsed to the ground. Looking at the blood-stained corpse, Li Yexing began to guess what virus infection it was. The violent act of whipping the corpse of the infected person made Li Yexing think of the Las Plags parasite, but in addition, he did not rule out the possibility of being infected with the T-fear virus. The Polluter. in Apocalypse 2.

However, if it really is the T-fear virus, what happened here is very intriguing, because the T-fear virus first appeared on a small island in Eastern Europe, and its developer is another part of Wesker's plan. One survivor is Alex Wesker, a woman who, like Oswell E. Spinner, longs to get rid of her illness and seek immortality.

Just as Li Yexing was thinking, there was a burst of gunshots from the street outside the house, instantly breaking the tranquility of the entire village. Li Yexing immediately turned around and ran to the window. He gently opened the curtains and walked out secretly. Looking, I saw two men and one woman on the street. They were wearing bulletproof vests and holding different styles of equipment.

It seems that because of the sound of gunfire, the village seemed to be awakened, no--yes, there were several infected people holding all kinds of weapons and rushing towards the three people on the street, screaming strangely. , seeing the infected people rushing over, these people immediately fired back, Li Yexing was keenly aware that there was an infected person who clearly did not

His sight shifted quickly, and finally landed on a small two-story building with a wide view in the village. Li Yexing could vaguely see a figure upstairs. These guys are a bit interesting. The three of them are on the street with a sniper who observes at the high level. Coupled with their casual equipment, Li Yexing thinks of it.

Who are they? Forget it, it doesn't matter. If you're curious, why don't you go and ask in person? At this point, Li Yexing's face showed a hideous smile.

Under the rainy night, Morris was watching the street intently, following the scope, he could see the teammates on the street waving to him. Normally, in this case, the communication between teammates does not need to rely on gestures , but now, they have a very troublesome problem, their communication equipment has failed.

Shortly after they shot down the helicopter, their communications equipment was completely out of order, as if there was some kind of interference, but they didn't have a mission and needed to continue. Speaking of this mission, getting rid of the Mud Legs from Idonia is just the way to go. After all, their employers have provided them with information about that Mud Legs 7 will enter the island by helicopter, and they really The task is actually to find the Mining Division 2 from country A that appeared on the island from their hands.

When a team under the BW2 Division was planted in Idonia, the BW2 Division immediately began to investigate the cause and effect. After learning the whole story, the upper management of the company immediately held a meeting and asked the following people not to think too much. President Pullin He even said it himself: Damn it! Keep those blind bastards down there away from that mad dog in Idonia. I don't want your skin to be ripped off by that guy one day and hung on the pirate ship's mast, and I'll give it to you. The family gave out pensions, but couldn't pry a penny out of the guy's mouth! Most of the colleagues in BW2 were in awe of the legendary Idonian mad dog, but some people Not so, like their squad

At first, Maurice refused. After all, it seemed that taking action on that guy was an unintended consequence, but judging from the current results, he seemed to think too much. After seeing the wreckage of the helicopter, he knew that the captain was right. That guy is dead. Speaking of which, President Prince seems to have served in the Navy SEALs before the establishment of the BW2 Division. He is said to be a very powerful guy. Now it seems that after putting on a suit and becoming a high-class person, the guy's courage has also become smaller. . Now, Morris is more worried about other issues than the dead dog, such as how to complete the mission? This village is so weird, not only the wind blows but the local people seem to be crazy, their crazy behavior It reminded Morris of the legendary BOW. It is said that the captain fought those disgusting monsters in Afghanistan during his military service, but the ruthless captain was always reluctant to elaborate on this past.

More bad luck. Thinking of this, Morris looked behind him subconsciously, and saw nothing behind him. It is also said that most of those who are infected by the BOW virus will become mindless, and who can find a sniper hiding on the roof of a residential building?

The bullet accurately hit the chest of an infected person, and the running infected person instantly fell to the ground. It rolled, and then struggled to get up, but in a second, Morris' teammate shot through the infection. the brain of the person. This is not a solution. The appearance of BOW is an unplanned situation. He wants to tell his captain that maybe they should evacuate, but their communication equipment is all flint, so he can't report to his captain immediately. idea. That's too bad, he murmured softly.

gunfire on the street

It echoed continuously. After cleaning up about two dozen infected people, the streets of the village finally returned to silence. The teammates on the street were alerting with guns. Morris beckoned, indicating that he could come down, Morris pouted, he quickly put away the SVD, and turned his head while taking out the pistol.

I saw two steps behind him, an Asian man wearing a bulletproof vest, holding a blood-stained iron pick, just squatting there without saying a word, his eyes flashing incomprehensible. Color, seeing him look back, the Asian man smiled, his eyes suddenly widened, the corners of his mouth seemed to be torn apart, and that look instantly reminded Morris of Chai from Alice in Wonderland Sheriff cat! Female horse! How could a human make such an expression?! At this moment, Maurice only thought that the scalp hair salon, when did the guy touch it? Why is there no sound at all? And that smiling face is what happened?

Only-in an instant, Morris quickly pulled out the pistol on his waist, but before he could point it at the man, a huge force slammed into Morris' chin. The past. The moment before the consciousness left the body, Morris was still thinking, how can this guy punch so fast..

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