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Why is Maurice so slow? On the empty street, the blond woman with a peaked cap said impatiently: Could it be that she ran to the office? Boss, I think...it doesn't seem right. After a long while, the man who fired the Stinger missile frowned. Hearing what his subordinate said, Biggs frowned. It was really not right. According to Morris' speed, he could return to the team in two minutes at most, but Now, it's almost five minutes. Is it because of being entangled in these bloody freaks? Biggs shook his head, he knew that if Morris came across the infected, he would shoot, but Now, he didn't even hear a single shot. Looking down at the corpses of monsters on the street, Biggs had a bad premonition in his heart. Afghanistan, endless policing and manpower - RPG locals, and hordes of green-skinned monsters and man-eating zombies strapped to remote-controlled bombs

Let's go and have a look. In the end, Biggs chose to take his men to find a sniper. In the dark, the three of them faced the rain and endured this uneasy atmosphere, and moved towards the previous Morris ambush. Go to the second-story residential house. After walking a few steps, everyone arrived at the house. Because the front door was locked, they could only step on the debris in the alley and go in through the window. The blonde woman with a peaked cap entered first, and she quickly raised her gun. Immediately around, after confirming that there were no enemies on the second floor, she waved to the teammates who were waiting below. After a while, Biggs and another teammate also climbed up. At this moment, the second floor was dark, and the sound of wind and rain outside the window continued to reach everyone's ears. The blonde woman with a peaked cap walked in the front, and Biggs walked behind with another person. The three carefully searched for Every corner of the second floor, until about to enter the room where Morris was ambush before, the blond woman at the head suddenly raised her hand and said, Don't move! The two teammates behind her stopped instantly, and Biggs subconsciously stopped. Looking at the blond girl's calf, he seemed to see a line. On the other side, the blond girl took a deep breath, and then slowly backed back, only to see a line hanging across the door of the room. Because it was so dark in the room, it was hard to notice. The female horse, booby trap. The blond woman wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and scolded in a low voice: Fortunately, she responded quickly, otherwise she would have to explain sitting here. Now... After saying that, she lowered her body, her eyes followed the hidden line, and after a while, she took out a grenade from the shadow behind the door. It's quite insidious. Shaking the grenade in her hand, the blond woman smiled. Morris is much worse. The man who fired the Stinger missile whispered. It seems that besides us, there are other people on this island... The blonde shrugged at Biggs and said with a smile. She picked up her gun and walked into the room where Morris was ambushed. Wait. Biggs only felt that something was wrong. He raised his hand to stop the blond girl, but the next second, he heard a loud bang, and a fire burst suddenly, Biggs subconsciously Lying on the ground, at the same time protecting his teammates under his body, and then, a heat wave rushed along their backs with shock waves. After a while, Biggs, who had almost lost his hearing, stood up staggeringly. He first looked around, and after confirming that there were no enemies, he pulled up his teammates who were lying on the ground. After doing this, Biggs quickly He rushed into the small room where Morris was ambush, and saw that the whole room was in a mess, and his teammate, the blond girl, was lying in the corner of the room in a strange posture, one of her legs was missing, and There is not a piece of good meat on the body, - you can see that the dead can't die anymore. How's Julie? On the other side, the man who had just been guarded by Biggs also rushed into the room. After seeing the body on the ground, he stopped talking, just gritted his teeth, and his face was angry. Let's go, no matter who did it, he's dead... Biggs whispered. He turned his head and was about to leave the house with his men when he heard a sudden voice from the street outside. With a few weird roars, he hurried to the window, and saw a large group of infected people rushing out of the nearby houses, covered in blood, carrying all kinds of weapons, running wildly on the street like crazy. , - screaming strangely - - and rushed towards the house where they were located. Ghost, these guys are attracted by the sound! The female horse. Biggs scolded in a deep voice, his face becoming more and more ugly.

Go, tell Rotea When I opened my eyes, my ears were filled with weird nursery rhymes with a faint curled tongue. The man who was humming the nursery rhymes seemed to be in a good mood, and even the tone of the nursery rhyme began to cheer up. The piercing pain in his jaw continued, and Morris guessed that his jawbone might have been smashed, or a broken bone, and he tried to move, but found himself tied to a chair, and Around him, there was a fairly well-decorated room. It looked like it might be the living room of a house, but there were bloodstains all over the living room. Morris looked down at the floor and found a monster lying on the ground. , but the monster's head was chiseled, and it looked dead. The five senses gradually recovered, and Morris began to try to struggle, but the rope was tightly tied. He suddenly tried hard, but instead of breaking free, he still Even someone fell to the ground with a chair. It seemed that he heard the sound of the chair falling to the ground, - in the next bathroom, - a man with an Asian face came out - a water basin with a towel soaked in it came out, and seeing that Morris fell to the ground, he hurriedly put the water basin. On the table next to him, he lifted Morris and the chair up-- and smiled: Oh, what's the matter, what should I do if I accidentally smashed the floor? The owner will be angry.

Morris panting

, He looked at the man in front of him angrily. He remembered that this man's name was Li Yexing, nicknamed: The Mad Dog of Loples. Brother, don't look at me like that.. On the other side, Li Yexing said with a smile: I invited you here just to ask some questions, we have no grievances, why did you bomb my helicopter? Morris snorted coldly. After saying a word, he didn't speak. Oh, it seems that you are right. Li Yexing nodded with a smile: Next question, who are you? What are you doing on this island?

Let's kick your ass. Resisting the sharp pain from his lower jaw, a reluctant smile appeared on Morris' face. It seems you want to provoke me, but it's okay, I have a bad temper. Li Yexing laughed After nodding, he took out his mobile phone and released a candid photo of Tillyrian: 'Last question, have you seen this girl?' That's good. Morris said with a vicious smile on his face. Looking at Morris' stubborn face, Li Yexing smiled and said: 'I will give you a chance to reorganize your language. If you have the ability, kill me. , my captain will avenge me! He will kill your family one by one in front of you! Morris sneered. Maybe he can really kill me, but kill my family... I can't imagine this scene... Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders and said, Forget it, I knew it would be like this, after all we are walking together. With a happy smile on his face, Li Yexing put his hand lightly On the dirty water basin on the dining table next to him, he smiled and said to Morris: Come on, second brother, since you don't like to talk, then I will play a game with you. The towel in the basin was fished out, and he said softly, I don't know if you've heard of such a method of wringing out a wet towel soaked in water, then stuffing it down the person's throat, all the way to the stomach, and then Holding the end outside the mouth and twisting it hard, after twisting it a few times, I tug it again,

You can pull your esophagus, your stomach, and your intestines out in no time. The smile on Morris's face gradually disappeared. Brother, I respect you for being a man. Li Yexing wrung out the The towel, and then walked towards Morris, with a bit of a grim smile on his face: So, I decided to play a game that a tough guy should play with you. After that, Li Yexing squeezed Morris's He rudely stuffed the towel into his mouth. Morris struggled violently. Seeing that the towel was about to be stuffed inside, Morris couldn't help shouting: Stop! Stop! I'll say anything! Stop! With his hands down, Li Yexing tilted his head and said softly, Are you willing to say it? With fear in his eyes, Maurice panted: You...you ask, what am I willing to say... Li Yexing smiled and said, But I don't want to ask. In Morris's terrified eyes, Li Yexing madly stuffed the towel into Morris's mouth, feeling the towel being pushed into the esophagus along his mouth, Morris rolled his eyes and kicked his legs vigorously. Do you really think I care so much about your answer? Stupid? Li Yexing grinned while stuffing a towel: If you don't say it, your teammates will say they don't say anything, so I'll find the answer myself! Now, to the paws! Maurice's painful sobbing and wailing drifted outside along the window, gradually disappearing in the dark rainy night..

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