What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-12. The macho sister-in-law is also interrogated

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In the darkness, the house was slowly pushed away, Li Yexing walked out of the house with the SVD on his back, the rain was still falling, and the roars of the infected and the sound of gunshots were continuously transmitted from the street on the other side of the village. Come over, Li Yexing raised his head, and saw two more infected people running over with iron picks and screaming, completely ignoring him who was standing on the street. Recalling the scene when the towel was just pulled out, Li Yexing couldn't bear it. After a shiver, he whispered to himself: I didn't expect it to be so evil...

Lifting his head, looking at the direction from which the gunshots came, Li Yexing's mouth evoked a sneer. Now, the main task should be to find a way to restore communication, report safety to the family, and find Tillylian by the way. As for the remaining three or two colleagues, you can slowly concoct them by directly using this new Should I send them away with a gun? Or have a friendly and friendly conversation with them? Li Yexing thought about it, and let’s talk about it. After all, this island is not big or small, and he needs information. After weighing the blood-stained iron pick, Li Yexing grinned and walked out of the village.

In the dark and damp jungle, the petite blond girl is constantly walking towards the coastline. Damn.. Damn.. Damn, damn. The girl with a gloomy face, gritted teeth, holding HK-416 whispered He cursed: the plane fell, the pervert disappeared, the coffin' was also scrapped, the communicator was broken again.. Damn it. Damn it. She was killed, the special weapons developed for her by the parents were lost, Li Yexing disappeared, the communication was cut off, and she could not contact Casimir's father. She had no idea how things suddenly turned out like this. Now, she plans to move closer to the coastline, where the signal may be better so she can call for support. Just when Tillyrian was about to take out the communicator again to check if it could be used, a voice suddenly sounded in her ear. The voice was far away, and it was almost inaudible due to the sound of rain, but in order to reproduce the code name of the Umbrella era. The Stalker model BOW's ability to hunt and recover, Tillylian's perception ability has been specially enhanced, so even this tiny sound, Tilly's Ann can still hear it clearly. Quickly lowering her figure, Tiililian hid in the bushes next to it. She hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and lifted her blindfold, revealing the turbid left eye surrounded by flesh and blood. After a while, three figures appeared in the field of vision, and I saw that the two were wearing gray combat uniforms without any logos, black body armor, and strange gas masks on their heads. A model of automatic rifle, a pistol and an ice axe hanging around his waist, and one of them was holding a pad-like thing in his hand. No abnormality was found. After a long while, the person holding the Pad said softly, so the soldier who was at the end of the three quickly turned back to the original path, Xiaofu was in Tiililian's field of vision, and the other two continued to move forward. , Seeing getting closer and closer to Tililian. Looking at the two people who passed carefully in front of her, Tillylian held her breath. She listened carefully, trying to hear the conversation between the two, but the two never spoke, so they walked away quietly. Then, suddenly, the man holding the Pad stopped, raising his right hand at the same time, and the man following him immediately stopped. The position where they stopped was right in front of Tililian. I saw the man at the head staring closely at the Pad in his hand, and after a few seconds, he quickly hung the Pad around his waist, raised his gun in Tiililian's direction, and said loudly: Who is there? Come out! Tillylian realized instantly that she had been discovered, but what was the reason? Because of that Pad? Looking at the two people in front of her who raised guns at her, Tillylian made the first move, she did not hesitate The man picked up the gun and fired at the man with the Pad. The silencer covered the gunshot and fired a bullet. He shot the man and fell to the ground instantly, while the other man standing beside him fell to the ground. A person quickly jumped into the back of the tree next to it. . She smacked her lips with a displeased face, and Tiililian stood up directly. She took a gun and ran quickly to the tree where the person was hiding in the distance. tree, but

At this moment, the man who had just been knocked to the ground suddenly opened fire on Tillylian, and the bullets hit Tillylian's body armor. A cruel smile. Trash! She stretched out a hand to cover her face, then rushed up against the man's bullet, and the man hiding behind the tree stuck his head out, and the two of them fired at Tililian, but Ti Lilian Lilian didn't care at all, and finally, the man lying on the ground emptied the bullets in his hand first, and with a fanatical smile on Tililian's face, she rushed forward, clenched her fists, and then faced the man lying on the ground. He slammed his chest down, only to hear a crisp sound of broken bones, and the man spit out blood that covered the entire gas mask. The advance team encounters an enemy! It's a humanoid BOW! Repeat, the enemy unit is a humanoid. BOW! The person hiding behind the tree held down the communicator in panic and shouted, completely forgetting the fact that the communicator was no longer available. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound behind him. The big tree was uprooted. The petite blond girl had a frenzied smile on her face. She threw the tree that was thicker than her waist to the side, and the person hiding behind the tree raised a gun at the girl in panic. The face opened fire, and after three or four bullets were fired, the magazine was emptied. The girl in front of her calmly squeezed the bullets that had entered her face out of the wound one by one. The man pulled the trigger in vain, and when Tiililian had cleaned up the wound on her face, she stretched out her hand. Grabbing the man's collar, he rushed forward sharply, and roared while charging: Do you know how important a face is to a girl?! Choppy! After rushing out more than ten meters, Tililian- pressed the person in his hand to the ground, and then

He punched him sharply in the stomach, this punch directly smashed the dirt, the man vomited blood, and his body bowed like a shrimp. Next, Lord Ben asked, you answer. The blond girl crouched beside the man and said fiercely: Listen, Lord Ben is in a very bad mood right now, so don't make Lord Ben more irritable. Got it! Did you hear it? Garbage! The man clutched his stomach and nodded with difficulty. Who are you?! Tillylian asked sharply. We're ..BSA. The man grumbled. Did you shoot down my lord's helicopter? No I don't know what helicopter we came by boat.. Why did you come to this island?!...The order above..Then What are you going to do next?! Go. Turn off the signal tower. Signal tower? Tiililian frowned and said: Why, turn off the signal tower? Because... that shit Some kind of jamming signal was released on the island. All the communication equipment on the island failed... Is that so? Tiililian nodded and stood up. Please. Please.. can I go? The man asked hard. Sorry, no, because you lied to this uncle! With a cruel smile on her face, Tiililian raised her feet, and said He stepped on the man's head, and in an instant, the man's head exploded like a watermelon mixed with a gas mask. Unidentified but definitely not BSAA, the helicopter that did not attack us is likely to have the same purpose as my lord. .. Tillylian said softly: Turn off the signal tower, you can recover Xiatong... After that, Tillylian squatted down and quickly searched for the corpse. She found a dog tag from the neck of the corpse, she looked at the dog tag carefully, and saw a circular mark on the dog tag, it was a red circle, and a white dragon head silhouette was drawn in the circle, the symbol Next, there are two Chinese characters printed: God, Tsk, Chinese. I don't understand. Ti Lilian scratched her head and said, Go and find the pervert, I remember that the pervert is from the Celestial Dynasty.

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