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With the gunshot, a blood flower exploded on the infected person's head, and then fell directly, and the chaotic street returned to silence. Biggs held the FAL in his hand, sweating on his head. Although they had killed all the infected, he still didn't dare to relax at all. He always felt that there were two eyes staring at him in the dark. He let his guard down a little, and the man would rush out and tear his neck. Boss, I'm running out of bullets. Inserting the last magazine X into the M4A1 in his hand, the man behind Biggs said worriedly. . Hearing the man's words, Biggs' face was even more ugly, because there were not many bullets left in his body. The female horse first touched Morris under their noses, tricked them into going upstairs, then killed Julie with a series of booby-trapped mines, and then used the sound of booby-trapped mines to attract a large group of monsters to consume their ammunition ...kill with a dull knife! Who is it? - -In an instant, a terrifying thought popped into Biggs' mind, but he immediately rejected the idea. The helicopter has been blown up like that, how does the mud-legged mercenary survive? Boss, what should we do? A trace of fear appeared on the face of the man behind Biggs, and he said anxiously: 'Mordy didn't Now, 80% of Morris is gone, and we have no ammunition on us. This mission. We retreat, card... Biggs said solemnly: Half attrition, no backup, lack of supplies, and still in the dark. Someone is staring at us, and we no longer have the ability to continue the mission.. Just leave? The man named Karl was stunned for a moment, and then panicked: Boss! Approved! Now

When Maurice and Judy are gone, we will go back in such a bleak way, once the above is checked... Then what are you going to do? Take your life here? Biggs said coldly: 'Go away, The problems that you will face after you go back, you will find a solution after you go back.

Now the question we have to face is whether we can go back alive. After a while, Carl flinched, and he whispered: You are the boss, you said... Come on, retreat to the shore, find us Yes. Biggs said: Look, nothing is more important than survival. After all, he changed a magazine for the FAL in his hand, and then led Carl carefully out of the house, back to the rain and darkness dominate the streets.

After killing a large number of infected people, the village seemed to be in a state of death. The ammunition was scarce, and the two of them, both physically and mentally exhausted, carefully walked through the village, for fear of making a little more noise. Fortunately, the next journey was unexpectedly smooth. After a while, the two returned to the jungle in the direction they came from, and after a while, the village was left behind by them. Honestly, I want a beer right now, whispered Carl, who followed behind Biggs: Maybe that old Prince Prince was right, we shouldn't have come to trouble that guy, we could have Have a drink at the bar and find some pretty girls, but now that Morris and Morty are gone, we won't have a better time when we go back. Biggs, who was walking in front, stopped abruptly, and he looked back. Carl, there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes. After a while, he said solemnly: 'Are you expressing your dissatisfaction with me? Because I took over the commission to find trouble with that mud-legged mercenary? Gus! Carl shook his head and said: I just... You're scared. Biggs said coldly. After being silent for a while, Carl said in a low voice: Yes, I'm a little scared, that damn mud leg, I always think he's haunted. Don't scare yourself! He has already Dead! Dead! Completely dead! Biggs stressed a little emotionally, not knowing who he was talking to. He stared at him, the dim light made him look like a ghost. Seemingly realizing that he was too emotional, Biggs sighed softly. He patted Carl on the shoulder and said, Sorry, I'm emotional. It's okay, boss, you're right... Carl's face showed a reluctant smile, and he whispered: That guy is already dead. Let's go, although we're out of the village, it's not safe here. . Biggs said to Carl, then turned and continued on his way, and Carl immediately followed in his footsteps.

Actually, we don't need to worry so much, said Biggs, who was walking in the front. That mud-legged guy is undoubtedly dead. Now the guy who is targeting us is probably other forces. Maybe they are also against our employer. The thing we want is very interesting, so as long as we quit, they won't necessarily keep pestering us.

Seeing Karl's mood stabilized, Biggs secretly relieved. All his speculations were basically to comfort Karl. In fact, he was not sure at all whether the force hidden in the darkness would continue to attack him. After a while, as if to distract Carl, Biggs chose to leave the topic, he pretended to be relaxed and said, Remember our half-dead comm9? He also moved the communicator to his ear, only to hear the rustling sound coming from the communicator. I have an idea about our communicator. Biggs said solemnly: I wonder if you have noticed. The signal tower near the village. Signal tower? Carl thought about it, it seems that there is such a signal tower, but he didn't pay much attention to it before. It seems that you forgot. Biggs shook his head and said: To be honest , I suspect that the problem with our communicator is due to signal interference. Signal interference? Carl was stunned, and then said: 'Do you think there is something wrong with that signal tower? The closer you get, the louder the comms are, so I suspect that the cell tower was releasing some sort of jamming signal that caused all the comms on the island to fail.

But who would do this? Carl asked in confusion. Who knows, maybe it's the force that is constantly targeting us in the dark, they don't want other people to get involved in the things on this island wipe their faces The rain, Biggs said solemnly: Thinking about it carefully, it is actually quite wise to quit now. The secrets on this island are obviously not for people like us to know. Sometimes, the less you know, the more you live. It would be better, wouldn't it? Carl? No one responded.

Carl? Biggs was slightly stunned, then turned his head suddenly, and saw that there was no one person behind him, only one tree and endless darkness. His maiden! Carl! Stop making trouble! Get out of here! Biggs instantly took his gun and aimed it around, but there were only a patch of bushes and a pair of trees around. There was no sign of Carl at all, not even a single one. bloodstains. In the darkness, fear gradually came to Biggs' heart, and he would rather believe that it was Carl's prank than someone quietly took Carl away from behind him. Even if he understands, Carl can't do such a prank. Just as Biggs was aiming around in panic, suddenly, something fell and smashed heavily in front of Biggs. Biggs looked closely, it was Carl's body, he rolled his eyes, Sticking out his tongue, his neck was twisted into an extremely weird angle. In just a split second, Biggs made a judgment. He raised his head sharply and aimed at the tree above his head. The next second, he was stunned. . I saw an Asian squatting on the sturdy branch. He was carrying a backpack, a body armor, and carrying a blood-stained iron pick on his shoulders. He looked at himself so quietly, his face With a weird smile that doesn't look like a human being. Go, tell Rottie, Everyone must die!

Thanks to the artist Cy-47's Tillylian, the big boss!

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