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Looking at the somewhat hideous Asian face, Biggs felt that the blood all over his body was frozen. That bastard, the mud-legged mercenary from Idonia, Li Yexing! Hell, why is he still alive?! The sight in front of him seemed like a nightmare come true, but Biggs didn't hesitate, he immediately squatted on the branch facing the Li Yexing pulled the trigger. Hey - Li Yexing had a grim smile on his face when the gunshots rang out. Then, in Biggs' shocked eyes, Li Yexing suddenly kicked his legs and jumped to another tree next to him like a monkey. Gus hurriedly adjusted the muzzle, only to see Li Yexing jump straight down, make a tactical roll on the ground full of fallen leaves and soft soil, and then ran away without looking back. Female horse, do you think you ran away? Biggs gritted his teeth. He chased after Li Yexing without hesitation, and opened fire while chasing. He swiftly shuttled through the dense forest. The trees blocking the road blocked his figure and blocked the bullets that were flying towards his back. For a time, sawdust flew across the dense forest. It didn't take long for the FAL in Biggs' hand to hit him. With no bullets, this is something he never thought of, that damn mud leg actually slipped with a loach-E. Biggs thinks his marksmanship is not bad, but in this dark jungle, he even hit a shot. Missed! He threw away the FAL with empty bullets in his hand and pulled out the pistol at his waist. This time, Biggs learned to be smart. Unless there was a great chance, he would never shoot and run in front of Li. Ye Xing also accelerated, and for a while, the distance between the two did not decrease in the slightest. Seeing that the land ahead was relatively open, Biggs immediately aimed at Li Yexing and fired three shots in a row. Although he only hit the body armor, Li Yexing couldn't help staggering forward. Biggs looked happy, Just as he was about to pursue the victory, Julie's death suddenly floated in his head. A layer of cold sweat broke out on the back of his back, and Biggs suddenly slowed down. He saw a very thin line between the two trees in front of him. , the line is close to the pile of fallen leaves on the ground, and it is extremely inconspicuous in this dim light. Little clever one after another... Biggs shouted: Don't look down on me! You muddy legs!

After quickly confirming that there were no new booby-trapped mines ahead, Biggs stepped directly across the line across the front, but at the moment when the soles of his feet landed, he only felt a sharp pain in the soles of his feet, and then He let out a scream, and accompanied by the intense pain, he only felt his body soften and almost fell to his knees =, in desperation, he immediately stretched out a hand to support the ground. With cold sweat on his head, Biggs shook his head and lowered his head, looking at the simple booby trap line between his legs. He was afraid for a while, if he didn't support E just now, his butt would sit directly on that line. Go! The female horse's endured the pain on his feet. Biggs slowly stood up straight, and then carefully crossed the line. He lifted his injured foot to reveal the blood-stained branches under his feet. , I saw that the branches were cut so sharply that they could directly pierce the soles of sturdy shoes, and they were hidden between the fallen leaves and the soil, and could not be found if they were not cleaned up. Biggs instantly realized that he shouldn't be chasing, I'm afraid that guy had set up in the woods after he killed Maurice, and those damn monsters set traps for him to delay a lot of time,- Once he continued to chase, Who knows how many such wicked traps are hidden on the road? However, Biggs knew very well that if he didn't kill Li Yexing, he would not be able to get out of this dense forest at all. Lifting his head and looking ahead, he saw that Li Yexing had stopped. He tilted his head, holding the blood-stained pickaxe in his hands, with Morris' SVD and Carl's M4A1 on his back. With an inexplicable inexplicable smile on his face, he did not speak, just leaned against the tree next to him so quietly. Looking at the gun behind him, Biggs understood that Li Yexing had a chance to kill him from the beginning, but he didn't do it. This goddamn mud leg wants to play Dead 2! Having said that, Biggs has nothing to do. At this time, he has run out of ammunition and food and injured his foot again. Although he doesn't want to admit it, the mud leg is now It was easy for him to kill him. After a long while, Biggs sighed, he dropped the gun in his hand, raised his hands and said: 'You win, Mad Dog of Idonia. Is this a coward? Meijiangang was a little unhappy, and Li Yexing tilted his head--with a regretful face: The female horse, it took me so long to arrange it. After that, Li Yexing stood up straight, and he carried Step by step with an iron pick, he walked towards Biggs who raised his hands: Tell me, why do you want to blow up our helicopter?

Because you offended you shouldn't have offended you. Biggs said solemnly, his eyes wandering back and forth between the pickaxe in Li Yexing's hand and the pistol on his waist

People who shouldn't be offended. Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little puzzled: That's not right, I usually don't stay alive:

The female horse is indeed a mud-legged mercenary. Although there was a hint of horror and disdain in his heart, Biggs didn't show his emotions on his face, he said solemnly: We belong to BW International Security Contractor. BW. Hearing the name of this company, Li Ye Xing was stunned for a moment. That's right, BW. Tightening his muscles in the dark, ready to strike at any time, Biggs said solemnly, So, if you leave me alive, it will be very small for you. You said this I don't understand. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, You can analyze it for me, what good will it do for me to save your life? Let you bomb my helicopter next time? You really don't understand Or is it fake?” Biggs couldn’t help but said: “BW International has veterans who have retired from special forces or other front-line units in various countries, as well as our own armored units, even if you can kill them last time. We are a team, we can kill me this time, but can you guarantee that you will be so lucky next time? You really dare to take the risk

Killing me at the risk of offending BW? Hearing Gus's words, Li Yexing's brows furrowed slightly, and Biggs noticed this small change. Very good! He's starting to worry! Are you threatening me? On the other side, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked softly, his tone seemed a little uncertain. I didn't threaten you, sir, I'm just talking to you again. Analyze the stakes in this. Because he has the right to speak, Biggs regained confidence in his voice, and he said solemnly: After all, I am in your hands now, in order to survive, I must do it for you Considering your interests, isn't it? By the way, when did you join BW? Li Yehang suddenly asked. 2008. Biggs replied: Is there any problem? 2008 newcomer? No wonder. Li Yexing nodded thoughtfully and said: 'If I guessed correctly, it's not you who did it to me What does the superior mean? That's right, we make our own decisions. Biggs nodded and said, But that doesn't mean that BW won't hold you accountable for your actions.

To be honest... I don't even know what to say about you. Li Yexing scratched his head helplessly, then smiled Biggs: Also, don't stretch your muscles, this distance, you don't It may be faster than mine. You! Biggs was shocked, his thoughts flashed like lightning, he immediately pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Li Yexing's defenseless neck, but Li He was willing to dodge at night. He instantly lifted the iron pick in his hand and pressed it against Biggs' chest at an incredible speed. Biggs was hit by the iron pick, plus one foot was injured, and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell straight back, and then sat down on the simple booby trap line behind him. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Biggs made a pig-slaughtering cry. After five seconds, Biggs's voice gradually became quieter. He found that nothing happened, there was no explosion at all, and Biggs hurriedly lifted it up. When he started, he saw Li Yexing looking at him playfully.

It's just a line on the tree, don't be so shocked. Li Yexing said with a smile: 'You are not worth wasting my grenade. Looking back, Biggs only felt that he had suffered a huge Insulted, he roared and got up, waving the dagger towards Li Yexing, Li Yexing took the pick and smashed it on Biggs' knee, Biggs screamed and fell to the ground again, Covering his broken knee, he howled mournfully. Hehe, I entered BW in 2008.. Looking at Biggs lying on the ground, Li Yexing weighed the iron pick in his hand and sneered: I just feel That old guy from Prince didn't have the guts to bother me, and after a long time, it turned out that the newcomers below didn't even know me. Squatting on the ground, Li Yexing lightly patted Biggs on the cheek and said: You know Prince How much does that old thing Lins want me to enter EW0? Biggs gasped fiercely, sweat kept falling from his forehead, the severe pain made him unable to organize decent language, he could only keep saying: Fxxk you! Xxk.. Forget it, now it seems that all my colleagues can leave me is disappointment.. Shaking his head, Li Yexing stood up and whispered, One who can beat None of them. After saying that, he suddenly swung the pickaxe in his hand and slammed it down at Biggs' other knee. Amid the heart-piercing screams of Biggs, Li Yexing carried the pickaxe, grinned and said softly: 'Don't worry, let's start with the lower body first.'

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