[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

In the dense forest of the island, looking at the corpse of Biggs that could be used to water flowers, Li Yexing suddenly felt dull. Is this the current level of BW? It's really funny. Now, everyone from BW should have been cleaned up. Li Yexing took this opportunity to quietly think about the current situation. $ On the outbreak of the chemical crisis , so far no useful information has been obtained, the communication signal has been blocked, and the outside world or the sister-in-law who has left the husband cannot be contacted. There are also the possibility of other forces on the island. To briefly sort it out, the mining company dug up something and caused the local people to be infected. The first group of forces on the island opened the signal tower for some reason, and then went to the island. The BW shot down their helicopter. If you want to complete this commission, you will most likely have a friendly conversation with the first group of forces. In other words, whether you want to find the uneasy one next Sister-in-law, or contact the outside world for support, you have to deal with the signal tower first. Thinking of this, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone, glanced at the map on the island, and sighed softly: It's a bit annoying... He threw away the blood-stained iron pick, took out the MHAI behind him, and put on a new magazine. Li Yexing walked towards the village. Returning along the original road, it didn't take long for Li Yexing to return to the village. Under the cover of the rain, he quickly walked through the streets, occasionally encountering a few wandering infected people, he would not shoot, but only from He circled around quietly, and it didn't take long for him to leave the village and set foot on the dirt road in the woods to the signal tower. The target's signal tower is built on the halfway of the island. It is very tall and can be seen from this side of the mountain. It is a landmark building on the island. There will definitely be available nearby such signal towers. It is for this reason that the roads for vehicles pass through, so Li Yexing did not choose to cross the dense forest, but went directly from the village. However, due to the rain, the existing mountain roads also became very muddy. After walking for a long time, only half way. The stage started, looking at the signal tower halfway up the mountain, Li Yexing wiped the rain off his face, and smacking his lips in disgust.

Just when Li Yexing was still climbing the mountain road, a 1-person team had quietly entered the village. Shen Yali's subordinate recovery team is divided into a large number of ten-person teams, each team carries a biological response detection device, they mark the terrain of the entire island in different directions, and at the same time hope to be able to resist the local area without panic Humans successfully completed the recovery mission, and now, their mission is to reach the signal tower. But now it seems that the situation is a bit complicated. Just now, two members of the leading team of this team died. During the process of the team's march, there was a sudden loud gunshot in the direction of the leading team ahead, waiting for them After arriving at the scene of the exchange of fire, everything was too late. Only the corpse of the teammate was waiting for them. The chest of the corpse was smashed, and there was no bullet in his gun. Not far from the corpse, the teammates Another body was found, and the bullet was also emptied, and the head was directly beaten to a pulp, like a rotten watermelon. The surrounding field was also a mess, and a large tree as thick as an adult's waist was uprooted. Put it aside. Obviously, there is a BOW on this $. Judging from the degree of damage to the corpse, it is likely to be a single-soldier combat weapon like a tyrant. From this, the subordinate team of Shen Yaliyao judged that there was a weapon on this island. The affiliation is unknown, and the specific model is unknown B0W. But the problem is to share this information with other squads, because their communication settings failed under the signal interference, and the squad leader made a new decision based on the existing situation.

Point directly to the signal tower along the existing road near the village. After turning off the signal tower, immediately exchange information with other squads, and then wait directly near the signal tower to wait for the rendezvous with other squads. In the rainy night, the village on the isolated island was silent and cold, and the 1-person team moved forward with tension. After a while, one of the team members couldn't help but said, Isn't this place given to the slaughtered village by BOW? Although it has been very It's late, but isn't this village too quiet?

Shut up. The captain said solemnly: Be vigilant, we are not the only ones on this island, have you seen the helicopter that crashed just now? Obviously, besides us, there are other foreign forces on this island. Then you say, was the BOW that killed the first team released by that force, or was it dug by those damn miners? Who knows. The captain said coldly, No matter what is waiting for us, ours The mission will not change, just complete the mission with peace of mind. Just like this, the team continued to move forward. It didn’t take long for them to see the corpse lying on the street. They were clutching the iron pick and lying on the street covered in blood.

He also had bullet holes on his body. Judging from his clothes, he should be a villager on this island. Those guys also slaughtered the miners? One of the team members asked himself: Why did they do this? Who knows, this place is so weird. The captain with the gun whispered: I just want to close the door now. Drop the damn signal tower, reunite with the rest of the team, and when the mission is done, we'll leave this dark, damp island. ) The team was moving in the direction of the signal tower. Suddenly, the captain raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop. When the team stopped, he slowly stretched out his hand and pointed to the front not far away. Because the light was too dark and it was raining, the team's visibility was not high. Following the direction pointed by the captain, the team members saw that there seemed to be a figure in the dark alley ahead. The captain stared at the figure, the figure stood there like that, his body seemed to be shaking slightly, the captain thought for a while and then made a tactical gesture, signaling the players to go up and have a look with him. Under the leadership of the captain, the team gradually Approaching the figure, as the distance got closer, everyone finally saw clearly that it was a man covered in blood

Wearing some shabby clothes, holding an iron pick in his hand, he stood in the alley 0. As if stunned, he gently hit the wall with his head, and the blood from his head stained the wall, and then slowly It went down with the rain. Seemingly aware of someone nearby, the half-stunned man suddenly stopped moving. The moment he saw the face, the leader of Shenya Squad only felt a scalp hair salon. I saw that half of the man's head had been smashed, blood was dripping from its face, and the intact half of the face was covered with small wounds. After the crowd, the man's face suddenly showed a sinister smile, and then, it screamed strangely, raised the pickaxe in his hand, and rushed towards the leader of the Shenya team.

It's an infected person! the captain yelled, and at the same time pulled the trigger towards the infected person's head without hesitation. With the gunshot, two bullets pierced the infected person's head back and forth, and the infected person's body- Soft and fell directly to the ground. No wonder they want to slaughter the village... Looking at the corpse on the ground, a member of the Shenya team whispered. This village is already in chaos, we have to quickly reconcile with the other teams! Captain Shen Sheng (a woman with a kitchen knife, covered in blood, rushed out with a strange cry, - while rushing, waving the kitchen knife in her hand indiscriminately, - The team members next to him open fire directly and will

The infected fell to the ground. After the gunshots passed, a series of strange screams rang out one after another. The sound surrounded the Shenya team, and like a cry from hell, it penetrated into the ears of the Shenya team members through the heavy rain.

The female horse, it's annoying. The captain of the Shenya team cursed in a low voice.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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