[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Just as the leader of the Shenya Squad imagined, after the strange screams one after another, the infected people rushed out from the nearby alleys and houses. Most of them were holding strange weapons, and occasionally a few. All empty-handed, after seeing the Shenya team, they immediately rushed up excitedly. Fight and retreat in the direction of the signal tower! The captain made a judgment in an instant, and he said solemnly, Be fast, or you will be entangled by these guys. Those teams who chose to pass through the dense forest should have already reached the signal tower. , so there will be our people near the signal tower. After getting the order, the whole team quickly moved towards the direction of the signal tower, and they moved forward - shooting as many infected people as possible to threaten the team, so they followed their buttocks. There were not as many infected people as they had imagined. After retreating to the alley, they killed dozens of infected people who were chasing after them. The streets of the village sank into dead silence again. This is the end? Look A member of Shenya's team was a little surprised with the infected corpses lying behind him. After all, it's just a village, it's impossible to keep up with the density of the city simulation E war. The captain whispered: These infected people Just ordinary villagers, there are no special infected individuals among them. After reloading the bullets, the captain said solemnly: Okay, next, don't shoot unless it is necessary, let's be as quiet as possible, touch the middle of the village.

Seeing the players beside him nodding, the captain whispered: Let's go. The Shenya team left the alley. This time, they were so afraid that they could say that they were taking every step forward. On the way forward, they encountered a few wandering people, but they all went around under the cover of the night and the sound of rain. Soon, they crossed most of the village, and after a short walk, they should be able to leave the village and go to the signal tower.

Just as everyone was about to enter the next alley, the captain suddenly raised his hand again. Wait. The captain whispered to himself. Have you heard any voices? When you heard the captain's words, the surrounding players stopped immediately. In the voice, something seemed to be whispering, and the voice sounded unreal, as if it was calling someone. What? - A team member whispered: Is it a surviving local? The captain was silent. Speaking of this, I don't know if it's an illusion, the voice seems to be getting louder and faster, and vaguely, the captain seems to hear the voice calling Frank, Go! The captain immediately ordered, and moved closer. , moving at a faster speed than before, as if he was trying to escape from something, and his team members followed closely behind him. Frank...Frank, the voice whispered, closely following the gods. The sub-squad, like an evil spirit that refuses to go away, cold sweat slid down the captain's forehead, his pace became faster and faster, and eventually he even changed from fast walking to jogging, but just as he was about to lead the team to leave the small team. At the moment of the alley, the wall next to the entrance of the alley in front of the alley suddenly burst open. In an instant, the rubble splashed, the rubble flew, and a large amount of smoke and dust dispersed from the hole in the wall. He stepped back, holding the gun in his hand at the same time, staring nervously at the smoke and dust blocking the road ahead. Under the blow of the rain, the scattered smoke and dust dissipated quickly, and then, something walked from the hole in the wall The moment he saw the thing, the captain subconsciously took a step back. The thing looked like a fat man at first glance, but he was covered in blood and looked nearly 3 meters tall. The clothes on his body were covered in fat. The tattered orchid was rotten, and countless bloodshots spread all over its exposed skin, and on the rough and festering skin, there were pustules with a faint yellow light, the fat man was throwing electricity in his hand, and the other One hand kept scratching the bloody arm, and his mouth kept muttering: 8 Frank-.Frank. Then, it turned its head and aimed its gaze at the Shenya team ahead. The fat on his face slowly piled up, and the festering corners of his mouth were torn to both sides, leaving only the white eyeballs staring at the Shenya team in front of him. The fat man picked up the blood-stained telegram in his hand. Violently--pulled, and the telegraph turned around suddenly with black smoke. Fu Yi Lan Yi Ke Yi - ! ! ! With a deafening roar, the fat man grinned like he raised the sounding chainsaw in his hand, and moved towards him at a speed that was completely inconsistent with his bloated body. The Shenya team rushed over, waving the telegraph in their hands while rushing back. It looked like a chariot. Damn it! The chainsaw held in the monster's hands was like a toy! Female horse's! Back up! Back up! It's a special infected individual! The captain shouted in panic, and at the same time quickly backed away, but the sacred object holding the telegram was running too fast, and in just a moment, he rushed to a In front of the Shenya team members, who had been slow to respond for half a beat, the telegram in their hands was sharply sawed down at the man's neck. Ah ah ah ah! With the heart-piercing screams, the electric data in the monster's hand slashed into the neck of the team member, the team member screamed, blood scattered from his neck It splashed out, and the monster had a frenzied smile on its face. It pressed the electric data with force, and then in an instant, the player's head fell off his neck, and blood rushed out along the wound on the player's neck. . Frank! Why?! After killing a team member, the monster immediately roared and charged towards the Shenya team, and the captain hurriedly shouted hind legs - while constantly throwing bullets at the monster On the head of the monster, and the team members around him were constantly firing, the bullets blasted blood flowers on the monster's fat layer, but it didn't help, the monster - shouted: 'Frank! At the same time, he charged towards the Shenya team under the firepower of the Shenya team. Finally, the fat monster that seemed to have eaten too many bullets groaned and knelt on the ground, panting-- and roaring. : Frank is angry with Frank_I

I'm going to kill you!!! Run! Run! The monster temporarily lost his ability to move, and the captain turned his head and ran wildly. The team members immediately ran after them. Behind them, the monster holding the telegram stopped for a few seconds and then stood up again. Compared with before, it seemed to be more violent, and I saw it roared loudly. : Don't run! Frank! Then he charged towards the fleeing Shenya team, his heavy body stepped on the stagnant water on the road, making bursts of sound like the death knell of the god of death. One of the team members couldn't help turning his head and raised his gun to stop the monster's attack, but he didn't expect the monster's speed to be faster than before! The moment he turned his head, the monster rushed to him. On his face, the high-speed rotating chainsaw stabbed into his abdomen in an instant, and then came out through his body. The monster laughed wildly and raised the electric power in his hand, and raised the team member who was pierced by the electric power. Then he shook frantically, listening to the screams of the team member, feeling the blood and minced meat of the team member and the rain from the sky falling on his face, the monster roared excitedly: Wei Yisi Ke --! ! ! !

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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