[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

When he saw the first face of the monster, the captain guessed that the monster was definitely difficult to deal with, but he never imagined that the team lost two members in just one encounter.

Now, there are only six left.

Watching the monster hang his team members on the chainsaw - shaking and roaring excitedly, the captain only felt scalp hair salon. Damn, it was unexpected that a biochemical crisis broke out at the target location, but now this kind of monster has appeared! Retreat! Don't look back! Hide in the house next to you! The second-floor small house with the door half-opened quickly ran over, and after hearing the captain's order, the remaining five team members immediately followed.

On the other side, the corpse hung on the telegraph finally turned into two pieces of internal organs mixed with blood and flowed out of the wound, and fell to the ground. The fat monster clutching the chainsaw stomped excitedly, and then looked like a chariot. Roaring like a roar, he rushed towards the Shenya team who were trying to hide in the house. Quick! Quick, quick, quick! The captain who ran at the front yelled and knocked open the half-open door of the residential house on the street, then turned his head to guard the door and shouted to the players behind him. - While slamming the alarm machine at the monster's head, the bullets were accompanied by the gunshots- The hair was fired, and the raindrops that passed through the air crashed into the monster's head for a while, and the blood flowers were on the monster's head and shoulders. It splattered everywhere, but the monster didn't care at all. It ran madly on the street with a strange smile, and then swung the electricity in the hands of the last team member. Seeing that the chainsaw was about to chop down, one had already run away. A few mouthfuls of team members turned back decisively, and together with the captain, they fired at the monster. In the end, the monster took a step forward, covered his face and roared: The girl's! The girl's! The girl's! Frank, you bastard. You This bastard! Under the cover of the captain and a teammate, the remaining four team members quickly rushed into the house. Seeing that the monster had already stood up, the captain patted the other team member on the shoulder, and then the two of them retreated directly. room.

He closed the door, the captain quickly backed away, and the next second, the monster slammed into the house, the factory in the room was smashed into pieces, and the whole building trembled. , the blood-covered monster was stuck in the door. He leaned into the house halfway, stretched out his hand and yelled at the Shenya team in the house, Frank! You bastard! Get out of here! Eat bullets Bastard! the captain roared, raising his gun at the same time, leading the team to focus fire on the monster's head, and after a few seconds, the monster cursed and covered his beehive-like head, cursing. After retreating, in an instant, the street returned to silence, and only the footsteps of the monster were left surrounding this small house, and they refused to leave. That guy is waiting for us to go out. A member of the team said with an ugly face. Damn it! What?! Another team member said hysterically: Why didn't our intelligence department tell us that there is such a thing on the island? Our firepower can't kill it at all! Female horse! We are dead! Shut up Come on, recruit the captain who was sitting beside said solemnly, he subconsciously wanted to take off the gas mask to disperse the heat inside, but he quickly dismissed this idea, he was worried that his team members would follow his actions The boat capsized in the gutter and lost his life. In the darkness, the captain thought silently, and right now, the monster with the chainsaw was guarding the door, it wandered back and forth, the sound of oppressive footsteps. Inexplicable curses are constantly destroying the tense nerves of the players. The captain knows that he must make a choice as soon as possible. In the Umbrella era, the JBCS troops who were often used to collect data for the new BOW and directly in the exercise Unlike the USs troops who joined BOWi for actual combat, the combat exercises of the scavenger troops under Shenya Pharmaceutical in the area where the biochemical crisis broke out were all completed through a simulated environment, and the main purpose of the training was not frontal combat, but extremely harsh conditions. The recovery of the task target, that is to say, the scavenger team of Shenya Pharmaceuticals does not have enough experience to face the powerful B0W. If you choose to rush out with the team and fight the monster desperately, even if you can kill it, the team is bound to It will pay a heavy price, what's more, the captain doesn't think his team members can accept this kind of order now. Their mental state is very bad, and it can even be said that they are in a precarious situation. One of the two team members who just died was sawed off. One of the heads was sawed into two pieces. Such a death would have too much mental impact on the team members, and they would be stunned by fear.

s. After the interference signal disappears, he can ask for help from other teams. No matter how strong the monster is, it is impossible to withstand the concentrated fire of dozens of automatic rifles. Having made up his mind, the captain stood up and said to the teammates around him: Move the things in the living room, block the door, then clean up the upstairs, and then move everyone to the second floor, take shifts to rest, today We might have to spend the night here. When the order was given, the captain could feel that the depressing atmosphere surrounding the living room was instantly relieved, and the team members 1 breathed a sigh of relief. Under the command of the captain, the four people went to the second floor. After confirming that there were no infected persons on the second floor, they removed the wardrobe, bookcase and chair, and blocked the door with the sofa in the living room. Although they could not resist the huge Electricity monsters, but enough to hold back those ordinary infected people, after doing all this, the Shenya team went to the second floor.

I'll be on duty in the first class. The captain said solemnly: You guys go to rest, I'll wake Orson up in an hour. Then Yang, and then... everything was quickly arranged, and the team members entered immediately. The bedroom slept against the wall, and the captain was at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor. Hearing footsteps and curses coming from outside the house, the captain only felt agitated. He glanced downstairs and confirmed the following After there was no abnormality, he came to another room on the second floor, and gently opened the curtains. In the corner, he saw that the tall monster was constantly wandering around the house, and the rain washed over the house.

Its body, and then turned into blood and dripped down, and the monster kept whispering: Frank, can't trust Alex... and kept scratching the bloody arm.

This guy seems to have a strong obsession with a guy named Frank. Looking at the monster, the captain couldn't help but start chaotically guessing what happened on the island. Although the English pronunciation of the monster is a bit confusing, it is basically certain It is the standard spoken pronunciation of country A, so P so this monster is likely to be an employee of the 2nd mining company in country A before it turns into this appearance, and Frank, who has been talking about it all the time, is its colleague, As for the composition of that Alex, it is not very clear, but it seems to have mentioned a guy named Wesker before. Who is that guy? I feel like I heard this name somewhere.. The gradually fluttering thoughts were slowly pulled back, the captain turned his head, and followed the curtain of the curtain to look at the monster again, only to see that the monster did not move, it was standing on the head, silently watching since 2. Perception. At the sight of the captain, the monster grinned. In an instant, the captain only felt his scalp go numb. The female horse! Bad luck! He pulled the curtains back viciously, and the captain cursed in a low voice. He turned his head and was just about to return to the stairs, only to hear a muffled dong sound, The entire second-story house trembled violently. Fu Yi Lan Yi - Ke Yi Yi! I see you!!! Accompanying the violent shaking of the second-story house was the deafening roar of the monster.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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