[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

What's the situation? Feeling the shaking under their feet, the lightly asleep players stood up immediately. They rushed out of the room, only to see their captain guarding the window with an extremely ugly face. Stop watching! This bastard is in Hit the building! Fire at it from the window! Seeing all the team members running out, the captain turned his head and said sharply: The female horse!

After receiving the order, the team members quickly dispersed, and they opened the windows on the second floor one after another, only to see that the monster outside the window was like a battering ram hitting the outer wall of the second-story house one after another. Going downstairs will be followed by a violent forehead shaking, as if one more time will collapse. Guns were set up from different windows, and the team members kept tilting bullets towards the monster's head, pain on the top of the head, and the monster stretched out a scratching hand

Tongue grenade! Female horse's! Throw the grenade! the captain roared, he tore off a fragmented grenade from his waist, pulled off the pull ring, and threw it directly, only to hear a sound, the belly of the sacred object instantly Its flesh and blood was blown up by the fragments, it ran and jumped to the ground, and then said angrily: Fran. How dare you. How dare you. Stopping the monster's attack, the team members became excited. The grenade on his body threw at the monster and roared, Try this for you! Bastard! Fragment grenades were thrown out of the window in turn, landed next to the monster, and then exploded one after another, knocking the monster out. It exploded to the ground and exploded. It dragged its whole body of fat and crawled towards the house with difficulty-- while roaring: Frank! Frank! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too then the Shenya team put the grenade on him All of them were tongue-tied, and the monster outside the house was already blurred with blood. It was lying on the ground motionless, just

The mouth was still whispering: ' 'Frank Frank... It's going to die. Seeing the monster lying on the ground, one of the team members said excitedly, after saying that, he directly picked up the gun Aiming at the monster's head, and then firing all the bullets in the bullet in one breath, with the cessation of the gunshots, the monster finally lost its voice. It's really killed! The team members on the other side were a little surprised. , He turned his head to the captain in the next room and said, Are we going to leave? The other squads will probably be almost assembled near the signal tower. No, just wait. The captain's expression did not relax in the slightest. He frowned and stared at the monster lying on the ground, and said solemnly. What are you waiting for? Captain? When are you going now? Go?! The team member said anxiously. The captain could feel it, because of this monster, there was a problem with the mentality of the team members, and they began to become impatient, but as the captain, he couldn't let go.

Calm down, he prefers to prioritize the life and death of the entire team over completing the mission. Okay, the mission continues, let's go to the signal tower. In the end, the captain chose to compromise and looked out the window at the monster that was motionless on the street. The captain felt that he should just be over-hearted. That thing looked dead no matter what. It's clear. Go and remove the sundries at the door, be quiet, and don't panic against the infected people around you. The captain whispered: Organize the equipment, we will hurry up in a while.

Don't worry, Captain, if there were still infected people around here, they would have rushed over. A team member said with a smile: After all, we just

It's never wrong to be fearful. The captain said solemnly. Okay, you are the captain, you can say what you say. After the dust settled, the captain was relieved. Before he went downstairs, he wanted to take another look at the monster's body. He turned his head and looked down the window.

What's wrong with me? the captain whispered. He suddenly felt that maybe the players were right. He seemed to be putting too much pressure on himself.

become neurotic. Just as he was about to turn his head, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the monster seemed to move its fingers. The captain turned his head back in an instant, and he stared at the monster lying on the ground. Because of the rainy weather and the lack of gloss, he didn't see the real sword very well, but then, the monster suddenly lifted up. hand, scratching his own arm holding the chainsaw. In an instant, the captain only felt a gust of cold air running down the soles of his feet straight to the top of his head. He turned his head with red eyes, and shouted anxiously as he ran downstairs. Again! Don't move! Don't move!

Since everyone was looking at him, P didn't notice the movement behind him at all.

Don't stand at door 0! Hurry up and come back! The captain shouted at the player closest to i O. The player tilted his head. Although he didn't understand the situation, he still chose to believe the captain's order. However, just as he lifted his foot, a big, bloody hand grabbed his ankle and dragged him outside the house.

Ah ah ah! Captain! Help me! The team member screamed on the ground, scratching the floor with both hands. The other team members rushed forward and grabbed his hand. He dragged him back. Outside the house, the bloody monster that was blasted by the fragmentation grenade stood up again. It tore the corner of its mouth and made a sound like a broken bellows being pulled. The captain rushed to the door without hesitation. There was a burst of fire at the monster's head. The bullet hit its face, but the monster seemed to have completely lost its pain sensation. Even though the bullet was frantically washing its face, it still had that disgusting smile on its face, and soon, the captain was fired. Le Magazine neutered the bullet, he touched his hand to his waist, but found that the rifle was out of bullets! Suppressing the fear in his heart, the captain with a distorted expression directly pulled out the pistol and continued to pull at the monster's head. the trigger, and the players behind them--one hand held the arm of the teammate, the other

One hand pulled out a pistol and fired at the monster's head, the monster shook its head, muttering words that could no longer be distinguished, and then, with the other hand, lifted the chainsaw.

Oh! No, no, no, no! Seeing that the monster mentioned the telegram captain, he felt a pressure as if he was about to take a breather. Even if there was no bullet in the pistol, he still mechanically pulled Holding the trigger, he kept saying, Stop it, stop it. Then, in front of the Shenya team members, the monster grinned, and pointed the telegram in his hand at the team member who was caught by him. Waist, shoved into the forehead

In an instant, the sound of torn flesh mixed with the sound of shredded bones, mixed with the screams of the team member, resounded through the street, and the panicked team members pulled subconsciously, only to hear a sound, that The upper body of the famous team member was pulled into the house, while the lower body was dragged out by the monster. The internal organs continued to flow out along the wound with blood and minced meat. Only the upper body team member struggled and stretched out his hand towards the captain, Then the hand went down

Under the shield mask, the captain was stunned. However, all this was not over yet, I saw the monster standing up straight. It grabbed the lower body of the dead team member and brought it to its mouth, and then ate it directly. The skin, fat, muscle and bone were mixed and chewed, and then swallowed Next, in just a few minutes, the player's lower body was eaten by it. He threw away the few remains that had been eaten, the monster stood up straight, and then suddenly released a loud fart mixed with blood, it smiled contentedly, then lowered its head, and looked at the wills in the room. The Shenya team that was completely destroyed. A few seconds later, in the terrified shouts of the Shenya team, it rammed into this small second-floor house again. -A street away, in the same second-story building, Tiililian watched the scene silently along the window, and she knew that the group of people who stayed in the small house was finished. It's really boring. . After a long while, the girl turned her head with a gloomy face, and she whispered: Go find a pervert. . .

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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