[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

One, two, three. Among the trees, Li Yexing stood on the SVD, and observed the situation around the signal tower in the distance through the scope. There, stood one, they were wearing gray combat uniforms with black outside. Bulletproof vests, helmet-style gas masks on their heads, unrecognizable automatic rifles in their hands, pistols and ice axes hanging from their waists, these people surrounded the signal tower, occasionally chatting a few times, as if they were patrolling. There are no more female horses. Li Yexing said to himself a little irritably. He roughly estimated that the number of people around the signal tower might be as many as dozens. Who are these guys? Looking at Zhuang Dong, Li Yexing was basically unable to judge their power, but the ice axe hanging around their waists reminded him of a rather mysterious organization, New Umbrella. Different from N ∈ o. Umbrella led by Kara in Resident Evil 6, New Umbrella is a rather mysterious organization, similar to the current BW international security contractor, New Umbrella is also one by one A private military organization, they were established in 2007. Most of the staff in the organization are former Umbrella employees. Atonement for the trauma caused by this world, resolutely crack down on all biochemical terrorism, resolutely crack down on all individuals or organizations that develop and sell B0W, and maintain world peace and stability

Li Yehang thought it was farting. Most of the staff are former Umbrella employees? Li Yexing doesn't believe in this inexplicable organization based on this alone. In Resident Evil 7, when Chris, as a foreign aid expert on the BSAA side, helps the new Umbrella deal with the ∈ series The biochemical crisis caused by biological weapons in Louisiana, country A, also joked when helping New Umbrella to capture the young genius Lucas, Are you sure you don't want to hire him? Of course, these are not the most critical, really It was the game Resident Evil Umbrella Squad and the comic Resident Evil Paradise Island who asked Li Yexing to characterize this organization. In Umbrella Squad, the new Umbrella entered the biohazard blockade zone to collect BOW's DNA samples, and in the comic Resident Evil Paradise Island, the newly debuted Shen Yali medicine is directly imitated by the Umbrella team's dress. All members are equipped with ice axes for melee combat and developed by New Umbrella, which can be effective. The zombie jammer that interferes with Zombie's cognitive ability, that is to say, New Umbrella directly provided Shenya Pharmaceutical with this kind of equipment that facilitates the execution of tasks in the biohazard blockade area. Despite this, Resident Evil 7 , the new Umbrella still successfully borrowed Chris from BSAA, which is quite intriguing. As we all know, the reason why BSAA can become bigger is largely because there are international drugs behind it. The support of the alliance, but the problem is that the International Pharmaceutical Alliance itself is very unclean. Whether it is the already lying Sanlian Pharmaceutical or the mysterious Shenya Pharmaceutical, they are the big gold behind the BSAA, although it happened before. The situation that BSAA has given its big money master triple medicine to the knife, but this does not affect a group of scheming people who support BSA while hiding from BSAA to do things. In other words, Resident Evil 7 will Chris borrow Perhaps it is not the meaning of BSAA, but the meaning of the International Pharmaceutical Alliance. It can be seen that although the words are high-sounding, the new Umbrella / \\cheng is not a good bird, according to Li Yexing's guess, follow-up In the plot, New Umbrella is likely to play a wave of guarding and stealing. Then, back to the problem at hand, only with the ice axe around his waist, Li Yexing really cannot judge whether the organization surrounding the signal tower is Umbrella under New Umbrella. The team is still the group of the gods who picked up the junk. If it was the latter, Li Yexing would still have the confidence to fight them back and forth, but if it was the former, Umbrella's team's combat effectiveness is not guaranteed, it is very likely that It has surpassed the USS in Umbrella's time. It's hard to deal with. Looking at the large group of people around the signal tower, Li Yexing bit his fingernails a little irritably. According to his guess, the troops that occupied the signal moss in front of him were probably the The group of forces who landed on the island before them and opened the signal tower, and their purpose is likely to paralyze the communication system of the later forces on the island. As for the group in front of them, their mission) \\The achievement is to station the signal tower, Kill all the latecomers who try to turn off the signal tower. Maybe for the current situation, turn off the signal The tower is not the best solution. Li Yexing murmured softly: Maybe, I should blow up the signal tower. The sight in the scope wandered around with Li Yexing's tiny movements, and Li Yexing carefully observed these The deployment of people and the patrol route, they don't seem to be carrying heavy weapons, but the personal equipment is very well-equipped and seems to be well-trained. There is no loophole for deployment and patrolling. Probably, the only way is to hit it head on. The female horse, if the helicopter didn't fall... Li Yexing couldn't help complaining softly, but at this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunshots near the signal tower. Through the scope, Li Yexing could see The soldiers who arrived around the signal tower quickly moved towards the dirt road next to the signal tower. Something went wrong! Li Youxing was overjoyed, he turned the SVD in his hand, and wanted to see who was helping him create a riot through the scope, but when the sight in the scope was dragged to the interactive area, Li Yexing stunned. I saw in the scope, a dwarf girl with blond hair and double ponytails - smiling arrogantly, her left eye was wearing a blindfold, her right eye was red as if burning, her white face was still stained with blood, blond hair. The girl was wearing a bulletproof vest and HK-416 in her hand. Facing the enemy's firepower, she couldn't help but shoot like a Terminator - and walked up, while the few people who were guarding near the dirt road. An unidentified armed man was arrested by her

He didn't dare to show his face, so he had to hide behind the dirt slope and shout for support. Oh, isn't this my sister-in-law with a bad mind? Li Yexing looked at the arrogant Tililian through the scope, and Li Yexing was puzzled. Before, he was worried about how to find Tililian. Unexpectedly, before she could enter the signal tower, she sent it to her mouth. But this is also good. Not only does it save you the trouble of finding Tillyrian, but you can also take advantage of her opportunity to cause trouble for these guys in the front and sneak into the control room of the signal tower and close the signal tower. The plan is to put down the SVD in hand, Li Yexing jumped directly from the tree, hung the SVD back behind him, and pulled out the M4A1 behind him at the same time. With a smug smile on his face, Li Yexing said softly: It's time to test the real technique.

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