What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-21. The macho and sister-in-law enter the venue violently

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Dead! Die! Die! Die! Die! I will die! The blasting gunfire and the roaring gunfire ripped apart the rainy night that should have been quiet. On the dirt road leading to the signal tower, I was wearing body armor. The blond girl with double ponytails laughed wildly, with a scary red light in her one red eye, she held up the HK-416 in her hand. She frantically fired at the Tu 6 that was hiding the enemy on the opposite side. More than two hours Before, Tiililian, who had interrogated the unidentified personnel in the jungle, made the decision to turn off the signal tower and then find Li Yexing. She returned to the village where the plane crashed and witnessed the demise of an unknown armed team. Zhushi Road climbed halfway up the mountain and was about to deal with the signal tower, but when she got to the signal tower not far away, she found that the signal tower seemed to be surrounded by those guys. Almost instantly, the clever little brain helped Tililian to do After making a decision, since it is not an allied army, it must be an enemy. Since they are blocking the road, why not kill them all? So, the situation has become like this. Under the frantic shooting of the blonde girl, in just a few seconds, The bullets in the x magazine were dumped--empty, Tilly Zhian's expression instantly became very ugly, she stopped and stretched her hand to the spare bullet hanging on the body armor. Damn. If it was a coffin Still. The irritable Tililian gritted her teeth. Side B, seeing that Ti Lilian had ceased fire, the enemies lying behind Shiqiu quickly stuck their heads out, aimed their guns at the petite girl who was changing bullets, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In the gun, he immediately opened fire at the enemies on the opposite side. One enemy couldn't dodge, and was pierced by the gas mask by Tililian's bullet, and fell silently, while the other people quickly turned their heads She shrank back. Don't hide! Tiililian walked towards the mound with a gun and laughed wildly: If you were only passively beaten, wouldn't it be like the people of F country?! Getting closer, the expression on Tiililian's face became more and more excited. She couldn't wait to see the horrified expressions on the stupid faces of those bastards, but at this moment, there was another dense gunshot. Get up, and then, - a bullet shot into the girl's thigh and arm, feeling the pain and blockage in the muscles, Tiililian turned her head angrily, and at this moment, a bullet hit Touching her forehead, the blond girl fell straight down with a sound like metal hitting. After a few seconds, her consciousness returned to the blond girl's body. feel like my head is buzzing

She rubbed her aching forehead, then looked at her fingers, and saw blood stains on the tips of her fingers. There was no doubt that it was her own blood. Tililian instantly realized that she had been shot by a sniper. head off. The supple blond hair was stained with mud, the blond girl shook her head and stood up. She looked around in a daze, and saw that on the opposite side of the mound, more enemies rushed over from all directions, and they kept gathering. Tililian was on fire, and then, another sniper bullet shot over, and then hit Tililian on the head again. Tillylian stumbled and nearly fell. The blood mixed with the stains on her face and Sweat trickled down from her forehead, and Tillylian whispered, No, no, no, if you get hit on the head again, the smart head will be beaten stupidly.

In a trance, the girl shook her head violently, and then, a bullet rubbed her ear and flew past. The expression that became a little cute because of her unconsciousness instantly turned hideous, Tiililian grinned, and then - a Throwing away the gun in her hand, she ran towards Shiqiu directly in front of her. The gunshots rang out again. Tiililian laughed wildly and covered her face with her hands. The moment she rushed to the mound, she suddenly stretched out her hand. , pulled out two frag grenades from his waist. Tast this! He bit off the pull ring with his mouth, and then threw the frag grenades behind Shiqiu. The person behind the mound shouted: Grenade! Get down! In the next second, the explosion sounded with a shock wave and threw the fragments and the soil on the ground into the sky, and then mixed with the rain - falling together, Tilly Zhian laughed wildly. After rushing up to Shiqiu in the mud and rain, and then rushing directly towards the enemy who was not killed by the bomb, those people saw Ti Lilian rushing up, and they drove in panic, but Ti Lilian was not at all level, strengthened The muscle tissue firmly fixed all the bullets that had penetrated the skin. Seeing that the blond girl was about to kill, but at this moment, she heard the sound of Hidden! Come here, and then bang at Tillylian's feet, Tilly

Vaguely, Tililian seemed to hear someone shouting: You are crazy! Team aB is still over there!

After a while, the gray-faced girl stood up a little embarrassedly in the thick smoke. She raised her head and saw that the few enemies who had escaped the grenade had been blown up by the grenade, and there were more enemies in other places. Approaching this side from all directions, one of them is still holding a bomb launcher. Stupid Humans stood up under the intense firepower, and Tiililian cursed and stood up. She was about to move on, but she saw-- The hair bounced over and hit the body armor on Ti Lilian's chest. The pupils surrounded by red suddenly shrank. Then, an explosion sounded, and Ti Lilian was blown out again. We kill Is it? The person carrying the bullet-hairing artifact asked in a deep voice, and he just arrived at the scene and saw the girl around a dozen teammates gathering fire with his own eyes

Are you crazy?! The man with the automatic rifle next to him said angrily, Didn't you see that our people haven't come down yet?!

It doesn't matter, whether I fire the gun or not, they are all dead. The person holding the bullet launcher said calmly: Instead of being killed by the monster one by one, it is better to seize the opportunity to kill her here. After all, the man said again: And I don't think that monster is

It will die like this, but I saw it with my own eyes that it took a few shuttles of bullets. As he said, on the muddy ground in the distance, a small figure struggled to stand up again. Tililian now, Very annoyed! You must know that Mrs. Tililian is the technological crystallization of the European branch of Black Umbrella. It is the treasure in the palm of Casimir's father and Angelica's mother. It is the perfect BOW! Except for the parents in the laboratory And besides that perfect elder sister, no one can hurt the body of Mrs. Tilly-sama, no one

1...1.. you scumbags!!! The girl who stood up again growled like a vicious dog swept away by anger, she gritted her teeth angrily, and the heels of her teeth even began to ooze blood, turning red. Her eyes began to light up faintly, and the girl roughly tore off the broken body armor and the black combat uniform, revealing the tight vest with the black Umbrella Logo, and then pulled her face off. The blindfold on his back revealed his left eye surrounded by flesh and blood. Now, go to hell to repent! the girl roared, and then the small device installed on the girl's chest made a pleasant female electronic synthesis sound. I illin, the scanning is completed, the A-level permission is confirmed, 'The Nemesis ' The system is being unlocked. After unlocking the black Umbrella, every employee needs to do their due diligence.

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