[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

With a harsh electronic sound, the green warning light on the small device on Tililian's chest instantly turned red, the blond girl suddenly raised her head, and the previously covered eyes suddenly burst into blue and purple light. , Immediately after, lines with red light appeared on the girl's white skin. They started from the girl's chest and gradually spread to Tiililian's whole body along the blood vessels, passing through One after another surgically stitched scars slowly climbed up her cheeks. The severe pain all over her body was biting Ti Lilian's spirit frantically, and cold sweat and rain continued to descend from her body. Even so, the stubborn girl still did not fall down, she tried her best to suppress her body that was trembling with pain. , the smile on his face became more and more sinister and distorted. Suddenly, the skin on the girl's shoulders, arms, and back was torn apart like rags, and the scarlet muscles swelled out from the cracks in the skin, as if something was about to burst out. Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the heart-piercing scream of the girl, scarlet tentacles wriggled and pierced the girl's muscles, spreading out from the right arm, right shoulder and back with scattered blood. , dancing wildly in the rain. Is this my true power? Looking at the tentacles growing from her body and feeling the steady flow of power from her beating heart, Tililian suddenly felt a little depressed. This look,- is not at all beautiful, and can't be compared to her perfect older sister. After a brief thought, Tiililian blames this-- on stupid humans, because of these bastards, P's r She had to fight with this ugly appearance, so she wanted to find her way back, and she wanted to make those low-level creatures who would enrich themselves into this situation pay the price. Tremble in front of the power of BOW Humans! With hatred that almost turned into reality in her eyes, Tililian gritted her teeth and grinned, her legs suddenly curled up, and then with an instant force, her body was ejected like a cannonball. The target was the enemy who had blasted her with the bomb launcher earlier.

.. Seeing Tililian rushing towards Zi 2, the man was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised the bomb launcher in his hand. But Tililian was faster, and he didn't wait for the bomb in the man's hand. The bomb launcher was raised, and Tililian was already rushing in front of him. Die! Low creatures! With a wild smile on her face, Tililian suddenly waved her right arm, and four or five tentacles stabbed at the enemy in an instant. His chest, accompanied by the sound of his body being pierced, the man let out a painful howl, under tension, he subconsciously pulled the bullet launcher's alarm and only heard the sound of 5. The bomb was fired, dragged its tail smoke, brushed Tililian's body and flew directly into the distance, and then blew up the unidentified militants who came to support them. Ha! Deserving it! Stepping on the man's body, Tiililian pulled out the tentacles that had been inserted into the man's chest. Terrified roars kept coming from her ears. Those people were shouting, Open fire. ! This feeling of being frightened made Tilly An extraordinarily happy. Slowly turning around in the hail of bullets, the inhuman blond girl stared at her surroundings, her eyes filled with inescapable lasciviousness and brutality. Facing the terrified enemies, she opened her hands and laughed wildly: Fear Come! Lesser creatures! Be fearful!

Hearing the sound of gunfire and explosions coming from the other side, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning. Although I hope that the cheap sister-in-law can create a little riot, but now it seems that this movement is a little too big? Can the little girl hold it? Li Yexing couldn't help but worry a little, after all, it was Ti Lilith's sister. That's all, it's over, it's pointless to worry about it, instead of thinking about such useless things here, it's better to quickly do the things at hand, and then go to support her. Thinking of this, Li Yexing lowered his body and got out of the dense forest. Under the cover of darkness and the sound of rain, he quietly touched the signal tower. At this time, the unidentified armed men with their hands around the signal tower rushed to support the teammates who were blown up by Ti Lilian's hammer. There were no guards around the signal tower. Seeing the empty door opened, Li Yexing directly touched it and lowered his body. , bypassing the outer wall of barbed wire. Then he cautiously entered the yard at the foot of the signal tower. It was said to be a yard. In fact, this space is very large. While wrapping the entire base of the signal tower, there is still a lot of space left. Li Yexing quickly touched the control next to the signal tower. Next to the room, seeing that the lights were still lit inside, he cautiously stuck his head out and looked into the interior of the control room along the window. After confirming that there was no one inside, he entered along the door. After entering the control room, Li Yexing closed the door with his backhand, and then raised his head to look at the control room. The control room has a large interior space. There are circuit boxes in the control room. Li Yexing passed through the circuit boxes to arrive. Now - a small room door 0, he opened the door carefully, and found that it seems to be a lounge, there is a bed, a hanger and a small table, hanging on the hanger - a black Overcoat, on the table - a small old-fashioned radio, and on the bed - a corpse that had been beaten through the head, which, looking at the clothes, was probably a civilian on the island. Li Yexing shook his head and exited the lounge. He directly opened another room. This room was much more spacious than the previous one. Except for the storage box in the corner, only the control of the signal tower was left. The console, painted green, and some rusted consoles are covered with strange buttons, and there are a lot of lights of different colors on it. On the console, a Pad is lying quietly. There, a data cable connects the Pad to the console, and the Pad's screen displays an inexplicable progress bar. Li Yexing picked up the Pad and glanced at it, only to see a circular mark painted on the back of the Pad. The outer circle of the mark was white and the inside was painted red.

In the middle of the red, there is a silhouette of a white dragon head, and under the sign, two Chinese characters are written: Shenya. It turns out that it is Shenya Pharmaceutical. Li Yexing frowned and said to himself: 'What are these guys doing? Unplugging the data cable, Li Youxing picked up the Pad and wanted to see what was inside. As a result, the Pad indicated that a password was required to unlock it. Li Yexing only felt unhappy. He just wanted to shoot the Pad to the corner. Think again and forget. Hanging the Pad on his waist, Li Yexing began to look for the switch of the signal tower, but the switch was not found, but the switch was found. Forget it, it's okay. Li Yexing whispered, then pulled the TV without hesitation. In the next second, only a dong sound was heard, and the entire control room was instantly plunged into darkness. At the same time, the signal tower that covered the entire island with the anti-aircraft signal finally stopped working.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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