What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-23. The macho sister-in-law is tired

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Communication has been restored!- The members of the Shinya Squad held automatic rifles and said to the communicator while firing at the girl who kept beating in the distance. The situation is not right came the teammate's voice from the communicator, and the man said inexplicably: According to the cracking progress of changing the frequency band, it will take at least half an hour to reset the interference signal. Why did the communication system reply directly? Yes - after a moment of doubt, the members of the Shenya team came to a conclusion. The female horse! Someone took advantage of our support and shut down the signal tower! About half an hour ago, most of the Shenya team successfully Assembled near the signal tower. At first, they planned to directly shut down the signal tower to restore communication. 1 However, considering that the mission information showed that there may be other unknown forces on the island, the Shenya team had a new idea, why not change this The signal tower's anti-trust 3. How about turning it into a jamming signal only for other forces? After having an idea, the technician of the Shenya team connected the control system of the signal tower with the Pad, and then he accidentally discovered that, The control system of this signal tower needs a secret key! The Shenya team never imagined that a signal tower set up on a small island where birds do not shit to let the islanders 1060 radios and maintain daily contact would be able to Need a key! Fortunately, although the encryption method of this signal tower is complex but very primitive, the cracking tool that comes with the Pad provided by Shenya Pharmaceutical is enough to handle it. After setting the program, Shenya team is ready to be stationed for a short time. Here, one is to wait for the signal to be changed after the crack is complete, and the other is to wait for other teams that have not yet reached the signal tower. As a result, the teammates did not wait, but waited - a B0w in the skin of a girl who looked very manic. Now, the signal blocking plan of the Shenya team has failed, and what is even more outrageous is that they have no time to take care of the signal tower. The situation, you know, dealing with this monster in front of them has exhausted them. In the muddy water, the blond girl was extremely manic. She used the power after liberation more and more with ease. After violently tore off the head of a Shenya team member, she turned her head hideously and looked at the people who set fire to her. , Tillylian laughed wildly and said, Is that all you can do? As soon as she finished speaking, a sniper bullet hit Tillylian on the head. The aching head took two steps back, and then raised her head, letting the blood flow down her fingers, she looked around, her eyes wrapped in flesh and blood became brighter and brighter, the blue and purple light complemented each other, and finally, she locked her sight. In the bushes behind Shenya Squad, a manic and twisted smile cracked at the corners of her mouth, and Tiililian excitedly said, I got you~ I got you. Aligned himself. The sniper hiding in the bush put down the gun in his hand, and said with an ugly expression: Woman...really? He stood up and wanted to change his position, but Tilly Hean didn't at all. Giving him a chance, the girl laughed wildly and rushed up against the firepower of the Shenya team. The blood-red tentacles slammed like a long whip, overturning all the enemies in front of her, and she grabbed one by one and fell to the ground. The Shenya staff, and then directly towards the sniper who wanted to transfer the tongue behind the bushes, the sniper couldn't hide, and was smashed to the ground by his teammates. He struggled to get up, but Tillylian had already taken this short opportunity to pounce, and she slammed her head into the sniper. In an instant, the sniper only felt that all his ribs were broken, and he screamed and flew backwards, spitting out blood. It was all stuck on the gas mask. Hey hey hey Looking at the sniper who was lying on the ground struggling to get up, Tiililian raised her right arm high, interspersed with tentacles growing from her back and right arm. Wrapping this wrap around her right arm turned the girl's right arm into a giant stick gun. I'll let you hit the head of my lord! Tillylian sneered, and her right hand, which turned into a stick, smashed the sniper's head. In an instant, the fragments of the gas mask were mixed with the broken skull. The blood and brains splashed out, and the blood-soaked girl grinned and turned around. Just as she was about to continue killing, she could only feel her head sinking and almost fell to the ground. What's going on? Like being taken away. On the other hand, unaware of Tilly's abnormality, a team leader of Shenya's team made a judgment based on the situation. They were severely attenuated and could not defeat a high-intensity BOW in this open field without the cover of complex terrain. , so he shouted in the communicator: 'Retreat! We don't have heavy firepower to defeat 2. Now, scattered and retreat towards the woods, all gather in the village, set up defense lines, and then ask for support from the remaining troops on the coastline! In the sound of the command, the survivors of several Shenya squads took turns to cross and open fire towards Tiililian, - - and quickly retreated into the dense forest behind. It didn't take long for the surrounding Shenya squads to withdraw. It was clean, leaving only a dozen mutilated corpses. Damn. Why is this gone? Ti Lilian gritted her teeth and tried her best to open her eyes. She wanted to continue chasing the enemies who were trying to evacuate the people, but at this moment, her head was dizzy, let alone running, Even walking became difficult. On her body, those hideous blood-colored tentacles were squirming and retracting into the girl's wound.

The blue-purple light from the left eye became more and more dim, and finally slowly changed back to the dull and cloudy eyeball. Tililian only felt weaker and weaker, and just standing here consumed all her strength, slender My legs started shaking because I couldn't support my body. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. The stubborn girl only felt that her eyes were black, and then she fell down. In a trance, Tili Hean suddenly burst into tears. Today, she made herself dirty, and next, she will fall into the muddy water again, defenseless, like a lamb to be slaughtered. Ten perfect B0W ah, what beautiful and noble Lady Tililian ah, it's all bullshit, I finally

After all, he couldn't become the ace that Casimir's father expected, after all, it was less than 1/10,000 of his elder sister's. like a trash-like ..

No wonder you haven't spoken all the time, where did you get the communicator? There were some familiar and some unfamiliar voices in my ears, and then a strange touch came from my body, it was not the touch of cold mud, this feeling made Tillylian was inexplicably relieved, and then, the world was spinning, and the raindrops hit her face, Tillylian narrowed her eyes, and in the blurred vision, she could vaguely see - a disgusting face, just that face The expression on Tililian felt very strange. My mother, there are bullet holes all over my body, and I'm going to be beaten into a sieve. How can you fight like this in a war? Are you a fool? the man whispered. It's really ugly. It's like being diagnosed Like a person from the country of F who was infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Under the rain, the blond girl quietly closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth evoked a faint smile.

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