[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Consciousness gradually returned to her body, Tiililian tried her best to open her eyes, and she was greeted with darkness, with the sound of pattering rain lingering in her ears. Pain from up and down. What came out of her body was a soft touch, and there seemed to be something under her head. The blond girl stretched out her mouth with difficulty, and her voice was as thin as mosquitoes.

As soon as the voice fell, in the darkness, there was only a sound next to her. Then, something came to her mouth. Tillylian opened her mouth subconsciously, and the cool water poured into her mouth in the next second. After a while, it seemed that the water had been drank, and the touch on the lips disappeared. Then, a ray of light lit up and shone on Tillyrian's face. The sudden strong light made Tillyrian subconsciously. She narrowed her eyes, and after getting used to it, she saw that it was a mobile phone held in her hand. The screen of the mobile phone displayed the time, and the lock screen wallpaper under the time was a very annoying one at first glance. The man with a disgusting smile on his face, surrounded by four beautiful girls next to the man, they were his elder sister, and the one who was wearing a maid outfit, strong like a monster Women, and an unfeminine-looking woman and an Asian woman in loose home clothes. Ah. It's the perverted mercenary Li Yexing and his big family of BoW who love each other...How does it feel? The annoying voice came over, and Li Yexing, who was holding the phone, smiled. Tillylian turned her head and turned her eyes to the darkness behind the light, trying to see that annoying face, but the room was so dark that Tillylian could only see a vague outline, and after a while , she asked in a low voice, Where is this place? In the control room under the signal tower, there was a dead man lying on your bed, but I threw him out... Li Yexing replied with a smile, and turned off the When the light of the mobile phone was turned on, the room fell into darkness again. I have to save electricity. Li Yexing said softly: 'After all, it's still useful. So I'm lying on the bed? After a while, Tillylian whispered, she wanted to move her body, but she couldn't use her strength at all. After struggling for a while, the girl seemed to accept her fate and gave up completely. He completely disappeared from the arrogant look he had before, and said weakly: Pervert, my body hurts so much.

It hurts, Li Yexing's voice came out in the dark, he was a little funny Yong: How many bullets do you think I dug out of you? Hmm? Tillylian was silent and said nothing. Seeing that Tillylian did not In reply, Li Yexing said solemnly: --one hundred and forty-three! Can you hear it clearly? Exactly one-hundred and forty-three! Oh Tiililian whispered to meet.

This is just one hundred and forty-three dug up, many of them fell off from the wound on the way to bring you back, and the remaining ones, I dug out one by one from you with a dagger ! In the darkness, Li Yexing's voice kept coming, he said: When I just found you, your body was like a sieve with holes all over it. It is estimated that people with intensive phobia will be scared to death on the spot. It turned out that I was shot so many times, Ti Lilian whispered, I didn't even pay attention to it... Yes... Li Yexing said softly, Just saying this, you are really far worse than your sister. After all, my elder sister is a perfect BOw.. Tililian defended in a low voice: My combat performance is not as good as my elder sister, isn't it a matter of course? No, I didn't mean combat ability. Li Yexing said solemnly :' I mean, at least Tililith knows how to protect herself most of the time. Unless she has to, she won't take someone else's bullet. Oh? No? The blond girl lying on the bed was a little surprised: Casimir's father said clearly that elder sister's ability to resist heavy fire is better than me...

After speaking, the lounge of the console fell into a dead silence, and only the sound of rain from outside was in the air. Hey, pervert.. After a moment of silence, Ti Lilian whispered: Can you tell me about my elder sister? Tiililith? Li Yexing was a little stunned, and then asked a little: ' What do you want to know? Everything is fine. Tillylian whispered: Actually, I'm quite curious about my elder sister's life. After all, our fathers love us so much and are very happy here, I don't understand. Why don't you want to go back with me? Love? He was tied up with an iron chain and shot with a machine gun. You call this dope? Li Yexing sneered and said, That's really a lot of love. It's different. Tillylian said softly, Tillylian is a weapon, and my elder sister is also a weapon, and a weapon always needs to test its performance. Since you think you are a weapon, why are you so obsessed with Tillyris? Li Yexing low You know, weapons don't have feelings... But I also want my family... Tillylian said weakly.

Family? Don't you have a lot of parents? Li Youxing asked with raised eyebrows. ..that's different.. Tillylian whispered: Casimir's father and Angelica's mother love me very much, but they are human beings and my creators after all, and my elder sister is different, my elder sister She... Well, I seem to understand what you're thinking. Li Yexing covered his forehead and waved his hand. He turned on his mobile phone again, and then rummaged through a large black backpack by the light of the mobile phone. After a while, he took out a colorful packaging bag, and after skillfully tore it open, Li Yexing took something out of it and brought it to Tiililian's mouth. Open your mouth and taste. Li Yexing said with a smile. Although he couldn't see what Li Yexing was holding in the dark, Tiililian still opened his mouth, and then Li Yexing fed the things in his hand into the into the girl's mouth. In an instant, the girl's eyes widened.

Lightly spicy and lightly salty quickly

Dispersing in the mouth, with the teeth closed and chewing, the crunchy thing in the mouth shattered and made bursts of noise. Then it mixed with the saliva, turned into a sweet and sticky slurry, and was swallowed together. °Okay. Tillylian was a little surprised: What is this? Potato chips, barbecue flavor. Li Yexing replied with a smile: Your sister doesn't really like snacks other than candy, but for potato chips, she The acceptance rate of the product is unexpectedly high. So why is my sister reluctant to go home because the nutritional cream is unpalatable? Tillylian asked. There must be a deeper reason for this. Li Yexing replied with a smile. Then Is it because the fire resistance test is too painful? Tiililian asked again. Your sister, like you, doesn't seem to be very afraid of pain... Li Yexing said helplessly: If you want to explain this kind of thing, it's a bit complicated. I don't know how to tell you... It's a pervert that my elder sister likes, and she seems to know a lot, just like Casimir's father. After a moment of silence, Tililian whispered.

Forget it, perverted or something. Li Yexing shook his head, he thought for a while, and then said, I told you about your sister, so on the other hand, you also tell me about your Casimir. How about the father? Dad Casimir? Tillylian thought for a while, and then whispered, Papa Casimir is a charming and lovely villain with both beauty and wisdom.. Beauty and wisdom coexist, cute It's charming. Li Yexing repeated Tililian's words with some confusion, and then suddenly realized that it didn't seem that Tililian could have said these words, so he asked a little: Who do you listen to this set of words? What? Dad Casimir said it himself... Tiililian replied earnestly: Dad Casimir said, if a pervert wants to inquire about him, I will answer the pervert like this. What kind of person do you think he is? Li Yexing said earnestly and enticingly. Tillylian thought about it with her clever little brain, and then said, Dad Casimir is beautiful and wise. Okay, don't say it, I see. Li Yexing shook his head in disappointment.

I really didn't expect that Li Youxing had begun to tell whether the guy was a scheming conspirator or a comedian. He couldn't get it out of the little fool's mouth. Li Yexing didn't pay much attention to it, he said to Ti Lilian: Let me tell you the good news, when you were just falling asleep, I contacted my family and they were all with you. What about Casimir's father's submarine? It is estimated that he will be here soon. Sister elder sister will also come?! Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tiililian couldn't help but asked with anticipation. , she will come. Li Yexing nodded.

After getting Li Yexing's answer, Ti Lilian instantly became excited. She wanted to get out of bed, but the feeling of weakness and severe pain from all over her body instantly pushed her back to the bed. It's alright, calm down, don't be so excited, Li Yexing said with a smile: I've already sent them our location, and when they get on I, I'll take it directly with us - the team's security department will meet with us. Voice As soon as I landed, I heard a distant sound outside the console. At first glance, it sounded like the sound of a ship. Is it the elder sister here? Tiililian, who was lying on the bed, asked excitedly. Listen. The sound doesn't seem right... Li Yexing frowned, he stood up, left Tillylian's bed, walked straight out of the lounge, and looked down the window to the sea beyond the coastline in the distance, in the darkness Among them, a monstrous creature emerged from behind the opposite island and reef. Li Yexing couldn't see it very clearly, but he could only see that it seemed to be a very large ship. A few seconds later, the side of the ship suddenly burst into flames. A flash, and then, Li Yexing seemed to hear a series of eat sounds. In an instant, a cold air rushed up from the soles of Li Yexing's feet, and Li Yexing only felt that his scalp was gone! Warship! It seems to be a warship! In the piercing sound of breaking the air, Li Yexing turned his head and ran towards the lounge. It seemed that he heard noises outside, and Tiililian lying on the bed had some doubts: Perverted, what's the sound? Li Youxing didn't say anything, he just flew on Tilly Zhi'an's body. Tilly Zhi'an just wanted to resist, but in the next second, the sky-high flames lit up with the sound of explosions. Li Yexing's terrified face was illuminated. Pervert? The expression on Ti Lilian's face froze. At this moment, the ground shook.

In the darkness, the shells pierced the silent rainy night and landed on the remote island, covering the mountainside along the mountain-road, and then brought up red mushroom clouds in the sound of the explosion, standing in the middle of the mountain. The signal tower on the mountainside collapsed in this round of intensive bombing, and the small island at this moment was like a hell on earth. Under the light of the fire, on the coastline, black assault boats washed up on the beach, and hundreds of armed men rushed ashore, all of them wearing tight black armor with a strange sense of technology, Holding an unrecognizable automatic rifle, with an oversized black helmet with red lenses on his head, it looks like the head of a fly.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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