What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-26. The macho is buried under the ruins (Part 1)

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Located near a small island in the Caribbean Sea, the jet-black warship had just finished its artillery attack on the middle of the small island. Then, a force of hundreds of people rushed ashore in an assault boat, which happened with the unknown forces stationed near the coastline. After a fierce exchange of fire, relying on the absolute advantage of numbers and firepower, they quickly repelled the group of guys. The Far Eastern Corps of the Simmons family, Neo Umbrella's black fleet under the absolute command of Carrara Dames crushed the unknown foreign forces on the island with absolute armed force. Now, the teeny-headed warriors in weird armor on the warship were running back and forth, preparing for the next battle, but at this moment, the sea in the distance suddenly made a loud noise, and then, accompanied by splashing Splashes, objects that could not be seen clearly pierced through the sea, streaking arcs in the air and smashed hard against the deck of the warship. Several soldiers stationed on the deck with fly helmets on their heads were keenly aware of the abnormality in the sky, and they shouted loudly in Russian: Heaven! Heaven!

Hearing the shouts of the few soldiers, the rest of the soldiers immediately raised their heads, only to see the four strange things falling from the sky, and just as they were about to fall on the deck, a scorching hot air suddenly spewed from below the thing. The airflow stabilized them in midair, and then, driven by the airflow, they landed firmly on the deck in different directions. When the thing hit the ground, the surrounding soldiers could see it clearly. It seemed to be a huge cylindrical metal can. Yaozi was gray as a whole, more than three meters high, covered with neat scriptures, and looked like a Like a big coffin. The soldiers on the deck looked at each other in dismay, and then - Tong held their guns and slowly surrounded the huge metal can. One of the soldiers reached out to the metal can and tapped tentatively, and then, vaguely Suddenly, it heard what seemed to be a noise in the jar. what!

Hearing a loud bang, the heavy airtight door on the metal jar slammed out, knocking the soldier who hit the jar and flying straight off the deck, then screaming and falling into the sea.

Seeing that the jar was opened from the inside, the rest of the soldiers immediately became nervous. They stared at the metal jar. Then, a figure jumped out of the jar and fell on one knee firmly on the deck. superior. In the eyes of the soldiers, she slowly stood up. I saw that it was - a girl with silver hair and red eyes. She was wearing a long black trench coat with a black belt and silver-white locks on her upper body, and black tights were put on for infiltration, and the locks on her trousers were directly connected to her feet. On the black metal-soled boots he was stepping on, the rain fell drop by drop, and the silver-white hair was dotted on the girl's expressionless face, and even the black clothes on her body also reflected like metal. of luster. In the wind and rain, Tililith slowly raised her head and looked at the soldiers dressed in strange clothes in front of her. A red light flashed in her eyes. Mba! Tililith said coldly. Fire! Fire! The soldiers still shouted in Russian, and at the same time, they pulled the trigger at Tililith who got out of Yoko without hesitation. Covering his face, he charged towards the soldiers in black armor in front of him. With the roaring gunshots, bullets hit her one after another, and then sparks splattered on the black windbreaker. Even the bullets that hit the girl's head were blocked by the black gloves. . In the past, being concentrated by this level of firepower, even if it would not have any effect on the body, it would still slow down Tililith's charge speed, but after wearing the black Umbrella special tyrant restraint suit, this kind of The sense of blockage disappeared completely, and the bullet felt like being lightly hit with a small stone. Under the protection of the restraint suit, Tililith rushed up directly under the fire, and she jumped to the nearest In front of the soldier, he raised his fist and aimed it at its head fiercely, only to hear a crisp sound, the bloated fly's helmet shattered, and the soldier's head flew out with blood sprayed, and then fell heavily on the ground. On the deck, its corpse quickly burned, and then disappeared completely under the scouring of the rain. Ignoring the bullets coming from around, Tililith shook the hand covered by the black hand, then turned her head and looked at the miscellaneous fish around who were shooting at her and backing away, trying to distance herself, the corners of her mouth were rare. Provoked a sneer. On the other side of the deck, the airtight door of a metal can opened slowly, and then, wearing a black sports bra and army green pants, Kanan rolled out from the inside. She gasped and knelt on the deck. , resting his hands on the deck, his face was extremely ugly. Grinding his teeth, Kanan cursed in a low voice: The female horse... I will never stop talking about this shit. Before she can finish speaking, she opens her mouth. Highlighted - the rainbow-colored mosaic of the big beach. That's it. After spitting, Kanan roughly wiped his mouth with his arm, then shook his head, - breathing in the fresh sea air. Standing up, -turning her head, she saw a group of teeny-headed soldiers in black armor and fully armed around her on the deck. I'll take down some things, you don't need this, welcome me A hint of arrogance appeared on the corner of his mouth. With a smile on her face, Hanan said with joy, she was just about to use the power of the parasite to turn her arms and kill, but she suddenly remembered what Rita had said before she set off. Try to hide your abilities, that black Umbrella's supervisor. He definitely wanted to take the opportunity to collect our battle data.. Really, cover up and hide.. The joy on his face disappeared instantly, Kanan curled his lips in annoyance, and stretched out his hand to take care of the rain. Wet his hair, and then tilted his head to look at the soldiers who pointed guns at him in front of him, and said: I said, I've been out for a long time, so you just look at it like this? It seems to be in response to her words, The next second, the gunshots rang out. Hey! An excited smile appeared on Kanan's face again.

Then she crawled to the back of the huge metal can, listening to the bursts of gunshots behind her and the clanging sound of bullets hitting the metal can, she blocked the lighter with her hand, not tight.

Slowly, he lit a cigarette for himself. She took a hard inhalation -0. Kanan rolled her eyes, her nose was covered with white mist, she whispered: This is what it is like...

Let s Dance! The female gunman with a cigarette butt in her mouth suddenly pulled out two silver modified Berettas from her waist, and then jumped out directly behind the M-man jar. She smiled and faced her in mid-air. The teeny-headed soldiers fired continuously, and bullets came out along with the gunfire, accurately shooting through the heads of the group of trash outside. Watching the soldiers in black armor neatly He fell to the ground, burned and turned to ashes in the rain, Kanan took a cigarette, the corner of his mouth became more arrogant, and said loudly: Today I will prove, who is the real Loples, me and the BOSS. No. Gunner!

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