What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-27. The macho is buried under the rubble (middle)

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With the sound of chi, the metal can on the other side of the deck slowly opened its airtight door, and then, a girl with long black hair jumped out. She stepped on white short boots and fell. When she reached the ground, little splashes of water splashed, and the black-haired girl slowly stood up straight. She was carrying a large black sword that was about a foot tall and had a chain tied on the scabbard. The upper body was wrapped around her chest with a white bandage. Apart from that, there is nothing else, the pale skin with blood-red cracks is directly exposed to the outside, let the raindrops beating down on the slender and fit waist of the girl, under the navel is the girl's pure white. The smooth half of the lower abdomen is covered with a black leather belt in just the right place, and then there are ultra-short blue jeans, followed by two pale straight legs. Hearing the continuous sound of gunshots on the other side of the battleship, the girl's sharp eyes like a blade swept around, only to see three enemies in black armor rushing towards her not far ahead. Here. Hitomi Kanjima said softly in Japanese. Breathing out a breath, Hitomi Kanjima took out the black leather case from her trousers pocket, and then silently tied her wet messy black hair into a ponytail. After all this was done, she bent down slightly, Taking a stance, the big sword on his back was placed across his waist, his left hand gently pressed the scabbard, while his right hand firmly held the sword, and instantly, the girl's body erupted with a blade-like momentum. On the other hand, seeing the black-haired girl jumping out of the jar, the teeny-headed soldiers in black armor immediately raised their guns and fired at the girl without hesitation.

The pale hands suddenly exerted strength, and I saw a burst of cold light passing by, Bone of the Sky buzzing out of its sheath, Hitomi Kanjima's eyes became more and more fierce, she slammed the long knife in her hand against the air in front of her, After a few jingles, a few blood flowers suddenly exploded on Qiandaotong's pale skin. Evil. It's not as easy as I imagined 9.. Hitomi Kanjima, who was pierced by the bullet, gritted his teeth and stumbled back two steps, even if he was able to accurately place the mad bone in his hand on the enemy's ballistic trajectory. However, it is a bit wishful thinking to want to cut the bullets flying in the face. It is clear that the body has been strengthened, but it is still unable to deflect all the bullets. It seems that there is still a long way to go in kendo. What? Hitomi Mishima said in a low voice, and then rushed out. She lowered her body to avoid the projectiles behind her, and like a white snake, she quickly approached the enemies in front of her in an S-shaped route, and every time she turned. , she suddenly raised the big sword in her hand and swung it wildly, splitting a bullet that was fired at her. For a while, the sound of a hammering iron filled the entire deck. Seeing that Hitomi Kanjima was about to rush up, those black The soldiers in A quickly retreated, but Hitomi Mishima was faster. When they rushed within ) \\ meters, Hitomi Mishima jumped up abruptly. She looked at the one standing in the middle and the black armored soldier. The big sword was raised above his head, and he shouted: Face! The sharp lie was instantly reported - a fierce light, and Hitomi Kanjima, who fell from a height, slashed at the enemy in front of him, dragging the cold light. The big sword slashed the top of the soldier's head fiercely, and then slashed it directly like cutting tofu. In an instant, the soldier's helmet flew out with most of the head inside.

Body! Hitomi Kanjima didn't hesitate. She clenched the hilt of the knife with both hands, roared and rotated her body like a dance. With this force, she directly slashed into the waist of the soldier next to her. Splashed blood and internal organs. The soldier cut him off. The people around didn't have time to understand what happened. The two teammates had already fallen. The soldier next to him immediately shouted in Russian and turned the gun towards Hitomi Kanjima, but before he could pull the trigger, Hitomi Kanjima turned around suddenly, she Loudly shouted 'Lee' while slashing the big sword in his hand at the arms of the black armored soldier. In an instant, the arms holding the spear fell together, and blood spurted down the wound on the arm. Out, the black armored soldier screamed and took two steps back, its body twitched violently, and the muscles of both arms swelled rapidly, Kanjima Hitomi saw all of this, and clenched his hands behind his back. With the blade pointing upwards, Hitomi Kanjima shouted: Face! At the same time, he suddenly picked up the Otachi, and the blade slashed in along the soldier's chin. The knife cut the soldier's head and helmet into two pieces. Half. From the close to the end, it took less than two seconds to kill the three enemies. It was a smooth flow, but Hitomi Kanjima was still dissatisfied with this. The blood stains on the knife gradually burned, and the rain washed away. Reflecting on the burning corpse on the ground, Hitomi Kanjima's eyes became sharper and sharper. The burning corpse reminded her of the sacrificed members of the Kanjima Group, her dead father, and the roaring flames. In the blazing fire, the woman's hateful face. Kneeling down on one knee, the left hand put the scabbard on the back, and the right hand retracted the big sword from the back into the scabbard, Kanjima Hitomi was quite dissatisfied and shook his head. The Japanese muttered to himself: No. It's not enough. When Hitomi Kanjima had finished killing, Rita had just left the metal jar that contained herself. Unlike the other girls, Rita's Yoko had an accident. It did not land directly on the deck, but instead On the turret of the battleship, after the anti-propulsion device completed its work, Yaoko, whose center of gravity was unstable, rolled directly from the turret, and obstructed a black armored soldier guarding under the turret. After a while, the sealed door was sprayed with The white air slowly opened, and then, Rita, who was wearing a maid outfit, stood up from the jar. She took two straight black silk legs, stepped on black high heels with purple and Wei patterns, and landed on the deck, and then looked at To the large group of black armored soldiers with guns around. Good evening, trash... Mouth evoked a shallow smile, and there was a frightening cold light in the gray eyes, Rita used the black The fingers wrapped in lace gloves gently stroked the fine hair blocking her forehead.

He said softly: I originally planned to entertain you all, but considering that there must be some incomprehensible guys watching us secretly at this moment, I decided to try a more elegant method. After that, Rita gently She raised her head and raised her chest. She closed her eyes and opened her arms as if she was waiting for something. Then, a wound opened in her chest. Blood and minced meat continued to spurt out of the wound, but There was no pain on Rita's face at all. On the contrary, her cheeks were flushed with a faint blush, and she looked extremely enjoying. Under the gaze of the soldiers in black armor, a piece of blood-stained bone slowly ran along Rita's wound. When she got out, Rita stretched out her hands to gently hold it, and then suddenly exerted force. In an instant, a large amount of blood mixed with minced meat was scattered on the deck. It was pulled out, and then changed rapidly in Rita's hands. After a while, it turned into a huge sickle. Where the blade and the handle are connected, there is a large mass of constantly wriggling flesh and blood, and between the flesh and blood, the dense corridors are covered with cloudy gray eyeballs. Fingers flick gently. Crossing her chest, merging the wounds like a zipper, Rita picked up the ferocious scythe composed of bones and flesh, she tilted her head playfully, smiled at the black armored soldiers who surrounded her, and said: Not weeks, I hope you all bear with me.

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