What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-28. The macho is buried under the rubble (Part 2)

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This.... how beautiful... In the command room of the submarine, Director Casimir sat in front of the computer screen, intoxicated looking at the monster girls on the deck killing all over the world, he whispered, That I'm so happy. If you also want to have sex with monsters, I can help you convey to the technical department that they seem to have just mass-produced a batch of slanderers who are useful and higher intelligence and can completely obey human orders. The tentative code name is 'Slander C'. Hearing Director Casimir's words, the black-haired female secretary standing silently on the side said with a cold face. Slander? Director Casimir was stunned for a moment, then a little puzzled. Said: You mean that old-fashioned thing made by the 'Greyhound' organization? What, I don't remember the technical department researching that thing? Did you get my approval? You signed the plan yourself, card. Director Simil. The black silk female secretary said coldly: 'Although it's all trash, if you process it well and improve it, you should be able to cheat a lot of money from the headquarters.' That's what you said the other day. Forgot. Director Casimir scratched his scalp full of messy hair and said: 'Garya, you are really my sweet little padded jacket..

After saying that, he skillfully stretched his hand under the skirt of the black silk female secretary. Respect yourself, Director Casimir. Rarely rejected Director Casimir's salty hands, the black silk female secretary named Jialiya took a step back without a trace, and then said coldly: You know, Hunter The products produced by the killer and its branch projects are all female, and the slander series has the feature of being invisible. I think if you want to satisfy the desire to have sex with monsters, you can ask the technical department to provide you with one. If you think it looks ugly, you can also make it invisible. No no no, that sounds a little disgusting.. Director Casimir shook his head, then suddenly thought: But after listening to you, I suddenly got inspiration, maybe we can try to create a new type of BOW with a strong ability to infiltrate and hunter at the same time! The black silk female secretary Jia Liya translated the words of Director Casimir in her mind. That is: we can make a girl who looks like a hunter 7. Or make a hunter who looks like a girl. As expected of you, Director Casimir. - After the chill, Carrie Ya bowed slightly to Director Casimir, and expressed her sincere admiration to Director Casimir. Taking advantage of Kaliya's defense, Director Casimir suddenly stretched out her hand, and then, as she wished, she reached out to where he wanted to reach in. The place where she was, began to touch her heartily. Jia Liya stood up straight with no expression, although according to her skill, she could completely remove all the fingers of the salty pig's hand before it touched her. I broke it, but... Forget it, I'm used to it... On the other side, Director Casimir, who was in a very good mood, focused his eyes on the computer screen again. Just a few minutes ago, Director Casimir started BOW by himself. The catapult device sent Li Yexing's monster girls to the warship, but it was far more than just the girls who were ejected from the submarine. There were also a dozen+ drones that were ejected from the submarine. Gao hovered above the battleship, taking pictures of the monster girls fighting on the deck of the battleship without dead ends. At the same time, Black Umbrella's intelligent AI Black Queen was continuously transmitting data into Cassie. In Director Mir's computer. The strength seems to have weakened compared to the records of a few years ago, but the physical strength has increased. Overall, Tililith's catkins have become more stable and coordinated.. One hand fumbled for his chin. , with the other hand acting recklessly under his secretary's skirt, Director Casimir said solemnly: She has changed from a cold weapon with an expiration date to a real creature with stable genetic condition. Pulling out from under Carrie's skirt, Director Casimir quickly picked up the pen on the table, tapped it twice, and then took out a small note from his pocket, he quickly What was recorded on the ground - he whispered: More specific information needs to analyze the data transmitted by the sensors on the restraint suit, unless you can get a sample of Tililith's blood or other body tissue.. Forgive Let me be blunt, your eldest daughter doesn't seem to like it very much. It seems to be a Worried about what happened, Carrie said with a cold face: I don't think that mercenary or your eldest daughter would be willing to provide you with a sample for research. Strictly speaking, Tililith is Freeman's daughter, and at best I can be regarded as an uncle who is close enough to Freeman to sleep with his wife... Director Casimir didn't look up, he was writing notes 2 Ben wrote something and said to Jia Liya: Also, a blood sample of Tililith is very important to the research of the First Agency.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Director Casimir turned his head to Carrie and said: 'After all, we only have the complete data of Tililith in our hands. By analyzing and comparing her current blood samples, we can figure out who the mercenary is to a certain extent. How do the special components in the body work? When the frantic team brings back that mercenary and Tililian, I can arrange for the first agency to draw Tililith's blood sample on the grounds of a medical examination of Tililith. Jia Liya whispered: Anyway, that mercenary doesn't know there's something wrong with his body, doesn't he? Hehe, why don't you give all the monster girls around him a full physical examination? Director Casimir asked back with a smile. : As I said, we have to do things gradually. When you were gone, the head maid of the Griffith family was a bit of a sidekick, and she had begun to suspect that we concealed the guy's blood test results. It's such a sharp and disgusting intuition, worthy of being a mad dog in the Middle East battlefield. Jia Liya frowned and whispered: Before she became BOW, that woman was an out-and-out monster. I don't know that, maybe you know her better than me. Casimir shrugged

Shrugging his shoulders, and then focusing his eyes on the screen again, he said solemnly: Genes are stable, and the conceptual tyrant who has not been able to produce energy so far, after combining with the goddess of the night, not only did he not get swallowed, but he also retained his sense. The perfect body in the theory, the parasite-infected person who was injected with the lower-level Las PI ags parasite but unexpectedly mutated and had certain superior characteristics, and the C-virus infected person whose brain function was not damaged at all, and the body was greatly strengthened .This mercenary is a natural perfect BOW warehouse! I'm blunt, Director Casimir. Carrie said coldly: Your warehouse keeper was probably blown to ashes in the previous bombing. .

Impossible. Director Casimir said with a smile. Why? Carrie asked suspiciously. Intuition. Director Casimir replied with a smile. Director Casimir, with all due respect, scientific researchers can't just rely on intuition to judge the authenticity of affairs. Carrie said solemnly. Debt, Carrie, I don’t know if it’s my delusion, when I said I envy that guy, you seem to have been pouring cold water on me intentionally or unintentionally. Director Casimir frowned and said: ‘Don’t forget , you are just my secretary. This is your delusion, I didn't pour cold water on you, Director Casimir... Secretary Jialiya bowed slightly: You know, I always seek truth from facts. Okay shrugged helplessly, Kaliya shrugged helplessly. Director Simil sighed. Although it was a bit sad to say, he had been unable to do anything about his secretary, Carrie and Angelica, the mad woman. After straightening his tousled hair, Casimir raised his head. , looked directly into Jia Liya's eyes, his face was full of confidence, and he said in a rare serious tone: Trust my intuition, that guy is still alive and well. Looking at Casimir's confident face, Carrie was slightly - stunned. At that time, she was still young, working in the security department, and Casimir was not a supervisor, just a doctor, one day, this young man who looked a little arrogant found her and said to her: 'I don't think you should Rotten in the security department full of idiots, be my secretary. I will submit the application to the supervisor. At first, Jia Liya refused, let her take off her body armor, put down her gun, wear a hip skirt, black silk high heels and sit in the office like an urban 0L. It was a bit outrageous, but in Dr. Casimir's soft grinding. Under the hard bubble, she still agreed. It was only later that Jia Liya found out that she seemed to be on the pirate ship, but this is a later story. A year later, the original supervisor was taken away by the joint committee at the headquarters for some unknown reason. Casimir He successfully took over his position, and since 2 has also been upgraded from the doctor's secretary to the supervisor's secretary. Jia Liya occasionally reflects on why she has become what she is now. Thinking about it carefully, the main reason is that she was young and ignorant, and was infected by Casimir's self-confidence that dared to challenge the world? Jia Liya also has her own girly heart, girl O with a gun and crazy researcher or something, it seems really romantic when you think about it. On the other side, he didn't seem to notice the slight curvature of the corner of his secretary's mouth. Director Casimir's nostrils turned to the sky, and he said arrogantly: Of course intuition is not the only one - let me judge the reason why the mercenary is still alive. Then what's the reason? Carrie asked softly with a slight smile. That's of course because I had the No. 1 agency install vital signs monitoring on the ear-worn communicator provided for that guy. The device pops! Director Casimir excitedly took out his mobile phone and pointed to the electrocardiogram: 'Look! It's still green! The health level is 'Fine; this guy is not only alive, but also alive and kicking.


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