[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

There was only a fragment of ruins on the halfway up the mountainside of the island, and there were still scattered flames around. Large tracts of woods were razed to the ground, and the tall signal tower was broken from the middle and fell on the Piandu Ruins. Suddenly, the broken bricks and rubble loosened for a while, and then, a figure stood up, his body was covered with dust, and his head was still bleeding.

Li Yexing shook his head, then raised his head and let the rain pour on him, washing away the thick dust. After a few seconds, he turned his head and saw a huge crater on the ground not far from the ruins. The accumulation of wealth in it has become like a small pond. Damn it... Li Yexing frowned and muttered to himself, then he lowered his head and looked at the blond girl who was completely intact under his protection, The girl also looked at him, her face had no expression, but there were some indescribable emotions in the one-eyed staring at Li Yexing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Forget it.. Shaking his head helplessly, Li Yexing crouched down and wanted to carry Tillyrian on his back, but Tillylian reached out to stop him. With a slight force, Tililian stood up tremblingly, and then whispered: I can move. If you can move. Seeing Tililian standing up, Li Yexing didn't say anything, he turned his eyes to the eye. After the warship that was floating in the sea, his face gradually became solemn. - After the round of artillery fire was over, the warship was misfired. It is inferred that the landing troops on the warship may have gone ashore. As for the previous and Tiililian

Shenya Pharmaceutical who exchanged fire.. Looking at the large jungle that was almost razed to the ground, it is estimated that they are finished. Pressing the communicator beside his ear lightly, Li Yexing said solemnly: Can you hear it? - After the noise, the other side of the communicator heard an inexplicably perverted voice: Oh! Thank goodness, Li Sir, you are still alive

Of course I'm still alive... Li Yexing said with a bad expression: 'Could it be that you want me to die? How could you let go of your only $300,000 bill? Oh, God! Why do you think so? Director Casimir on the opposite side of the communicator smiled and said: You have to believe me, I hope you live well more than most people in this world. Why didn't I see it? Li Yexing said coldly: I said it beforehand. Yes, I had a pleasant communication with the local fishermen and the industry in country A. We got the things and we left. As a result, the helicopter was shot down by my colleagues as soon as the helicopter entered the sky over the island. All the fishermen became hospitable infected people, Shenya Li Yao's troops are everywhere, until now, your precious daughter and I are still being coveted by an army with a cannon. Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Li Yexing sneered: Want me to live longer? Fart ! You are afraid that I will not die!

Hearing Li Yexing's words, the other side of the communicator was silent. After a long while, Director Casimir said in a serious tone: Mr. Li, this is a misunderstanding. Trust me, I am as devastated by the situation in front of you as you are. The reason for being here is that the security forces of Black Umbrella Europe are already ready to land on I. But before that, I have to deal with that damn warship. How to deal with it? Li Yexing asked, and then he seemed to remember something and said, Yes, I remembered, you have torpedoes on your submarine, right? You can completely sink the Orianna like you did back then. It's a coincidence that we didn't bring torpedoes when we went out this time. Casimir's main pipe opposite the communicator: After all, I didn't expect that we were facing a warship, although it looked a bit old-fashioned, But it is indeed a warship. Then what are you going to do? Li Yexing asked in a deep voice, suddenly a bad premonition arose in his heart. Sure enough, as if to confirm Li Yexing's hunch, Director Casimir smiled and said: Don't worry, the ladies have already boarded the warship, I believe there will be results soon.

You and his female horse are crazy! Li Yexing's temple suddenly burst into blue veins, and he said angrily: That's a warship! His female horse's! A warship! I see it

No no no, I said all this is just a misunderstanding, and to be honest, your wives can take down that warship without breaking a sweat. Cassirer main line: 'Our side of the unmanned family is fighting the situation Full surveillance, the battle is going well, your wives are slaughtering on the warship, it's like mowing the grass. I think in less than fifteen minutes, your wives will take over that warship completely, everything It's all in my plan, You'd better not be stupid.. After a while, Li Yexing said coldly: Don't forget, your daughter is still in my hands. Huh? -Auditor Li Yexing said Tililian raised her head blankly for a long time and whispered, Is it Casimir's father? On the other side of the communicator, Director Casimir said with a smile: 'Don't worry, the only stupidity in my life--the first time it was intentional or unintentional I am against you, a man of heaven and law, but as long as the cooperation is happy in the future, this situation will probably not happen again. People of Tiandie. After hearing the words of Director Casimir, Li Yexing was subconsciously surprised. Could it be that His identity as a transmigrator was discovered by this guy? No, it's unlikely, this guy is probably just making fun of his strong movement. Dispelling the rambling thoughts in his heart, Li Yexing said solemnly, Let's trust you for a while. , but there are other problems at the moment. I don’t think this commission can go on. There are no mining companies, no local people, only zombies infected with unknown viruses and chaotic armed forces. Intelligence, I think it's time for us to retreat. No, I won't retreat, why should I retreat? Out of Li Yexing's expectations, the supervisor of Casimir on the opposite side directly rejected Li Yexing's idea. I really don't care much, but after seeing that these chaotic forces have made such a big effort, I became curious.

What on earth is hiding on this island where birds don't shit? Where is FiU? Li Yexing asked in a deep voice. Everyone, no matter what it is, I hope you can get it. Casimir Supervisor Hall: Other forces sacrificed the king's bombing, then we will also have the king's bombing. As long as the warship is secured, the security forces will directly land on the island. We will contain most of the armed forces for you, and you will be responsible for finding the things on the island. , how? can it?

Hearing Director Casimir's words, Li Yexing fell silent. Of course I don't insist on doing things. Seeing Li Yexing not answering, Director Casimir noticed Li Yexing's hesitation, so he said: I have always been pragmatic in doing things. If you withdraw, you can still get a reasonable remuneration, and I believe that we still have the opportunity to carry out further cooperation. It seems that you are a very fair person, that's fine, I will take Tillyrian back to the shore immediately, prepare to evacuate, and then. Seeing that Director Casimir didn't intend to default on the debt, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief, he was just about to prepare Abandoning the commission, Director Casimir suddenly said: By the way, by the way, the warship parked on the shore is from a force that you are very familiar with. A force that I am very familiar with? Li Yexing slightly He was stunned, and then suddenly thought of something, he said solemnly: Could it be Neo Umbrella? Bingo! Director Casimir smiled. Come to N ∈ o. Umbrella is very interested in the things on this island. After a moment of silence, Li Yexing said coldly: You bastard, you really plan to fight, but you won, I changed my mind, I think I can carry on the commission.. But we need to pay more, right? Director Casimir said with a smile: It doesn't matter, do it anyway, don't be afraid of making a big deal, remember, this operation, black security Brera Europe is your most solid backing!

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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