What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-30. The macho duo exchange information

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Li Yexing knew that Director Casimir played a trick with him. That guy knew that Li Yexing had a little opinion on Neo Umbrella, and Director Casimir himself was really interested in what was hidden on the island, so the two reached a consensus that Li Yexing was responsible for helping Director Casimir Get what he wants, and Director Casimir is responsible for helping Li Yexing to block Neo. Umbrella. Li Yexing was not disgusted by this win-win situation. As early as the last century, Umbrella began to build research facilities around the world, some on the table, and some scattered in - some places where birds don't shit, with Umbrella's demise , Now such secret research facilities have been closed one after another, and many related documents have been destroyed or lost. These lost documents have been hidden in historical research facilities, which we collectively refer to as 'Umbrella's Legacy' On the other side of the communicator, Director Casimir said solemnly to Li Yexing: In the early years, there was a rumor in our circle that on a small island in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, there was a The former Umbrella research facility that has been closed, but no one has seriously looked for it. After all, this is just a rumor, until some time ago, news came from the intelligence department that a woman named Alex Wesker contacted A mining company in country A said that it found rare resources on an isolated island... Alex Wesker subconsciously repeated the name of Director Casimir, Li Yexing slightly stunned. What? Miss Wesker so much, don't you? Director Casimir asked with a smile: ' 'I heard that you dealt with another Wesker

I did. Li Yexing said solemnly: I was beaten badly by that bastard, but unfortunately he didn't survive the game I was looking for.. Since you are familiar with that guy, then I'll be fine. I explained it to you. Director Casimir smiled and said: 'Alex Wesker is Albert Wesker's sister, the two are not related by blood, they are the product of Wesker's plan in the Umbrella era, pick one- Hundreds of high-IQ couples named their children Wesker, and then went through layers of selection to gradually eliminate the weak. The last two remaining are the Wesker brothers and sisters..

Then what? Li Yexing asked in a deep voice.

And then? Then they both started working for one of Umbrella's founders, Oswell E. Spencer, until the eve of Umbrella's downfall, when B. Wesker defected to H.C.F, and Alex Wesker took the old Spencer's research funds and research materials to evaporate, and she disappeared until a few days ago when she suddenly appeared. There were bursts of water on the opposite side of the communicator, and Director Casimir seemed to drink water. Then he continued: According to my assumption, I originally planned to attract people first, and bring it back through friendly negotiation directly when Alex Wesker found what she wanted, but obviously, many forces have With the same thoughts as me, damn, I thought no one but me would be bored enough to pay attention to a middle-aged woman who had been missing for several years..” After all, the guy’s surname was Wesker,” Li Yexing said solemnly.” In short, the current situation is like this. Apart from us, the forces known to be active are Shenya Pharmaceutical and N∈o Umbrella, and just now there was news from our side that the lunatics of H.C F may also want to Something has been done, so there is not much time left for you. Director Casimir

The female horse, H.C.F. - -0 heard the name, and Li Yexing felt his scalp go crazy. HCF, the full name of Hive/Host Capture Force, is the Nest Six/Host Capture Force, this mysterious organization only appeared once in Resident Evil Code Veronica. Its style is the most violent. For example, Black Umbrella has submarines, Neo Umbrella has Far Eastern Corps and Armada, and this HCF. They not only have outrageous combat troops, but even strategic bombers! In Veronica, they paralyzed the U.S.S. troops on Rockford Island, spread the T disease losses, and finally plowed the entire Rockford Island directly with bombers. Li Yehang once suspected that the government of country A was standing behind this organization. It seems...I don't have much time left... Li Yexing asked in a deep voice, scratching his muddy head a little irritably, Do you have any good plans? Of course there is, But the prerequisite is that we can find Umbrella's research facility. Director Casimir said with a smile. You don't need to worry about this, I probably know where that thing is. Li Yexing said solemnly, and at the same time, he pulled out his mobile phone and found the map stored in the mobile phone. The side of the island is full of signs. It would be great if you could find that. Director Casimir said with a smile. So, do I need to take Tillyrian directly next? Li Yexing asked. Of course not! Casimir's main pipe opposite the communicator: 'Considering the increasingly complicated situation on this island, I have prepared a foreign aid group for you. Before your wives board the warship, they have let's go. Casimir's main pipeline. Let's go? Li Yexing slightly-certified, and then said: Didn't you say you can't land on the island? It's just that you can't land on the island on a large scale. Casimir's director smiled and said: Pie - A squad sneaks up from the cliffs on the side of the island, we can still do it. So, I need to meet with that team, right? Li Yexing asked: 'Where is the meeting place? How do I screen them?' The meeting place is on the east side of the village on the island. After the screening, they are all your acquaintances. Casimir's main channel. My acquaintances? Li Youxing was slightly taken aback, and then said: Why don't I remember what I have on your side?

An acquaintance? As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and he whispered: Woman...no... That's right, it's the one you said 'no way!' Director Casimir cheerfully Dao: The one who will be responsible for cooperating with you to complete the mission is the strongest special operations team of the first agency under my banner. It consists of elites drawn from the security forces of the various branches of Black Umbrella, code-named 'Frenzy Squad' and Frenzy. Li Ye Xing said softly, and in his mind floated past the small-bellied bar owner, the underage women's waitress, the dead fish-eyed bartender, the red-haired manic-depressive disorder, and the blond boozer girl. Isn't this the problem children's group? And what's with that elite drawn from various divisions? Isn't it a decent looking bar owner with freaks kicked out of various divisions? Okay. Ultimately, Li Yexing could only reluctantly say: But I have to make it clear in advance that I am a mercenary, not a nanny, and when the fight really starts, I may not care about the elites under your command. Don't worry, they are all professional and there will be absolutely no problems! Director Casimir said to himself: Most of the time it is like this.. Well, that is to say, my next task is to work with this team The team will meet in the village, and then take them to Umbrella's research institute to snatch the mission target from Alex Wesker's hands, right? Li Yehang scrutinized what he was going to do next. , and then asked. That's right, it's roughly like this... Director Casimir said with a smile. Understood, I'll set off with Tillyrian immediately. If there is any situation, I will contact you again. Li Yexing sank Then cut off the communication. The pervert talked to Casimir's father for a long time. After Li Yexing finished the communication, Tiililian who was standing behind whispered: Are we going back to the village again? Well, your father Let's reconcile with that Roshizi frenzy team... Li Yexing said solemnly: Let's go...

Ah? Did the pigs and the others enter the village? After hearing Li Yexing's words, Ti Lilian's face was shocked, and then she said anxiously: Oh, it's over, it's over, the pigs and the others are dead! Why do you say that? The village Isn't there just a few infected villagers? Li Yexing asked with a frown. Who said that?! Tillylian said loudly: There is still a fat man of that size in the village, with his hands in his hands. Holding the telegram is not only fierce, but farts are also smelly and loud! Lord Ben watched that guy slaughtered - the whole team! The big fat man who can fart with a chainsaw? Li Yexing was slightly startled, his head A figure of a fat man with a broken cover on his head and a double-layer telegram in his hand, laughing while farting appeared. Women, hurry over. Frowning instantly, Li Yexing raised his gun and said, I said, I'm not a nanny!

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