[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Gently pushing open the door of the house in front of her, a red-haired woman wearing a black combat uniform, black body armor, and a gas mask with red lenses walked in slowly with HK-416 equipped with a silencer and followed behind her. It's a small man in a black cloak. He wears the same type of gas mask, with a silencer TAC-50 installed on his back, and he holds a pistol with the same silencer. They are the frantic team, code-named two. The people were one after the other, their bodies almost sticking together. After entering the room, Jiang Xueyang closed the door with a backhand, then took a quick step forward, half a body ahead of Pagris, and then aimed his gun at the side. .

Maintaining this posture, the two quickly confirmed the safety of the first floor, and when they reached the second floor, they entered the room through the corridor, and their brows knitted together. I saw two corpses quietly placed in the room, one was lying on the ground, covered in blood, with a hole cut in the head, and the other one was tied to a chair with a hole in his head. Wearing a body armor and looking like a mercenary, the corpse had its neck raised, its eyes widened, and a lot of indescribable things hung from its wide open mouth.

That thing seems to be a stomach? Jiang Xueyang, who had an ugly face, said a little uncertainly when he looked at what was spit out from the corpse's mouth. Who did this? It's disgusting to choose the best. Paglis frowned and said with a look of disgust: Even the most demented scum in Loples can't do such a thing... Grace shook her head, piled both corpses into the bathroom in the corridor, and closed the door. Out of sight, out of mind... Paglis whispered. On the other hand, Jiang Xueyang had already Lying on the window sill, he took off the TAC-50 behind him, and after a simple adjustment, he faced the street in the west. Through the scope, he could see a few infected people on the street, as well as those lying on the street. of infected corpses.

Raising his hand and pressing down on the communicator beside his ear, Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice, This is the Arctic wolf. Chili and I have already arrived at the predetermined position. From here, we can see almost half of the village with a good view. This is stinky tofu. Got your news. On the other side of the village, hiding under a tent on the edge of the village with the heavily armed Yu Yaotou Fisher and Quack Doctor Anna, the bar owner codenamed Stinky Tofu replied in a low voice, You guys. Is there anything unusual over there? No, there are several infected people on the street, do you need me to kill them all? asked Jiang Xueyang on the other side of the communicator. No need, save your bullets. The tavern The boss's somewhat hoarse voice came from behind the red-lens gas mask, and he said solemnly, There is news from the supervisor, Li and the commander-in-chief are together, they are moving towards us at full speed, other than that, According to the Youth Daily provided by the commander-in-chief, there seems to be a special mutant infected person in the village. Special mutant infected person? Puglis, who was standing beside Jiang Xueyang, raised his eyebrows and said, How special? Is it invulnerable? According to the information, the enemy is an infected person with a height of nearly three meters and a very fat body. It learned from its hands - put the electricity on us and entered the village, and it has wiped out a fully armed 1-person Shenya. Troops. The bar owner pressed the communicator in a deep voice. Then is it too unsafe for us to set the meeting point here? Jiang Xueyang frowned and said, Such dangerous things are swimming around in the village. I won't bump into it. The tavern owner said solemnly: Although according to my experience, the more afraid of something, the more likely to come

He picked up the hand-painted island map on the table, folded it a few times, and stuffed it into his pocket. The tavern owner whispered: Let's go, and move closer to the predetermined direction. Oh my God, can we not go? Fisher whispered. said, and Anna, who was following behind, immediately shook her head and said, Take some energy, you bastard.

The three of the frantic team left the tent and stepped into the rain-shrouded village. On the second-story building near the middle of the village, the Arctic Wolf was lying silently in front of the windowsill. Through the scope, he could see that the boss in the distance took Fisher and Anna away from the tent at the edge of the village, heading in his direction. Approaching, he slowly exhaled -0 breath. Then he turned the muzzle and carefully observed the path ahead of the players below.

Whether there are obstacles. Fortunately, there are only a few ordinary infected people, nothing, monsters with amazing skeletons, there should be no problems. Hey, Jiang, let's chat with me for a while, Paglis, who was holding the HK-16 and silently guarding behind Jiang Xueyang, suddenly said. Chili, we are on a mission, please call me my code name. Jiang Xueyang, who was watching the street with all his attention, said in a low voice, Also, you should be serious.

, didn't you hear what the captain just said? There's a tough guy in this village, and we could go into battle at any time. Tsk, serious. Paglis complained in a low voice, she tore off her tactical gloves and threw them on the ground, then leaned behind Jiang Xueyang.

Chili! Jiang Xueyang frowned when he felt the touch of the body armor behind him, he didn't turn his head, just whispered: Don't make trouble, seriously police

With stubbornness on her face, Puglis pressed her body on Jiang Xueyang's back, and Su Bai's hand slowly reached under Jiang Xueyang's body.

You want to call me by my code name, Little Arctic Wolf... Puglis whispered in Zhang Xueyang's ear, seeing Jiang Xueyang struggling, she said softly, Also, don't be distracted, just keep an eye on the street. .

You will kill us all like this! Jiang Xueyang said anxiously, his voice began to soften, and there was a faint panting inside. Don't worry, I will look at your back...Puglis said softly, and then directly reached down with her other hand. Along with her movement, Jiang Xueyang shivered suddenly. Come on, little

Arctic Wolf, tell Sister Chili, are you comfortable? Puglis asked with a chuckle. Why? With a faint vibrato in his speech, Jiang Xueyang - while breathing rapidly - said: Mingming. Ming 8 Tomorrow 78 days...

Yesterday, Anna's female cousin was also on the bed. Puglis said: I'm not happy. Hearing Paglis's words, Jiang Xueyang immediately fell silent. He just held a sniper rifle and said nothing. Feeling Pughurst's massage, it didn't take long before he tapped his forehead lightly. After a while, Puglis pulled out her hands, lifted off the gas mask on her face, and used her pink tongue to touch her forehead. He licked his left hand clean, and then showed a satisfied smile

Isn't this very strong? Paglis smiled and said: As expected of a young man. You bastard. Jiang Xueyang whispered angrily: If this happens again next time, we will break up. Heh, whatever you want. Paglis raised her eyebrows, and just after she finished speaking, the bar owner's low-pitched Shaka voice suddenly came out of the communicator.

Arctic Wolf, we have a problem here. What's going on? The Arctic Wolf immediately pressed the communicator and whispered.

On the other side, listening to Jiang Xueyang's soft voice in the communicator, the tavern owner was slightly stunned, then sighed, and said solemnly: We saw that

That special mutant infected person? Where is it? Hearing the tavern owner's words, the Arctic Wolf's nerves instantly tightened, and he quickly passed the scope. He could see the remaining three people in the team were standing in the middle of the road, but They all stopped, and Jing turned his eyes neatly to the blind corner of his field of vision. It's in the alley in front of us, not far from us... The tavern owner pressed on the communicator and said solemnly. After saying that, he raised his head and saw that in the alley in front of him, a man close to the height of Three meters, the bald fat man covered in blood like Roshan was facing 1. Facing the wall, he stood there motionless, holding a chainsaw in his left hand, while his right hand kept scratching his left arm, and his mouth kept talking. muttering something.

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