What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-32. The macho encounters a crisis

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

I think... or let's not disturb it. Fisher's low voice came from the communicator, and he whispered: We

The tavern owner stared at the monster's back. After a while, he nodded, and just raised his feet, he saw the monster turn his head suddenly. Looking around, only the empty streets came into view. The monster found nothing, so he kept pouting, and then faced the wall again. Alley 0 of the alley, the three of them all leaned against the wall to hide behind. We were found? Trying to suppress his rapid breathing, Fisher, who was sweating coldly, asked in a low voice. No... Carefully sticking out half of his head, the bar owner saw that the monster didn't respond, so He replied in a low voice, God, thanks to Stinky Tofu's response is fast enough, otherwise we will be in big trouble.. Fisher said with lingering fears. Just now, at the moment when the monster turned his neck, the tavern owner suddenly He stepped back and squeezed all of Fisher and Anna behind him into the visual blind spot of the sacred object. However, why did that guy suddenly look over? Anna, who was hiding at the end, asked in a low voice, Did you feel us? Maybe it's just a periodic look back. The bar owner explained in a low voice: Many naturally infected BOWs have similar habits...You know enough about these monsters, Anna whispered, with a hint of I can't explain the emotions that I can't explain. I'll go over in a while, and then I will direct you. I didn't care about Anna's words, the bar owner ordered in a low voice, he waited quietly, and sure enough, after a long time, the monster turned his head again. Turning around, after scanning around, it turned its head back again. It made a tactical gesture to signal the players to wait, and the tavern owner took a deep breath. Then he lowered his body, and quickly moved towards him under the cover of the sound of rain. He rushed forward until he reached the other side of the alley, and the bar owner immediately hid himself. He stuck his head out and stared at the monster facing the wall. At the same time, he skillfully shoved a green bullet with a black Umbrella logo into it. Among the bomb launchers hanging under the HK 416 in his hand. After a while, the monster looked around again, and when it retracted its gaze, the bar owner waved to Fisher and Anna opposite. You go first. Fisher turned his head and said solemnly to Anna. Anna nodded, then took a deep breath, and imitated the bar owner, lowered her body and rushed over quickly. The moment she was about to arrive, The bar owner reached out and pulled her directly, dragging her behind him. He stuck his head out again and waited quietly for the opportunity. After the monster looked around again, the bar owner beckoned to Fisher, who stayed on the opposite side. The female horse Fisher cursed in a low voice. He carried his gun and moved under the cover of the rain, but just halfway through, he heard a loud and long fart beside him. , the sound sounded like it was sloping, Fisher's footsteps subconsciously - paused, and then, the monster suddenly stood up straight, it hummed - it stretched out its hand to pick its butt, and then turned around. Come

Under the rain, Fisher and the monster scratching his butt met his eyes. Shun Jian, the monster raised its chest suddenly, covered with scars and flesh and blood, and the chest exploded instantly. The blood-red membrane structure was torn apart in the blink of an eye. Its flesh swelled, and the chest changed like a red balloon. Big, the monster opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar.

At the moment when the strange sacred object roared, Fisher, Anna, and even the owner of the tavern only felt a sudden rumbling in their heads, as if a bomb had exploded beside him, and Fisher, who was closest to the monster, felt his legs go weak. Covering his head, he collapsed to the ground, Jiang Xueyang's anxious voice came from the communicator, but the bar owner didn't have time to pay attention to what he was saying. She, the bar owner rushed up with his drowsy head, at this time, the monster had raised the roaring chainsaw in his hand, but the bar owner did not hesitate at all, he grabbed Fisher's bulletproof\u0026, Then, the moment the chainsaw in the monster's hand fell towards Fisher, it suddenly pulled Fisher back. Yu Ming's chainsaw waved empty.

One hand dragged Fisher back quickly, the other hand held HK-416 and aimed at the monster's head, the bar owner buckled the reporter, and the bullet that lost its target was accompanied by the gunshot - the hair was hit in the On the shoulders and chest of the monster, and Anna, who was on the other side of the alley, also rushed over, and she quickly stuffed the green bullet with the black Umbrella logo into the lower banner of HK 416 In the bomb launcher, it was launched directly at the monster, 90 listening-sounds exploded, and a large piece of water mist quickly spread around the monster. After the water mist touched the monster's skin, it immediately hissed. With a hissing sound, bursts of white smoke came out, and then, the monster's skin began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the muscles and fat underneath. Ow!! Frank! Frank! The skin was corroded and melted, and the monster was in pain. It covered its face and took two steps back, waving the electricity in its hand randomly, while on the other side, Anna quickly rushed to the bar owner's side. She helped Fisher, who was dragged to the ground. She just wanted to help Fisher up, but Fisher raised her hand and refused.

It's alright, I can stand up... Staggeringly stood up straight, Fisher shook his head vigorously, he stretched his hand to the belt around his waist, but felt empty, his fingers It was retracted early when it was only a few millimeters away from the bullet. After repeatedly hooking it a few times, he took off the bullet with difficulty and installed it in the bullet launcher. Fisher shook his head as if he was drunk - while saying: The female horse, How could it roar like that? I was stunned.

What's going on? Jiang Xueyang's roar came from the communicator, and he asked anxiously, What was that sound just now?

Come on... The bar owner, who had basically recovered, said solemnly, and after he said that, he raised his gun and ejected the beam loaded under the HK.416 in his hand towards the monster. The sound of the bullet was accompanied by the explosion. The monster's angry roar filled the entire street again. After two shots of sulfuric acid bullets against BOW, the monster waved the chainsaw in its hand angrily, dispelling the sulfuric acid mist that shrouded the surroundings, and after a while, it put down His hands, revealing every piece of his face that was burnt by sulfuric acid. Seeing the monster walking towards this side, the bar owner calmly stuffed the next bullet into the launcher. Then he shot it out, only to hear a sound Screaming, the monster's pace was blocked again. It seems that the special bullet is very effective against the monster BOW sulfuric acid bullet... On the other side, Anna whispered, she was just about to put the next bullet into the launcher and suddenly There were bursts of chaotic shouts in her ears, and she hurriedly turned her head to see a large group of infected people, all covered in blood, with all kinds of weapons in their hands, rushing towards the team from all directions. The guy...was summoned by the monster's roar! Looking at the infected people coming from all directions, the bar owner said solemnly: Stop fighting, let's retreat in the direction of the Arctic wolf!

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