[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

On the second floor of the small building in the center of the village, Jiang Xueyang was trying his best to cover the evacuation of his teammates. He aimed the scope at the head of the huge monster in the distance, and then pulled the trigger. The large-caliber sniper rifle rang out, and just one shot made a big hole in the monster's head. For a while, blood splattered in all directions, but the monster just stopped slightly and shook its head. , and then continued to howl and rushed up. What the hell is this! Seeing that the monster's speed didn't slow down, Jiang Xueyang couldn't help frowning. He pulled the bolt, pulled out the bullet casing, and continued to pull the trigger on the monster's head while shouting loudly. Dao: With such a big hole in its head, why can it run so fast? While Jiang Xueyang was covering his teammates to evacuate, Pagris was standing behind Jiang Xueyang, and she frowned and stared at him. The shadow running on the street in the distance, pressed his finger on the communicator, and kept instructing: Turn left at the intersection ahead, turn left! Yes, there are more than a dozen infected people on the street next to you. Move closer, and it is expected that you will emerge from the alley 15 meters in front of you in about ten seconds. On the street, Anna supported Fisher, who was a little unsteady, and under the cover of the bar owner, she quickly followed Puglis's instructions. Guiding forward. Under Paglis's reminder, Anna pulled out a grenade from her waist, bit off the ring with her mouth, and then threw it directly towards the alley on the right side of the road ahead, only to hear the sound of do. Loud, a few infected people who were instantly covered in blood flew out from the inside, fell heavily to the ground, and died on the spot. Anna took the opportunity to aim the pistol at the mouth of the alley, and counted the few infected people who rushed out afterward. wipe out. On the other side, he shot and killed several infected people in front of him who had been copied from the left side. The bar owner quickly turned his head and killed the telegraph machine at the chainsaw monster that was chasing after him. With the soft sound of the muffler, blood flowers exploded on the mutilated face of the monster, but the monster was not in business at all. It grinned and laughed wildly--and shouted excitedly: Don't run! Frank! You still owe me my salary! So who is this Frank's female horse?! Anna couldn't help cursing loudly: You are the wrong person! Asshole! The broken bar owner silently He kept silent. In order to cover Anna and Fisher, he had already fired all of the special BOW sulfuric acid ammunition, and even emptied a magazine, but the monster was completely unaffected except that it became uglier. Not only that, I don't know if it's an illusion, the guy seems to be more excited. I didn't expect the effect of attacking the head to be so bad, this guy can eat bullets too much.. The bar owner put the new magazine x Inserted into the gun - side murmured in a low voice, and when he raised the gun again, he directly aimed the muzzle at the monster's ankle. In a series of soft noises, - a bullet was sent into the thick monster This time, the bar owner's attack finally had an effect. Before a magazine was filled, the charging monster - an unsteady center of gravity fell to the ground, it - propped its body forward on one hand Crawling one-side yelled: My leg is broken! My leg is broken! Quickly call the hospital! Arctic wolf! Attack its leg joints! Seeing that shooting the ankle was effective, the bar owner immediately pressed The communicator said to Jiang Xueyang. I can't hit it, Captain. Looking through the scope, my teammates drilled into the blind spot of vision again. Jiang Xueyang pressed the communicator beside his ear and said: I can only see that guy's head, unless you run another street. After exiting the alley, turn right and run for about 50 meters. You will see a small blue two-story building. Arctic Wolf and I are in the small building. Okay, cut off the communication. I will prepare immediately. Cover you 1.. On the other side, Puglis who was standing behind Jiang Xueyang cut off the communication, she said to Jiang Xueyang: A Jiang, I will go down to meet them. Take care of yourself. Jiang Xueyang said solemnly: And , I have already said that during the mission, the code name must be called! Ignoring Jiang Xueyang's words, Paglis quickly ran down the stairs, she walked through the living room, and pushed open the door of the room, only to see Anna supporting Fisher from the opposite distance. He rushed out of the alley, followed by the owner of the bar. He followed behind the crowd at a very stable speed, and from time to time he shot two shots behind him, before they rushed out of the alley more than ten Mi Hou, only to hear a roar, a huge bald fat man waving a chainsaw, covered in blood and wounds, limped out, and around it, was- a large group of ordinary infections with various weapons At the moment when the monster rushed out of the alley, Jiang Xueyang, who was lying on the floor, opened fire. This shot directly hit the monster's knee. The monster staggered a step and continued to chase the team members. Jiang Xueyang smacked his lips when he saw this. He pulled the bolt, pulled out the shell, and then aimed at the same position and came again - 3. This time, Jiang Xueyang's shooting finally worked, and I saw the monster - a man with an unstable center of gravity, turning a corner - I hit my head on the hut with only one floor next to it. The huge white weight and inertia made it smash the outer wall of the hut like a small truck.

With a gun in his mouth, Pugliese aimed at the large group of infected people behind his teammates through the holographic scope and kept firing, laying them down on the street one by one, behind them, the first floor. In the ruins of the bungalow, the bloated monster swayed its body full of fat and stood up. It walked in the direction of the bar owner step by step, the speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into running again. I God, does this guy's fat have a bulletproof effect? Seeing the monster rushing up again, Puglis couldn't help frowning and said, she took out a sulfuric acid bomb from her waist and skillfully Stuffed it into the bomb launcher hanging down, and then aimed at the monster and fired directly. With the sound of eat, the specially made sulphuric acid bomb for BOW dragged the tail smoke and flew out, and then hit the chest of the fat monster.

Sir, a large sulfuric acid fog enveloped the monster again, briefly blocking its pace. Finally, looking at the teammates who were about to rush in front of her, Puglis stepped aside and - frowning and waving her hands - shouted: Come in! The first to arrive at the door was Anna who supported Fisher. , she directly helped Fisher into the room, followed by the owner of the bar. After he arrived at the door, he pushed Puglis into the room, turned his head at the same time, raised his gun and shot through a few close ones. The infected person's head, wait until this is done. He got into the room, and at the same time closed the door with his backhand, and locked the door. After a few seconds, the fat monster that emerged from the sulfuric acid mist slammed into the room. On the second and second floor of the building, the huge weight caused the whole building to tremble with inertia, and a large piece of the wall peeled off and hit everyone's head. The small building trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment, but after a while, the monster suddenly gave up, and then came its roar from outside the door: Hide in the house again! Frank! This time I want to Saw you through the middle! Hahahahaha 0..

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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