What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-34. The macho is still on the way

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The second-story house trembled violently under repeated impacts. Anna dragged Fisher and followed the bar owner, Paglis, and Jiang Xueyang to the second floor quickly. When they reached the 7th bedroom, Anna threw Fisher directly on the bed, and then Roughly stretched out his hand, trying to take off Fisher's gas mask. What happened to the canned fish? Jiang Xueyang asked nervously, looking at Fisher who was being ridden by Anna. Your maid! I'm fine! Take it easy! Fisher struggled on the bed to stop Anna's movements, but Anna was not at peace. - After tossing, Anna Siyu took off Fisher's gas mask, revealing the On Fisher's face, I saw that he was pale, with layers of fine sweat floating on his face, and the nosebleed ran down his nose directly into his collar. The dark circles under the dead fish's eyes looked darker than usual. I've said it all, I'm fine! He wiped the almost scabbed nosebleed with his sleeve, and Fisher shook his head vigorously, - -putting the gas mask back on his face--he said solemnly, It's just that That guy was just arguing, female horse, that guy roared like a bomb exploded in his head. Is it okay? The bar owner standing by the side looked at Fisher sitting on the bed, calmly asked. It's okay. Fisher replied. Then the bar owner nodded, and then said solemnly: Listen, this place can't stay long, I think it won't take long before that bastard will knock down this building. So what are we going to do now? - asked Paglis next to him. - In an instant, everyone's eyes were on the leader of the frenzied squad. The bar owner stood in the middle of the room, he thought about it, and then His eyes moved to Fisher's backpack. Let's kill it. After a few seconds, the bar owner said solemnly. The rain seems to be stopping soon..

On the other side, halfway up the mountain, Li Yexing and Tililian were still on their way back to the village. Li Yexing's attire did not change, while Tililian was wearing a large gray trench coat with two snow-white calves. Stepping on black boots sticking out from the hem of the trench coat. This dress was previously hung on the door 0 of the lounge of the signal tower. Although it was old, it was very clean. It was only stained with blood, but it was harmless. Considering that Tililian's clothes had been soaked with blood, and It was full of bullet holes, so Li Yexing simply draped this dress over Tiililian. In the beginning, the two ran towards the village at the foot of the mountain together, but Tililian seemed to be in a bad state, which would seriously affect the speed of the two, so Li Yexing turned his head and said to Tililian. Why don't I just run behind your back? 0B?! You pervert finally can't hold back the desire to touch BOW's body?! Tiililian, who was following Li Yexing, raised her eyebrows. Oh, I really dare to say, if it weren't for those in the bar, I would have to repair your mouth that can't speak well, Li Yexing sneered. I've already touched you all over, and it's still a while? You! You Ti Lilian's eyes widened, her face quickly flushed red, and her eyes seemed to be about to kill Li Yexing's skin was peeled off, but after a long while, she just turned her head and hum, looking displeased. So what? Do you need me to carry you? Li Yexing asked. Hearing Li When it came to walking at night, Tiililian stopped in her footsteps, she turned her head, blushed, and looked at the woods that had been blasted flat next to her, mumbling something. Ah? You speak louder, I can't hear you. Although she probably knew what Tilly Zhi'an was talking about, Li Yexing still showed a wicked smile and said. Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Tillylian immediately froze, she turned her head and stretched out her arms towards Li Yexing. With a blushing face, he shouted angrily, Back me, back me! You pervert! Dead pervert? Is that what you should call? Li Yexing tilted his head and leaned forward with a cheap smile: Think about it carefully, what should you call me? Isn't a pervert just a pervert? Tiililian said with a small mouth.

Come on, I'll teach you, you should be called 4 my sister. Li Yexing said earnestly: 'Come on, call me aloud... ' Tililian blushed and stammered: Sister.Sister Sister... Then he suddenly scratched his head and frowned, Ah, ah, who would call you like this?! Forget it, I don't like you. Li Yexing sighed, he crouched down, He whispered to Tililian. Come up, you can rest for a while, maybe there will be a bad battle after entering the village..

To be honest, Li Yexing attaches great importance to the girl in front of him. He is not the kind of person who is selfish enough to hope that there is only himself in Tiililith's life, if possible.

He squatted on the ground and waited for a few seconds, but there was no movement behind him. Li Yexing was a little stunned. He stood up and turned around, only to see Tililian looking at him. She kept mumbling, as if something was brewing, after a while, she opened her mouth and whispered, Sister...Sister

Damn it! Li Yexing turned his head abruptly, thinking that this girl seems a little cute? On the other side, full of shame, after calling brother-in-law, the blond girl blushed and said loudly, I am satisfied this time. Are you perverted?! Li Yexing tilted his head and smiled, and hung the backpack behind him on his chest, touching his neck, feeling the pressure and body temperature behind him, Li Yexing directly He stretched out his upper hand and hugged the girl's legs under his ribs, then stood up.

It's so light, just like her sister, it's hard to imagine that such a slender and petite body hides such a powerful force... After weighing the girl behind him, Li Yexing said softly: 'Grab firmly. Then he ran down the mountain, almost twice as fast as before. Yi, you are running so fast, obviously you are still carrying my lord. Tililian's somewhat surprised voice came from Li Ye Xing's ear came over, and she whispered, Is this guy really human?

Of course I'm a human. Li Yexing replied with a smile

He replied: 'The reason you run fast is because you are too light. Yes... Tiililian looked a little puzzled, and she said softly: But, I remember that humans shouldn't run so fast... It's just a little bit faster than the normal marching speed... Li Yexing He explained with a smile: . After all, it depends on fighting for food, why, maybe you don't even have this physical strength?

That's it, Tiililian whispered: 'I remember, Casimir's father and Angelica's mother were the kind who ran from the office to the conference room and almost died out of breath. The distance of one corridor is only This is a severe disability in Loples, and you can't take care of yourself. It is recommended that you give your parents a good pair of wheels. Li Yexing said casually. Running is a sin. Gently rubbing against Li Yexing's neck and adjusting to a more comfortable position, Tiililian continued: Casimir's father said this, if everyone wants to run, then What is the purpose of inventing a car? Physical exhaustion is a blasphemous reading of human intelligence. Okay Li Yexing has nothing to say about his father-in-law's words. How can I say it? That guy seems to be the kind of scientific madman he imagined. The image of Doctor Evil is drifting away..

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