What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-35. The macho is still on the road

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On the way, Li Yexing and Tiililian chatted with each other. Following Ti Lilian's words, the warm and humid breath blew on Li Yexing's ears, which made Li Yexing feel very comfortable. Thinking about it carefully, although the girls in the family also like to talk with their ears, this is not the case. The feeling is completely different, Tililith almost never speaks with any emotion, the tone is like a machine, and Rita's speech against her ear feels like she is burning into her own brain. Like the syrup, she could make Xiao Yexing stand up just by her voice. Hitomi Kanjima's voice was a little soft, but Li Yexing could hardly understand a sentence. As for Hanan. In a sense, she It's an atmosphere killer. When she whispers in your ear, you have to guard her from time to time, and be careful when she suddenly bites. And Tiililian is very different, although she usually looks arrogant, but when she speaks in a low voice, her voice becomes very clear and has a faint milky air.

By the way, when will my elder sister arrive? After a long while, Tiililian asked suddenly. Huh? Tilly Jingsi? Li Yexing was slightly stunned and then said angrily: She was slapped on that warship by your bastard Lao Wang, who was panting for breath while walking. Wow, no wonder that warship Ceasefire.. Turning her head to look at the misfired warship on the sea in the distance, Tililian whispered: As expected of my elder sister.

I said, don't you worry about your sister at all? Li Yexing couldn't help but ask: 'That's a warship! And it's N∈o Umbrella's group of choppy warships. God knows there will be on them. what!

It doesn't matter, the elder sister is the strongest. Tillylian whispered: 'Furthermore, if it was Casimir's father's intention to send the elder sister to that warship, then Casimir's father will definitely have his own Considering that, Casimir's father will not do things that he is not sure about. It is said that except for his elder sister's affairs =. Casimir's father has never eaten virtue.. Really? It sounds like quite powerful. Li Yexing Of course, Tilly Zhian whispered, Perhaps some perverts think that Casimir's father is a very public person, but this is not the case. Casimir's father is very afraid in most cases, unless Unless what? Li Yexing asked softly with some curiosity. Unless... Tililian was just about to answer, but as if she suddenly remembered something, she shook her head and whispered: Nothing unless, my lord said. Some are too much.

Forget it, I probably understand.. Li Yexing said solemnly. I have to say, Li Yexing felt the pressure from Director Casimir. The man's behavior seemed to be unrestrained, but in fact he was steady and steady.

He didn't expect that a mercenary Li Yexing would be willing to go all out with the heavy armored tracker for a cargo that had been in his hands for a few days. The most terrible thing was that he didn't expect his precious daughter to be seduced by Li Yexing. do not wanna go Home. Just contacted: When Casimir was the director, Li Yexing thought he could see two floors, but he always thought of the research director who seemed to be full of ⑨bi temperament as the third floor, but now it seems that this guy is likely to be in the first floor. Fifth floor. Until now, Li Yexing has not figured out what the director of Casimir was thinking. At first, he tried to recruit Li Yexing. Li Yexing is understandable. That guy has ten. He sent all his girls into the autopsy room in the name of Li Yexing, but Li Yexing didn't expect that, after he clearly refused, he gave up and turned his head to start talking about cooperation. Why would that guy be willing to help him hide from the headquarters? What about Lilith? Why is that guy so relieved to leave his precious eldest daughter with him? Why is the guy willing to give in and cooperate with him, and even make a fool of himself? Regarding these issues, Li Yexing The answer has long been in his heart, maybe the guy was a drunkard, not drinking, he didn't care about himself from the beginning. He was watching

With his wives, he wants a thug composed entirely of BOW. Maybe I can earn blood, but you will never lose 9.. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice: The female horse, the old man The pilot.. What did you say pervert? He vaguely heard Li Yexing talking about take off and the like, Tiililian, who was lying on Li Yexing's back, asked in a low voice. I was thinking about giving you that What kind of wheelzaki would a severely disabled father match? Li Youxing replied casually. Oh Tilly Zhian whispered, and then stopped talking. For a while, only Li Yexing's shoes were left standing on the muddy ground. sound on. Perverted After a long while, Tilly Zhi'an suddenly opened her mouth and asked, Is Lopres fun? Why do you ask this? Li Yexing asked casually. My lord, just ask, Tillylian whispered, Since the elder sister didn't stay in the pervert because she said it was delicious or the fire resistance test was too painful, it must be because Loples is fun, right? Can your elder sister stay in Loples because she thinks she likes me? Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows. Tiililian thought for a while, then shook her head and said, What do you have that your elder sister likes? You really stopped me. Li Yexing whispered and then as if he suddenly realized something, he said loudly what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll put your tongue down?! Lost, I can still be afraid of you, can't I? Ti Lilian pursed her mouth with a look of disdain, but the slender legs surrounded by Li Yexing were subconsciously pinched. Watching my elder sister stay in Loop Les, Lord Ben also wants to go there a little... Tillylian whispered in a low voice, I just don't know about Casimi.

There's a high probability that you won't agree. The last time Tililith didn't go home, that guy messed up the whole Loples. Li Yexing thought for a while and then replied: So

F, after this mission is over, after meeting your sister, I suggest that it is better for you to follow your father honestly. Although the relationship between me and my father-in-law has warmed up so far, but Wan-one day Recalling the tragic situation during the Loples incident five years ago, Li Yexing shook his head and said, Lopless can't stand your father's toss. Crossing Li Yexing's shoulder, she quietly looked at the muddy road ahead and the raindrops that had become a little thin. Tillylian pouted, not knowing what she was thinking. After a while, she buried her head in Li Yexing rubbed his neck, and then whispered, Although it stinks a bit, it doesn't feel bad.. Your sister also likes to rub like this.. Li Yexing smiled. It's weird... Tillylian buried her head again, rubbing against Li Yexing's neck while sucking on the smell of Li Yexing's body, mouth

Just when Ti Lilian was rubbing against Li Yexing like a kitten, a rustling sound suddenly came from Li Yexing's communicator, and then came a low and hoarse voice, that The voice said: Can you hear it? Can you hear it? Why does this voice sound so familiar? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously wanted to press his finger on the communicator, but Tililian took the lead - step light He pressed it lightly, so Li Yexing said directly: Who are you? Li, it's me, the owner of the crazy bar The voice opposite said: 'How far are you from the village? Li Yexing raised his head and looked not far away The village in the middle of the city said: Don't worry, it's almost time, have you reached the reserved location? No.. The bar owner said solemnly: We have an accident here..

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