[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

It's a big accident! As soon as the bar owner's voice fell, there were bursts of gunshots and Pugliese's irritable 0 shouts and 0 shouts from the communicator. C4 is set up immediately. , block the windows! followed by Fisher's 0 shout. This doesn't sound like it's out of the blue. Li Yexing whispered to the communicator, and at the same time subconsciously accelerated his pace. We have met the special mutant infected person you mentioned. The bar owner's voice It came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he said solemnly, In view of the purpose of the situation, our meeting position may have to be changed - down, I need you and the commander-in-chief to help us kill that thing. Commander? Li Yexing slightly Startled for a moment, then said, It's a bit difficult, Tili Hean is not capable of combat right now. Don't be self-righteous, pervert! After hearing Li Yexing's words, Tillylian, who was lying on Li Yexing's back, immediately said loudly, I can still fight! How hard is it to take a few steps and fight? Where's your body armor? Where's your communicator? Where's your gun?

Tillylian was stopped by Li Yexing, and after a few seconds, she said with an irritated expression, Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! I will try to get closer to you as much as possible, but you'd better not expect the fighting power on our side.

Tsk, got it. The bar owner responded, Please hurry up, I'm not sure our fight can hold it back... Cut it off. Li Yexing said in a low voice, so Ti Lilian immediately released her finger on the communicator beside Li Yexing's ear. The situation on their side doesn't seem to be very good. After the communication was cut off, Li Yexing whispered to Ti Lilian. sound.

Let's find the pigs and the others as soon as possible, Ti Lilian said softly: After all, it is the person who is covered by the Lord, if he died in such a place...

Li Yexing didn't speak. Facing the wind and rain, he quickened his pace again. The village was right in front of him.

The C4 explosives are set! We can prepare to withdraw! In the living room on the first floor of the second-story building, Fisher, who was carrying HK-416, stood up and shouted to the surrounding teammates. In front of the window on the side, Anna stepped on the chest of an infected corpse, pulled out the huge bone cutter in her hand from the infected head, then turned her head and said to the bar owner, Can we withdraw? You guys Go through the back door first, and wait for me in the yard. The bar owner held a gun and looked at the wall that had been knocked out of cracks in front of him. He said in a deep voice the canned fish. Press the detonator, you know? No problem. After wiping the dry nosebleed, Fisher nodded. Okay, execute the order. The bar owner pointed his gun at the window that Anna was guarding. Two shots killed an infected person who tried to enter through the window, and then shouted to the surrounding teammates. Let's go. , Jiang Xueyang, who was standing beside him, immediately grabbed Jiang Xueyang's arm Yu and wanted to take him away. Jiang Xueyang pulled out the pistol magazine, replaced it with a new one, and then turned to the bar owner Zeng Captain , can you? Of course I can. The bar owner said solemnly. Looking at the calm back of the bar owner, Jiang Xueyang said nothing. He turned his head and left with his teammates. Okay.. Now, let me see what you can benefit from. Turn the gun suddenly. Kill the two infected people who are screaming and rushing down the window, the bar owner

Raising the gun, he put a special anti-BOW sulfuric acid bomb chamber from Paglis into the hanging launcher, then took two steps back, staring at the crumbling wall in front of him.

With the monster's collision and roar, the outer wall of the second-story building was crumbling, and the cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger. Finally, a few seconds later, the outer wall of the building collapsed. The monster shouted, it stomped on the rubble with its roaring chainsaw, and rushed in like a frenzy with several ordinary infected people, while rushing - and roaring with laughter: Meet again! Frank! The bar owner didn't hesitate, he directly shot the previously loaded bullet out, only to hear the sound of explosion, a large sulfuric acid fog instantly enveloped the monster and dragged its footsteps, at this moment, the bar The boss turned his head sharply and ran towards the corridor behind him.

Entering the corridor, it bent down, squatting, and the whole corridor was filled with fat. The very fragile skin that had been ablated by sulfuric acid was torn apart directly by the friction with the corridor wall, smearing a large piece of flesh and blood. On the wall, even so, the monster was not at all flat, and it charged towards the back of the bar owner in a maddening manner. Hearing the sound of chainsaws and roars coming from behind, the bar owner increased his speed. Seeing that the back door of this small building was in front, the bar owner jumped straight out, and shouted at the same time: Yu Yaotou! Die! Shit! Seeing the bar owner rushing out, Fisher, who had been waiting in the yard for a long time, sneered and pressed the switch in his hand.

In an instant, the indicator lights installed on the C4 explosives in the small building lit up at the same time, and then a continuous sound of explosions came from the second-floor small building. Under the ravages of the explosion, the walls of the small building began to continuously It broke, just when the monster waving the electric sign was about to rush out, the whole small building collapsed in an instant and a large piece of dust floated up, covering all the surrounding areas. After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw that the monster had It was buried under the ruins, and only ¥Dai Yong's broken telegram was still exposed, and it seemed that it could not be transferred again. The female horse, you deserve it! Looking at the ruins with monsters and a few common infected people buried in front of her, Paglis sneered. Let's go, go to the meeting point. Jiang Xueyang, who was quick-eyed, helped the bar owner. He swept away the dirt stuck to his body, and then said to the teammates around him: This kind of

I'm afraid we can't kill it, let's get out of here before it gets up. Hearing the bar owner's words, the surrounding team members nodded silently. The bar owner was right. Even large-caliber sniper rifle bullets couldn't kill this monster by hitting the head continuously. Hold it for a while. Just as everyone was about to leave, the mutation protruded. I saw the ruins tremble, and when they approached, the heavy floor was lifted directly. Under the ruins, the monster was covered with floating ash and rubble. It supported the floor, stood up slowly, and then forced- Pushing pushed the floor to the side, it tilted its head, with a hideous smile on its skinless face, its right hand frantically scratched the left arm, while scratching at the backyard of the small building The frantic team said, Frank's arm. It's so itchy to be sighed by mosquitoes, hehe.. Run! Seeing the monster stand up again, the bar owner who reacted first immediately shouted, he turned his head directly towards The back door of the small courtyard rushed over, picked up the gun, smashed the lock on the door with two shots, and then kicked the door roughly. After doing all this, he turned his head and aimed the gun at the monster's knee buckle.

Hey hey Seeing that everyone in the frantic team fled, the monster was not in a hurry to chase, it stood on the ruins with a weird smile, kept scratching its bloody left arm, and kept mumbling. : Tickle is dead. In an instant, there was a sound that sounded like a torn cloth, and the monster's left arm suddenly opened with wounds, and a large piece of blood was mixed with broken flesh and splashed in all directions, and then,

The speed was getting faster and faster, and finally there was a humming sound like a real telegram. Under the tearing of this powerful force, the flesh and blood on the monster's left arm fell off one after another, revealing the random splicing below. of deformed bones and muscles. Waving its left arm that had turned into a flesh-and-blood chainsaw, the monster's crimson chest swelled like a ball, and then it roared in a deafening voice@Do you like my new telegram?! Fu-Yi Lan Yi --gram

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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