[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

It can be counted back... Carrying Tilly Zhi'an on his back, he rushed out of the dirt road and entered the street of the village. Li Yexing said with some emotion: This is the first time I have returned to this ghost place tonight? Pervert, let me down. . Behind Li Yexing, Ti Lilian whispered.

Li Yexing didn't speak. When he released his hands, Ti Lilian jumped down. She stood beside Li Yexing with a faint blush on her face, and she didn't know what she was doing. On the other side, with a slightly sore arm, Li Yexing carried the backpack hanging on his chest to his back, then raised his hand and pressed the communicator and said, Boss, I'm here, where are you? How can I connect? Can't hear any gunshots? We've got rid of that guy for a while, and we're moving toward the gathering. The bar owner's low and hoarse voice immediately came from the opposite side of the communicator. He said to Li Yexing: Moving towards The direction in the middle of the village is approaching, pick us up, I have a hunch that the ghost will catch up soon. As soon as the bar owner finished speaking, a roar suddenly came from the front. The voice seemed to be calling someone's name. Damn it! It's chasing after Paglis's voice came from the communicator, followed by , the woman exclaimed: My mother! What is that?! Telegram?! Hearing the roar and the bursts of sounds from the communicator in his ear, Li Yexing immediately raised his head , he said solemnly: 'I know where you are, hold on

After that, Li Yexing immediately cut off the communication, and he took off the pistol from his waist and handed it to Tililian next to him. Take this Li Yexingdao. Tilly Zhi'an was not polite. She directly reached out and took Li Yexing's pistol, and then the two ran directly towards the center of the village. As the two got closer to the center of the village, the sound in front became noisy. When he got up, Li Yexing was about to take Ti Lilian to continue in the direction of the sound, only to hear a sudden explosion in front of him, and then, a group of people in black combat uniforms held a small alley in front of him. He rushed out and entered Li Yexing's field of vision. On the other side, the people in black combat uniforms looked up and saw Li Yexing. After seeing Li Yexing, they immediately ran towards Li Yexing, and the shortest one waved at Li Yexing, shouting in a jarred voice while waving, Brother Yexing! Run! Jiang Xueyang? Hearing this voice, Li Yexing was stunned for a moment. At the moment when Li Yexing was stunned, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, the commander rushed out of the alley, only to see that it was A huge monster covered in blood, it looks nearly three meters tall, the fat monster's right arm is still normal, but its left arm has turned into a large mass of deformed flesh with serrated bone spurs, and those bone spurs are mixed with meridians. , spinning at high speed in the roar, it was like a huge flesh-and-blood telegraph. Fu, one by one, one by one gram!!! Seeing Li Yexing and Tililian on the street ahead, the monster was excited. Roared: It's the new Frank! Frank! So many Franks! It's all Franks!!! - Chilling. Damn it! What the hell is this? Li Yexing was also startled by the monster. Seeing the team in black combat uniforms rush towards the monster with the monster 2. Li Yexing only felt the scalp However, he directly picked up the MHA1 in his hand, and just as he was about to lock the holographic sight on the monster's head, the man at the front shouted to Li Yexing: Save your bullets! Headshots don't work! This sound, It sounded like the bartender Fisher, Does the head start work? Hearing Fisher's words, Li Yexing didn't run away. He aimed the gun in his hand directly at the strangely cut ankle, then pulled the counter-machine, and shot him. After half a shuttle, the monster fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity. Taking advantage of the little time that Li Yexing bought, the five-person team in black combat uniforms rushed over. Go! When they rushed past Li Yexing , they didn't stop, but shouted directly to Li Yexing. Li Yexing didn't hesitate, he turned around, picked her up under the soft exclamation of Tililian, and followed the frantic team Running up, while running, he shouted at Tililian Zeng: Take my gun and aim at that guy's ankle! I don't need your command! At the same time, he adjusted his body position, grabbed the MHA that was slung on Li Yexing's waist and put it on Li Yexing's shoulders. Behind him, the monster that fell to the ground because of its unsteady center of gravity had staggered up and got up. Shaking his head, he roared loudly: Come drink! Frank! Whiskey! Just like that, Li Yexing joined the frantic squad on their escape journey. They kept crossing the streets and alleys, trying to get rid of that monster, Unfortunately, it ran too fast, just like a chariot. Even though Tililian's shooting could effectively delay its speed, it was only a delay. After crossing two streets, Tililian was empty. Li Yexing's two magazines, after being chased by it like this, it is only a matter of time before the ammunition runs out. Once the monster was knocked down, everyone immediately got into the alley next to the street, just in the At this time, the bar owner who had been silent for a while suddenly said, It can't go on like this! We can't run with this guy, even if we have enough, this guy will eat up all our bullets! Li Yexing frowned and tried hard. Thinking about the countermeasures, he murmured softly: It runs very fast, but the inertia is too large, and the left arm mutates seriously, so the center of gravity is very unstable.. : Speaking of this, Li Yexing said solemnly, Maybe we can Kill it!Really?!Puglis, who was wearing a half-mask gas mask and showed short red hair, said in surprise as he ran: We blew up - the whole building was not destroyed. This guy! He rushed out of the small alley and returned to the spacious street. Li Yexing looked at the surrounding houses, and then said: Take Ti Lili with you.

Ann lays out in ambush, shoots its left arm or left leg as much as possible, provides fire support for me, and leaves the rest to me. After saying that, Li Yexing stopped abruptly, he put down Tililian, quickly unpacked his backpack, and handed it over to Tililian next to him along with his M4A1-, saying: ' Keep it for me. Are you crazy, pervert! Don't you even want a gun? Tilly Hean frowned and said: Are you going to kill that guy or commit suicide? After saying this, the blond girl still took what Li Yexing was holding. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Paglis seemed to want to say something, but the bar owner patted her on the shoulder to stop her, he turned his head to Li Yexing and asked himself in a low voice: Can you?

Put... Li Yexing nodded and said, I have a clear idea, I can operate it.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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