[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Head.. groggy. Always feels as if something, important thing is forgotten... Ruburt chases blindly, it doesn't remember why it wants to find Frank, is it because he owes his salary? Yes Because he dragged himself out of 32's kennel and came to this shitty place? Or was it because of the shot he shot himself in the chest? Speaking of which? Why am I staying in this ghost? The place? The memory is getting more and more blurry, it can't remember Frank's face, and in the darkness, it seems that there are only the mud legs running around, the blond woman with the hateful face, and the man in the military coat. , a bald man with a weird smile on his face.. Sanity is smeared and only happiness is left in his mind, but it's not enough, I can't remember why, but it's going to find Frank, it's going to kill Frank, it's going to Frank's brains and internal organs are all drenched on his body, and only then can it stop... Does it really matter who Frank is? Just kill everyone he sees. Smell those Franks. Fu Yi Lan Yi Ke!!! Deafening roars filled the streets, Zeng Bo waved his left arm that had been alienated like electricity, and rushed out of the alley with a wild laugh. It looked around, only Seeing that the people in black just now had disappeared, and there was only one person left on the street. He was empty-handed, motionless, and silently looked at him as if he was waiting for something. On the street, the icy cold The raindrops fell and hit Li Yexing quietly, he took a deep breath, then slowly took out the grenade on his waist, raised his head and looked at the grinning behemoth in front of him, Li Yexing whispered: I It must be crazy Hehe..hehehe.00..Seeing Li Yexing, the smile on the monster's face became more and more bright, and its belly was sticking out.

As soon as he finished speaking, the monster was like a heavy truck - laughing wildly - and swaying towards Li Yexing. Seeing that the monster was getting closer and closer to him, Li Yexing bent down slightly, took a stance, and then instantly exerted force on his legs, rushing up directly to meet the monster. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing rushing towards Zi 2, The monster directly lifted its chainsawed left arm, and then slammed it down at Li Yexing. Li Yexing gritted his teeth, his body sank sharply, and a sliding shovel came directly towards the open space beside the monster. Clinging to the ground, it was splashed with layers of rain, and the right arm that had turned into flesh and blood wiped away from the top of Li Yexing's head with a strong smell of blood and rancidity. Li Yexing stood up and walked around. The monster's back line of sight was constantly looking for a wound on the monster's back to insert a grenade. However, the monster's body was already blurred with blood, and it was impossible to see where the wound suitable for the grenade was. There seems to be a Fang Long on his head, and he doesn't know if it's enough to put a grenade. Sure enough, it won't be that easy. Li Yexing said in a deep voice, then quickly pressed the communicator beside his ear and shouted loudly: Hit his left ankle. !As Li Yexing shouted, there were bursts of gunshots from the surrounding houses, and the frenzied squad that was ambushing around opened fire directly. In an instant, bullets came from all sides) \\ Fang hit the monster's ankle. On, the monster didn't have time to put away his alienated left arm and adjust his posture, he fell down with a scream and fell to one knee on the ground. Taking advantage of the opportunity won by the frantic team, Li Yexing - a lunge He rushed up, stepped on the monster's calf, climbed to the monster's back in three steps and two steps, then directly reached out and pulled off the pull tab on the grenade, and shoved it into the hole in the monster's head. It seems just right!

Just when Li Yexing thought he was done, the grenade in his hand suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, and only a quarter of the room entered-

In the blink of an eye, Li Yexing realized that the skull of the sacred object was still there! He let go of his hand, Li Yexing rolled over and jumped off the monster's body. Then there was a loud noise, and the monster that was about to get up from the ground stumbled.

On the other side, Li Yexing was rolling rapidly on the street. He stood up in embarrassment, then quickly took out a grenade from his waist again, and watched the monster slowly turning towards him vigilantly. Li. Are you sure you can handle it? The bar owner's voice came from the communicator beside his ear.

I didn't expect this bastard to be so hard. Li Yexing frowned and said, Jiang Xueyang's TAC-50 can't even cut through its skull.

You retreat first, my team members and I will cover... The bar owner said solemnly, This thing is not for our firepower to deal with, we can apply to the supervisor for support. Seeing that the monster has turned around , Li Yexing didn't respond to the bar owner's words. He didn't think much about it, he ran directly to a residential house next to him, then turned his back against the wall, stared at the monster in front of him, and said softly, Come on. , let's play one more round

It seems that he understood what Li Yexing said. After the monster stood still, it rushed towards Li Yexing without hesitation, but just as it moved - Li Yexing held down the communicator and said loudly: Ankle and left arm joint! Quick!

Although Li Yexing's intentions were not clear, the members of the frantic team and Ti Lilian still fired without hesitation, watching the monster getting closer and closer to him,

Seeing that the monster was less than five meters away from Li Yexing, with the sound of the TAC-50's gunshot, the monster only felt that his left leg was weak, and then fell directly in the direction of Li Yexing. Subconsciously, he raised his alienated and swollen left arm to support the ground and raised his head, only to see a look on Li Yexing's face.

Turning around and stomping on the wall, Li Yexing stomped abruptly after running two steps on the wall like an ancient chivalrous warrior.

Legs, turned over in the air, and jumped towards the monster's head. When the peak saw Li Yexing jumping over, he quickly changed his hands to support him, and at the same time roared and raised his left arm, which turned into electricity, towards Li Yexing in the sky. He swept it fiercely, but at this moment, with the sound of another TAC-50 gunshot, the monster only felt that his left arm was - _ soft, and his movements were directly slowed by half a beat.

It was just this moment, but it was enough to decide the winner. Holding a grenade high in the air, Li Yexing shouted with a grim face, Look at me dunking on your head! After all, he was like a slam dunk. The grenade that was being held was shoved into the monster's mouth fiercely. The foreign object was stuffed into the mouth. The monster subconsciously gritted his teeth, but directly bit the grenade in his mouth. He jumped again at the left shoulder of the relic, and then a tactical tumble landed on the street. He knelt down on one knee, raised his right hand, and raised his own back to the monster.

On that middle finger, there was a glittering inner grenade ring.

In an instant, the explosion sounded, and the fragmentation grenade exploded directly in the monster's mouth. The skull, which was hard enough to resist the bullets of the large-caliber sniper rifle, could not resist the pressure from the inside. The head was directly blown out with a large piece of flesh and brain, and sprinkled on the street full of stagnant water.

The monster with only half of its head left blankly turned around, looked at Li Yexing's middle finger, and stammered: Fu...The next second, the huge monster finally collapsed on the street, completely motionless. .

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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