[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Damn it! What's your style of play? Are you making a movie? As soon as he rushed out of the house next to him, Puglis couldn't help shouting at Li Yexing, looking rather shocked, and following her Behind him, Jiang Xueyang stood quietly behind Puglis holding the TAC 50, staring at Li Yexing through the red lenses on the gas mask, as if he was looking at some monster. On the other side, Ti Lilian jumped directly from the window of the small building next to her. She ran in front of Li Yexing in three steps and two steps. She glanced at Li Xing with vague eyes, and after confirming that Li Yexing was not injured, she raised her eyebrows. With a small face, he patted Li Yexing's arm, and said proudly: It's just a pervert. It's an accident.

It's a jaw-dropping battle, fighting for one's life, as expected of Loples' madness. Li Yexing was about to say something to Tililian, but saw - the owner of the bar next to him - Bian and Fisher came over - While facing Li Yexing Road. Seeing the tavern owner's outfit, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, because he was running for his life before, so I didn't pay much attention to the bar owner's combat uniform until he calmed down and took a closer look. Isn't this the standard uniform of the USS? Li Yexing subconsciously looked around Sigu and the people in the frantic team, and then he was surprised to find that everyone in the frantic team had basically the same outfits, just the details and what they carried. There are some differences in equipment, for example, everyone wears gas masks with red lenses on their faces, only Paglis wears a half-covered anti-gas mask, and everyone's equipment They are all HK-416 with pistols, and Jiang Xueyang's weapon is indeed a TAC-50 with a silencer. Not only that, he is also wearing a black cloak. The most outrageous one should be Anna, I don't know why her back waist is on hanging

-A bone cutter that looks heavy. The overall style of the frantic team made Li Yexing think of the other side of the Wolf Pack Tactical Team affiliated to the USS in Resident Evil Raccoon City Action. Seeing that Li Yexing seemed to have a great interest in everyone's costumes, the bar on the side The boss said solemnly: The design idea of ​​the combat uniform basically adopts the style of restoring the USS. Director Casimir himself is very fond of the COBZ (Close Quarterntind Btt Zone) of the US5 unit in the Umbrella era. The idea was promoted, but the headquarters rejected his opinion. That's right.. Li Yexing nodded, thinking that the director of Casimir seemed to understand, he raised his head and looked at the frenzied barstone in front of him. The group, a little funny said, But to be honest, I really didn't expect you guys to open the bar to be people from the Security Department. No, we are not affiliated with the Security Department, we are directly under the command of Director Casimir The bar owner shook his head, then pointed his gaze at Ti Lilian who was standing beside Li Yexing and said, By the way, Miss Ti Lilian is the tactical commander of the No. 1 organization. Hear that. At the bar owner's words, the petite blond girl had a wild smile on her face, pinched her waist and said arrogantly, Yes, it's my lord.

Forget it, this kind of thing is fine. Li Yexing said to the bar owner, ignoring the petite blond girl with come and praise me written all over her face, Since we have successfully reunited according to that guy's plan, Casimir , where are we going next? Go straight to that Umbrella-era research facility

Wrong. The bar owner nodded and said, According to the latest information, H.C.F is ready to start a large-scale operation. We must find the facility and take out the contents before H.C.F arrives here, otherwise.... As if he remembered something, the bar owner's words carried some kind of inexplicable emotion. Li Yexing probably knew why this happened. After all, Rockford Island, the training ground of the USS troops, was blown up by HCF. The bar owner in the USS has something to say about H.CF, it's nothing, it's weird.

Looks like we don't have much time, and the island is in chaos. There are bad forces everywhere. Li Yexing said solemnly: 'We need to fight quickly.

The bar owner nodded in agreement, and then he took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. After opening it, Li Yexing found that the piece of paper was the hand map he had found in the tent earlier.

This map was found in the camp of Paradise Mining. Seeing the people around him, the bar owner pointed his finger at a certain position on the map, only to see that the place was filled with large and small strokes of various colors. Fork, the bar owner said solemnly: It can be seen from this picture that before the island became a mess, the people of Paradise Mining concentrated on mining this location, so we have reason to believe that the research facility is very likely to be located here. Direction Pig, why do they have to be here when they dug this facility? Tillylian, who put her little head next to Li Yexing, looked at the map in the bar owner's hand and asked. The bar owner was slightly - stunned, - Shi I don't know how to explain it.

Why do you care so much? Li Yexing turned his head directly, a shudder slammed on Ti Lilian's head, he frowned and said in a low voice: I want you to go, you go, why are you talking so much?

My lord is the chief war wood commander of the first agency! Why can't this lord intervene? Tiililian said angrily, covering her aching head

Because I answer you one question, you will ask more questions, so I don't think there is any point in answering you. Li Yexing shrugged, then stood up and said to the humanity of the frantic team beside him: Let's go now, I don't want to be buried on this island by H.C F bombers. That's why it's said that I am the tactical commander in chief! - Tilly, who was next to him, was furious.

The bad shouted. Shut up, be honest. Li Yexing whispered, and hugged Tillyrian, so Tilly Hean immediately lost her voice, but her face was faint. After a while, she was young. Voice: My lord wants you to carry it, don't hold it, perverted Okay, you are a sister-in-law, what you say is what you say Li Yexing said casually, and then adjusted his posture, after a while, Tillylian broke He put his back behind him.

Feeling the delicate touch on his neck, Li Yexing weighed Tilly Jing'an on the back, then turned his head to look at the members of the frantic team beside him: Okay, let's go, and then he finds that the frantic five-member group is right-yan. He stared at himself without hair. Because all the staff wore gas masks, Li Yexing couldn't see their expressions at all. As expected of Yexing. It was passed down. What? Are you envious? He stretched his arms along his neck with a muscular arm, and Puglisao whispered in Jiang Xueyang's ear, You can try to give

Guy Galya submits an application for her to add a few more girls to our squad. Jiang Xueyang just wanted to refuse, when Anna, the big blond girl next to her, suddenly said: Good idea, it's time to have some new sisters..You dare! Female cousin! Hearing Anna's words, Paglis immediately Standing up straight, he said with a ferocious face. By the way, why do you acquiesce to the new girl - you will definitely like the Arctic Wolf. Fisher, who had not spoken, said quietly: He is not the only man in the team. For example, Captain, say this to me, Shut up! Crap! Puglis and Anna turned their heads at the same time, and said to Fisher in unison. Oh Fisher nodded, then stopped talking, all over It has the temperament of a middle-aged pre-waste greasy man. Ah, it has become the familiar family carnival bar model again..

Li Yexing, who was carrying Tililian on his back, showed helplessness. He turned his head to look at the bar owner, but found that the bar owner was also looking at him. After a long while, the two who were looking at each other sighed together.

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