What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-40. Hunk and Rage Squad are climbing

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To be honest, I'm a little tired.. Pulling the scythe full of bone spurs and serrations, completely made of bones and flesh, tore the enemy wearing black armor in front of him in two, Rita whispered softly, at this time At this moment, there was a trace of irritability on her always light smile. Her husband was missing on the island, and she had to waste on this damn warship with her other girls. Time. Fortunately, it is about to end. Under their joint attack, the armed forces on this warship were quickly defeated. Those monsters in black armor--they were able to take the initiative to attack at first, but now. Even the defense is not enough. When it began to become stretched, there was no doubt that the combat capability of this warship had been completely paralyzed. The high heels tapped the cabin, making a pleasant and crisp sound, and the ladies in black silk halter maid clothes slowly He went deeper and walked in the direction where the gunshots were heard, but before taking a few steps, the gunshots stopped in the summer. After a while, there were bursts of sounds from the corridor in front, and I saw Hitomi Kanjima step by step from the front. She walked out of the corridor step by step, there were a lot of holes in her clothes, and her hair was a little messy, but she didn't look hurt. It was just that her mental state became a little weird. I saw Hitomi Mishima's face with a ferocious smile, her sharp eyes were full of excitement, and even the gray eyeball on her forehead that was forcibly squeezed out of the crack also moved with it, and the iron chain on the jet black scabbard. It was wrapped around the girl's white left arm with fine red cracks, and then connected to the hilt of the maddening bone in the right hand, accompanied by Hitomi Kanjima's steps, and the maddening bone that glowed with cold light. He was dragged behind by the girl's right hand, and the tip of the knife touched the ground of the cabin, making a harsh sound in the scattered sparks. Not enough. Not enough.. I have to chop more.. On the smooth and delicate face of the extreme eastern beauty, Hitomi Kanjima grinned to herself, and kept whispering in Japanese:...kill.

Seeing Hitomi Kanjima passing by the corridor in front of her, Rita's face returned to that elegant smile. She called softly in Japanese, Miss Qiandao. Hearing someone calling her, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly spoke to the voice. She turned her head from the direction she came from, and after realizing that it was Rita, the twisted expression on her face disappeared instantly, the gray eyeballs on her forehead slowly retreated into the wound, and Hitomi Kanjima blushed, and hurriedly moved towards her. Rita ran over. Miss Rita. Quickly running to Rita, Hitomi Kanjima bowed first, and then asked in a low voice, Did the battle go well? Just after asking, Hitomi Kanjima noticed that on Rita's clothes. One by one, bullet holes appeared on her face, so she showed remorse and nervousness, Hitomi Kanjima whispered: I'm sorry, I didn't know Miss Rita went through such a hard fight. Fighting hard? Rita was slightly stunned, and then she realized that Hitomi Kanjima would think so/ \\It's because she saw the bullet holes in her clothes, right? What a cute child... She shook her head gently , Rita did not shy away, she opened her arms and shook her body at Hitomi Kanjima, and said with a smile: It's okay, Miss Kanjima, thanks to your concern, I'm fine. Look at Rita's unharmed white flesh. X body, Hitomi Kanjima exclaimed in a low voice: It's amazing...It's nothing Rita smiled and said softly to Hitomi Kanjima: 'One day, you can also be stronger than you can imagine. Turning your head , Rita looked around, there was no gunshots nearby, not even footsteps, and the cabin of the warship was completely silent. Is this all killed? Rita whispered, just before When she was about to press the communicator beside her ear, Kanan's voice suddenly came from the communicator. She asked loudly, How is your side? Do you need my help? My side seems to be clean... We don't seem to have any enemies here. Rita pressed the communicator beside her ear with a smile: I just don't know what's going on with Miss.

Caught a live one. Rita had just finished speaking when Tililith's voice came from the communicator along with a man's cursing voice. Caught one by one alive? Rita was a little stunned, and then said, Why not kill him? Because it's a human. Humans? Kanan also seemed to be stunned, she was a little surprised: Is there still humans on this ship? I always thought that there were only those on this ship who seemed to be called What about the 'compound eye demon' monster. How interesting, there is a human on a warship full of monsters Rita's face crossed a hint of play, she thought for a while and then pressed the communicator in her ear again , asked in a less enthusiastic voice: Can you hear it? Director Casimir? I can hear it, I'm always there, Miss Griffith... Rita's voice just fell, and the opposite side of the communicator came After hearing the voice of Director Casimir, 1t smiled and said: How is it? Did the battle go well? Has the pressure of the warship been completed? Dao: 'Aren't you watching the whole time? Why ask me?

Oh, Miss Griffith, how embarrassing it is to say this kind of thing... Director Casimir said with a smile: Don't worry, the security force will be on the island soon, by the way - by the way, your husband Very good, he is working with the frenzy team under the No. 1 organization. Director Casimir, you know I want to say more than this. Rita smiled. Oh, yes, I forgot. Director Casimir said with a smile: The person that Tiillis caught is yours. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but remember to act fast, after all, Li is still waiting for you. It exceeded my expectations... After receiving the answer from Director Casimir, Rita was a little surprised, and she asked suspiciously: Aren't you interested in N o Umbrella at all? I'm interested, but only interested, it doesn't matter to me

. Director Casimir explained with a smile: In my opinion, the partnership with your husband is far more important than a boring organization that will kill himself sooner or later. That's good, Rita said with a smile, she cut off the communication, then turned her head to the side without understanding a word, - Hitomi Kanjima with a blank face

Let's go, Miss Kanjima. Rita smiled and said to Hitomi Kanjima, then she pressed the communicator again to the girls on the warship: The suppression of the warship is over, the security of Black Umbrella is over. The troops will land on the island immediately, we can go back to the deck to assemble.

After the communication was cut off, Director Casimir grabbed two cubes of sugar and threw them into the coffee cup. After stirring it up, he took a sip, then turned his head to the female secretary who was standing beside - and said, Wow! What the hell is going on with that maid?! It's too difficult to deal with, isn't it?! It's not surprising, Director Casimir. Carrie, who was standing by the side, bowed slightly: Back in the Middle East battlefield, The woman is known for her wolf-like intuition and mad-dog-like fighting style. After two years of polishing the Griffith family, she has completely turned into a monster. What can I do... Casimir The director squatted on the table as if he had been taken out of time, and whispered: I'm afraid I can't hide the matter of the mercenary. Lightly tapping his fingers on the table, Director Casimir suddenly stood up. , he shook his head, and then with a bright smile on his face said: Forget it, these matters will be dealt with later, Carrie, are the security forces ready for battle? You can be dispatched at any time. Carrie Ya bowed slightly and replied. Then let them move directly. After all, H.CF is coming, and we have to make sure that the mission on the frantic team can be carried out smoothly. Director Casimir waved his hand and said: Now, let's do it. Okay. Yes, Director Casimir. Jia Liya said in a deep voice, just turned around and was about to leave, when Director Casimir suddenly said: Wait! Jia Liya turned around and waited for Director Casimir's next call. Order. You can't just call out the security department, I think the security department might mess things up, after all they've always been good at messing things up. Director Casimir rubbed his chin softly, then turned his head to Carrie Yadao: 'Go, fire five T-103C Tyrants at N∈o. Umbrella's troops stationed near the coastline, just to collect the combat data of this new toy. Okay, Director Casimir. Carrie said solemnly.

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