[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

If I'm not mistaken... that thing seems to be a tyrant, right? Jiang Xueyang asked uncertainly after a while. It's a tyrant... The bar owner nodded, and he said with some doubts: Why would there be a tyrant in a place like this? Could it be that Director Casimir threw it over?-- Anna next to him asked with some doubts Impossible. The bar owner directly denied Anna's guess. He said solemnly: The tyrant just now should be a T-103 tyrant. This tyrant has been eliminated, whether it is a commodity or an internal use. Brera will always choose the T.103C model with better performance. It seems that he wants to ask for Li Yexing's opinion. The bar owner turned his head, but found that Li Yexing's face was a little ugly. What's the matter? See Li Yexing With a strange expression on his face, the bar owner asked in a deep voice. After a long while, Li Yexing said softly: Didn't you see that tyrant laughing just now? Tyrant laughing? Paglis next to him was slightly stunned, then smiled and waved his hand: What about that kind of thing, Is it possible? How can a tyrant laugh?

That's right. Li Yexing thought for a while, then shook his head and said, The tyrant would laugh or something... I must have read it wrong. The pervert is right. As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, Ti Lilian said, That guy just now was really smiling. Following Ti Lilian's words, everyone quickly fell into a strange silence. Everyone stopped talking. , Tillylian said to herself: My lord's eyesight is much better than that of you humans. My lord can see clearly, that guy's laugh is disgusting, as if he is hiding some evil intentions. Spray. Li Yexing smacked his lips. To be honest, I don't know why, Li Yexing suddenly felt a creepy feeling when he saw the tyrant laughing. This feeling directly affected his physiology and made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Is it because of the legendary uncanny valley effect?

It's really a ghost. Li Yexing whispered. Beside Jiang Xueyang, Puglis rubbed her arm vigorously, and said: 0 sounds disgusting.. What is the tyrant laughing at? .. On the other side, the bar owner turned his head, he silently looked at the direction where the tyrant disappeared in the distance, and then said solemnly: Let's go, no matter what happens, the mission must continue. Look, here it comes again. Fisher shrugged his shoulders and whispered: The captain is simply a ruthless mission completion machine 2. Be vigilant. Before setting off again, the bar owner said solemnly to the teammates and Li Yexing beside him. Although there was no conflict, after encountering the laughing tyrant, the atmosphere of the team suddenly became heavy and chilling. Everyone was silent. It seemed that they sensed the change in the atmosphere, and even the somewhat noisy Tililian also changed. Got to be silent. After crossing the area that was heavily bombed by artillery shells, everyone came to the dense forest again. According to the map, as long as you pass through the dense forest in front of you, you can directly reach the mining area. At this time, the dark and damp jungle in front of you has become like a It is like a vicious beast that chooses and devours people, as if it is ready to eat the people who step into it without leaving any bones. Let's go. After a while, the bar owner said solemnly.

Following the guidance of the map, everyone slowly entered the dense forest in front of them. After the only starlight was isolated, the surrounding atmosphere gradually began to become gloomy and eerie in the dark and oppressive environment. Don't you think something is wrong? After walking for about ten minutes, Li Yexing suddenly frowned and said. What's wrong? the bar owner asked. Because he had been busy walking around, So I ignored some questions.. Li Yexing said solemnly: Remember what my original mission was? Of course I do! Tillylian, who was behind her, replied first: Take a helicopter to the island and let the security department The pig 1 went to ask the locals and the mining company from country A to ask for something, my lord and the pervert.. Speaking of this, Tiililian suddenly became miserable, as if she remembered something, she changed instantly. Her face turned red, and after a while, she buried her head in Li Yexing's back and stopped talking.

Probably so. On the other side, Li Yexing didn't seem to notice Tillylian's abnormality, and Li Yexing said to himself: Since landing on the island, the operation has been completely derailed, the communication system has failed, and our helicopter has been hit by my peers. Come down, people from Shenya Pharmaceutical are everywhere, until just now, people from Neo. Umbrella also came in...

Speaking of this, Li Youxing said solemnly: So far, the things that should not have appeared in the mission have appeared one after another, but the things that should have appeared in the mission have not even a shadow, what about the friendly locals? Didn't they all get infected? Paglis said. Shu Cuo, a biochemical crisis broke out among the locals, and they were all infected.. Li Yexing nodded, and then said: Then that country A What about the mining company here? The mining company.... Puglis was about to say something, but was suddenly stunned. After a while, she said with some doubts: Yes, the infection we encountered along the way. They seem to be all locals. Where are the people from the mining company? Except for the tents next to the village, they don't seem to have left anything behind.

Live without people, dead without corpses. Jiang Xueyang whispered next to him. But what does it mean for us to say this now? Fisher, who followed behind, shrugged: To be honest, no matter what the situation is, we have to complete the task, Li, these feelings you said It's like a third-rate horror movie, it doesn't seem to mean anything except scary. After that, Fisher turned his attention to the bar owner and said with a smile: Am I right? Captain. No, I think it makes sense. To Fisher's surprise, the bar owner, like a ruthless task-completing machine, actually denied his opinion, only listening to the bar owner solemnly: 'The more information you have, the more The more, the more favorable it is for the completion of the task.

I didn't consider these issues not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't understand the situation here at all. After that, the bar owner turned his attention to Li Yexing's side, and he said solemnly: So, please continue. Said, we are now alone, I think it is necessary for us to know what the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere thinks of the current situation.

........... Wearing headphones, Director Casimir quietly looked at the computer screen. On the screen, Li Yexing's four girls were interrogating on the deck of the warship - a man in black Humanity. The voices of the four girls and the man's screams kept coming from the headphones. Director Casimir quietly held a pen and tapped on his desk, looking rather bored. From the beginning, Li Yexing's girls Seems like it's been around - a woman named Ada asks questions. Ada? Is that the freelance spy who worked under Simmons? Chief Casimir said to himself with his chin up. Director Simil is not very interested in these bullshit things. Picking up the coffee cup on the table and bringing it to his mouth, drinking a little cold coffee, Director Casimir thought that you can't ask something of value. ?As if in response to Director Casimir's expectations, Rita's voice came through the headphones: Why, you want to go to this island? What are you trying to find? Yes yes yes! You should have asked this long ago. The man being interrogated was of course unwilling to answer, but in front of the human flesh lie detector Tijing Lisi, his lies were not worth mentioning at all. Finally the man couldn't take it anymore, he cried out: 'I said! I said it all! Stop that damn Japanese pussy! The coffee-drinking head Casimir thought you were overdue for a move, and he fought Two minutes of energy, waiting for the man's reply. After a while, the man's trembling voice came from the earphones, and he whispered: The above said, there is a soul transmission technology hidden on this island, and it is said that it can transfer one's own soul into the body of others... poof. Director Casimir couldn't help spraying coffee all over the screen. He wiped his mouth and sneered: I dare to say that nonsense must be in accordance with the Basic Law.

Just when Director Casimir thought that the guy was going to be beaten again, Tililith's voice came from the earphone: He is telling the truth. In an instant, Director Casimir's expression turned horrified. got up.

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