[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

In the beginning, our helicopter crashed because it was attacked... In the dense forest, Li Yexing moved forward according to the map, and explained to the frantic team around him the various situations of the previous abundance. He said in a deep voice. The helicopter shot down a group of unruly guys. I have dealt with them. From their mouths, I learned about the signal tower. Signal tower? The bar owner frowned.

That's right, the signal tower, before you landed on the island, there was a signal tower on this island, but it was completely destroyed in the previous bombing. Li Yexing nodded and said: -At first, I thought that The tower is just an ordinary communication facility on this island, but the guy who didn't enter the stream said that the signal tower seems to be constantly sending some kind of interference signal to the surrounding that can paralyze the communication system, so I have closed The signal tower, and the thought of asking for support, I held fast, I met Tillyrian near the signal tower who was fighting with the god Arya. It's a pity that the perverted Shindo-sama was not able to fight. I see, you were beaten like a terminal. Li Yexing teased Tililian casually, and then ignored Tililian's incompetence and fury. Said: After seeing the people of Shenya Pharmaceutical, I thought Shenya Pharmaceutical was the one who activated the power of the signal tower, but then I learned from Tiililian that Shenya Pharmaceutical was close to the signal tower because they also Realizing that there is a problem with the signal tower, they want to do something about the signal tower.. Think about it. Li Yexing paused, and then continued: Let's not talk about why an island without shit would have it. This kind of signal tower, since the power of opening the signal tower and releasing the interference signal is neither the person who attacked us before, nor Shenya Pharmaceutical, who would it be? Heaven Mining! The bar owner didn't even have to think about it. Conclusion. I think so too. For what reason do a group of miners need to interfere with all the communication signals on the island? Li Yexing analyzed in a deep voice: If

But Paradise Mining really came to this island to find rare earth mines. Isn't it on the island? -Paglis said: Maybe the woman named Wesker deceived them? It is indeed One possibility, but if you consider the Resident Evil that broke out on this island, it doesn't seem so tenable. Li Yexing whispered, From the time when the people on the island dug things up to the outbreak of the Resident Evil, the interval between It has been less than two days, and there are no survivors, which is very inappropriate. At present, no BOW can achieve such an exaggerated infection efficiency, unless a situation What situation? The bar owner subconsciously asked. Unless, the Resident Evil on this island was not caused by something dug out of the mountain, Li Yexing replied in a deep voice: It's human 8. Someone maliciously broadcast the virus on the island in order to create chaos. But it is impossible for an ordinary mining company to spread the virus on the island. Jiang Xueyang, who was on the side, suddenly said: 'The person who spread the virus is Eric Zweske! That's right. Li Yexing nodded to himself. Following this line of thinking, I thought that I could evacuate as long as I found something, but I wanted to spread the virus to create chaos. What is the point of doing this? For some reason, Alex Wesker failed to get the thing! So She created chaos and wanted to muddy the water! Jiang Xueyang immediately came to a conclusion

Very good. Li Yexing nodded, and then said: Then, think about it along the way - why did Alex Wesker fail to get what he wanted?

In addition to Yaliyao, there is a third force, and this force almost landed on the island at the same time as Heaven Industry! It is even possible that they landed on the island at the same time as Heaven Mining. Li Yexing said solemnly, Heaven There is a problem with the mining industry. He took out his mobile phone and called up the map he had given him. Li Yexing said in a low voice, Because of work reasons, I had a brief contact with a mining company under the chaebol of Western Europe, although I had a lot of interest in geological exploration. I don't know, but I'm sure that the markings used on this map are not at all indicative of lode exploration. I think that although Alex Wesker deceived Paradise Mining on the island on the grounds of mining rare earths Yes, but Paradise Industry knew from the very beginning that there was absolutely no rare earth mine on this island, at least the person who marked the map knew about it! That is to say, we now not only have to face N∈o Umbrella, who may touch the back of the butt, and Shenya Pharmaceutical, who has never died, should you be careful about other forces ahead? Fisher whispered: This is too difficult, it's simply Hell difficulty! And there are tyrants who can laugh. - Anna next to the side said dryly. I'm not too worried about this. Li Yexing shook his head and said, The information at the beginning of the mission did not mention the island There are some armed forces, so I think even if there are people in front of us, it is estimated that there will not be many. After listening to Li Yexing's analysis, the bar owner stopped, he stood there quietly, looked back at Li Yexing, and after a while After that, he whispered:

Go ahead, but pay attention to the police. Li Yexing said solemnly: After all, if my guess is correct, it's not just a tyrant with a disgusting smile standing in front of us. After finishing the inference, everyone Continue to move forward in silence. After a while, Ti Lilian, who was lying on Li Yexing's back, whispered: 'Perverted, did you think of all that just now?

Of course. Li Yexing nodded to himself.

Wow. Tillylian exclaimed in a low voice: ''I really can't tell, you guy's brain is surprisingly good... After all, Tillylian whispered: Casimir's father often behaves like a pervert, All of a sudden, it was a long speech, and although I couldn't understand a single sentence, it made people feel very powerful.

It's not that I'm good at brains, it's better to say that I'm actually quite a stupid person, otherwise I wouldn't insist on being a mercenary... Li Yexing smiled, I'm just for some reason. It's a bit more familiar. Yeah... Tililian whispered, it seemed like she wanted to say something to Li Yexing, but suddenly, Tililian lost her voice, as if it was coming. The words on his lips were swallowed forcibly, and even the thighs on Li Yexing's arms tightened. What's the matter? Li Yexing immediately frowned and asked in a low voice, noticing the abnormality of Tililian. . After a while, Tiililian suddenly raised her head, and she said loudly: Metamorphosis! Put me down! Something is coming! At one o'clock, the speed is very fast

Hearing Ti Lilian's words, Li Yexing quickly put Ti Lilian down and raised the M4A1 towards - o'clock, and the surrounding frenzied squad members also stopped and raised their guns in unison for a moment. Afterwards, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the darkness. The sound was getting closer and closer. Just when everyone thought they were about to approach the enemy, the footsteps stopped in the summer. Such a thick tree flew out of the darkness and smashed at everyone. Get down! the bar owner shouted subconsciously, and everyone immediately fell down on the spot. When the tree flew over his head, Li Yexing looked up and saw a bald monster in a military coat stepping on the secret in front of him. It rushed out of the muddy ground with fists swung, with a disgusting smile on its face that would make people scalp hair salons.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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