[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Director Casimir, what are you doing? As soon as the female secretary, Calia, entered the command room, she saw Director Casimir wearing a headset and constantly thumping her fist at the computer screen. Don't be less, I'm busy... Director Casimir whispered, he put one hand on his face, and then the other hand came directly to the sky in front of the computer screen - he made a fist and said with a mouth. : Death to me! Jialia found that Director Casimir's hands seemed to be wearing something similar to a metal glove. When I remembered it, it seemed to be a gadget that Director Casimir had made the technical department go down. The main function is to manually operate the tyrant, which is one of Umbrella's legacy. About half a year ago, a third-rate force obtained the design of this device on the black market and directly produced a batch of inferior products, and then targeted various countries. The rich people launched a tyrant boxing match to let those big men who have money and nowhere to spend put on gloves and damage the T103 tyrants after the rough transformation to fight in the ring.

As for the result... I like to hear about it, a certain gangster who has fought in an underground boxing match - a tyrant who couldn't hold back the operation of his subordinates took off his clothes. After all, there are rich people present, so the BSAA handled this matter rudely. Hurry up.. Come on, this matter was known by Director Casimir. Although it was just a gadget, Director Casimir seemed to have a strong interest in this equipment. This set of equipment, and then make a batch of finished products, I want to try the effect on the new T-103C.” Director Casimir said so at the time, and Carrie did as well. Anyway, Director Casimir was in his spare time. There are also a lot of gadgets, but in the end, the warehouse is basically rotten. Presumably this time it is also a three-minute heat. But I didn't expect that after a few months, Director Casimir really took out this little toy to play with. Carrie sometimes couldn't help but feel that Director Casimir was like an oversized bear child. After manipulating the tyrant to turn over two soldiers in black armor, Director Casimir took off his gloves out of breath. Following his movements, a red system prompt immediately appeared on the screen: The operator has been detected. Offline, do you want to switch to automatic mode? After wiping off the sweat from his head, Director Casimir turned around in rough clothes, looked at Carrie and said, This thing is too tiring to use. Casimir Director, forgive me for presumptuous, I think you should pay attention to your own physical exercise, long-term stay in the office and laboratory is not good for your health.. To the complaint of Director Casimir, Jialiya bowed slightly. Dao. Ah, here we go again... Director Casimir stretched out his pinky to dig his ears and said, I don't know if it's my delusion, Carrie, your nonsense today is good!

Sorry, supervisor, I won't do it in the future. Jia Liya whispered. No, please do this. Supervisor Casimir shook his head and said, Although I hate subordinates who talk nonsense, but you don't feel like this. What did she say about Director Casimir's words? She just stood there. Seeing that Director Casimir did not intend to continue the operation, she stepped forward and prepared to make a cup of coffee for Director Casimir. On the other hand, Director Casimir was not in a hurry to switch the tyrant who was out of control into automatic mode. The tyrant on the screen had been beaten to the ground by the surrounding black armored soldiers, and a red warning popped up, but he did not. Not caring, he scratched the messy hair upstairs, and Director Casimir gradually focused his attention on Carrie beside him. After a while, he suddenly said:, Carrie, do you want to play with this? What? Carrie, who was stirring the sugar cube, asked subconsciously. This tyrant's fist sound! Director Casimir grabbed the two gloves on the table and shook it in his hands, and then turned to Carrie. Yadao: 'How about it? Let's try it? It's tiring to use, but to be honest, it's quite fun. It's the most fun thing that the technical department has tossed out this year, right? Looking at Director Casimir, it's full of expectations. Looking at her eyes, Jia Liya sighed softly and said, Okay, Director Casimir. Put down the small spoon in her hand, take the metal glove from Director Casimir's hand, and treat herself as a woman. The imperfect hands stretched in, feeling the body temperature and sweat left by Director Casimir, Carrie raised her head and looked at the computer screen, only to see a green prompt popped up on the computer screen: Operation detected. Please connect, welcome back. This thing seems to be quite heavy, no wonder Director Casimir was tired and sweaty after a few punches. Looking at the tyrant slowly standing up on the screen, the corner of Jialiya's mouth lightly Bending an imperceptible arc, she raised her hands with metal fists, and assumed a fighting stance.

Abstinent maid, I don't know if it's an illusion. After the tyrant who was beaten up just now stood up, he seemed to be super capable of fighting... He continued to fire with guns in both hands, and shot a black armored compound eye with a centipede-shaped mutant arm. The devil's head shot, and Kanan quickly backed away, leaning on the back of the black woman holding the sickle - with a puzzled face. Tyrant? Rita was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and followed Kanan's line of sight, only to see a T-103C tyrant punching the black armor compound eye demon in front of him, a set of straight punches. The light punches under the fist continued to strike, splashing the brains of the black armor compound eye demon. Wow! That's fighting skills! Kanan couldn't help widening her eyes. She said in surprise, Young miss can't do such an operation, right? It was obviously man-made damage control. Rita whispered, and she turned her eyes to Tililith and Hitomi Kanjima who were beside her, and saw the silver-haired girl in black and the black-haired girl holding a big sword. Under the enemy's firepower, he constantly shuttled in the enemy's line, and he looked like a general who suddenly appeared in a shooting game shouting The enemy is ashamed! I'll take off his clothes. The beach in the distance At the top, a compound eye demon in black armor shouted something in Russian, and then suddenly pulled out from behind and launched an RPG, aiming at Tililith and Kanjima who were driving the unparalleled

Hitomi, just as it was about to fire, a series of bullets directly focused on it, knocking it to the ground, only to see four tyrants moving slowly like chariots by the beach, and the large group wearing black 11 Soldiers in combat uniforms, with the black e Umbrella logo printed on their shoulders and helmets, are hiding behind the tyrant, holding HK.416 and shooting at the black-armored compound eye demons on the beach. On the other side, I saw that the tyrant who was still using fighting skills before had completely let go of himself. It grabbed the ankle of a compound eye demon and waved it frantically like a spinner, killing the black armor compound eye demons who were too late to spread out. It flipped to the ground, and then it directly changed hands and grabbed the neck of the half-dead compound beholder. With its thick fingers, it pulled off the pull ring on the grenade on the compound beholder's waist, and then directly pushed the compound beholder into the enemy on the opposite side. In the group, there was only a loud bang, and the fragmentation grenade directly blew the flesh and blood of several nearby compound-eyed demons. Watching the tyrant smash her right fist into her left palm, Rita inexplicably felt that The tyrant's operator is now - sure to feel very cool.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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