[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Just about ten minutes earlier, the vanguard of Black Umbrella's security forces had landed on the island, and they, under the cover of five T-103C Tyrants, engaged in a fierce battle with the N∈o Umbrella Far Eastern Corps stationed on the coastline. After the exchange of fire, after successfully removing the two most powerful firepower points for the landing operation, the girls from Li Yexing Office took the remaining landing craft on the warship and boarded the beach directly. From here, the battle showed a one-sided appearance. The trend of B, although the Far East Army has more soldiers and more powerful firepower, but in front of the four top BOW, their defense line is vulnerable. After beheading the last black armored summer beholder on the first line of defense, Rita swung the sickle in her hand and streaked a full moon in the air. As soon as she turned her head, she saw a man wearing a black combat uniform with a head on his head. The man in the black helmet walked towards him quickly. Hello, Miss Griffith. After arriving in front of Rita, the man stretched out his hand to Rita and said: 'I am the No. 1 Executive Group of the Black Umbrella European Branch. The team leader, my name is Kleins Biederman, you can directly call me Biederman. Hello, Mr. Biederman. He took a half step back without a trace, and put down the scythe in his hand. With an elegant but somewhat indifferent smile on Rita's face, she gently stretched her hand towards Biederman. Looking at the pure white hand stretched out in front of her, Biederman only lightly held Rita's finger , shook her hand symbolically, and then let go of her hand. This polite and sensible behavior invisibly increased Rita's favor, so the smile on Rita's face became a little more sincere, and she said softly: Better than Is there anything Mr. Deman is looking for from me? It's something, Miss Griffith. Biederman nodded, then said solemnly. Tactical Command Chunlai Intelligence, according to the drone's view, the first line of defense A small number of enemies retreated to the two lines of defense at the rear. The two lines of defense were on the only road in front of us. They were located near the dense forest on our left and the reef group on our right. The lines were equipped with heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and If we don't get rid of them, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go further. Hearing Biederman's words, Rita frowned slightly. She looked around, and saw that Ponti Lilith's special combat uniform had been shot with bullet holes by a heavy machine gun, and Hitomi Kanjima was sitting on the ground, stubbornly wanting to Helping Tililith to deal with the wounds under the combat uniform that really didn't need to be treated, Hanan picked up the equipment left by the black armor in the distance, and further back, the four tyrants were standing honestly. There, it was like a sculpture, and the remaining tyrant was constantly throwing his fists at the air. Around here, dozens of soldiers in black combat uniforms were rapidly preparing, while the wounded soil The soldiers carried down. The collapse of the Far East Legion is only a matter of time, but now, there are still two very difficult bones ahead. Rita felt very unhappy that it was as if she was back on the battlefield. What do you think, Mr. Beeders? After a few seconds, Rita put her face away - with a flash of displeasure, smiled Beeds and asked softly. Our reinforcements will arrive in five minutes. Haiya, by then, we will have an army of more than 100 people. Biedes said solemnly, and at the same time lowered his waist, he used his fingers to outline the nearby terrain and two lines of defense on the beach, and then confronted Li Ta said: I think that no matter which line of defense is attacked, there is a possibility of being attacked by the heavy fire of the enemy, so we simply divide our troops into two directions, and I will lead Miss Tillyris and Miss Kanjima and three. a violent

Jun attacked the defense line located in the reef group with more bunkers, while my colleague led you and Miss Mafar to attack the defense line located in the dense forest. We penetrated their defense line from both flanks, and then gathered near the village on the island. The tactics The command believes that most of the enemy is entrenched in the village, and by then, we are likely to fight a hard battle. Looking at the crude map on the ground, Rita was silent for a while, and then said: Let's do it like this. Seeing Rita's agreement, Biggs stood up and said to Rita in a deep voice, The first organ is for you. Thank you for your support and understanding. You don't have to rush to thank me. Looking at the man in front of her, Rita smiled and said, If something happens to my husband, you will be the first to die. Yes... An embarrassed smile appeared on Biggs' face, and he whispered: Don't worry, Director Casimir-Zhang is keeping a high priority on Boss Li's situation. So, very good. For Biggs' answer. Rita responded with a smile.

After a long march on foot, Li Yexing, Tilly Hean and the frenzied team finally arrived at the marked 2 area indicated on the map. My God. Looking at the bare mountain ridges and the randomly dug pits in front of her, Paglis said in despair: Isn't there no research facility at all? After all, Paglis will His gaze moved to Jiang Xueyang's gauze-wrapped calf, and there was a trace of worry and distress on his face. On the other side, looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning slightly. Ye Xing can clearly feel that the state of the frantic team has begun to decline. Although the bar owner as the captain seems to be fine, the state of Paglis and Anna is a little bit unable to keep up with Jiang Xueyang, and even his calf is injured. Even Fisher It doesn't look very good. In fact, I don't blame them, because the road to the marked area is really difficult to walk. The environment for marching in the jungle is already bad, and the tyrant who doesn't seem to have a good mind will occasionally come out of the darkness from time to time. It rushed out to protest against the crowd, and every time it rushed out with a wild laugh, while trying to kill everyone and saying a lot of inexplicable words, after attracting everyone to waste - after a wave of bullets, it laughed wildly and walked away. It brought huge psychological pressure to everyone. As the distance to the marked area got closer and closer, the tyrant's appearance became more and more frequent, and the attack method became more and more aggressive. The most outrageous thing is that on the way

There were even a large number of earthen traps, the sharp wooden stakes hanging from the trees and the big pits of the crunchy branches one after another. Even the bar owner, who has always been stable and not very talkative, couldn't help but complain: Is this goddamn tyrant produced in Vietnam?! In this way, the frantic team was nervous all the time. They had to be careful not only to the goddamn talkative tyrant hiding in the dark, but also to keep an eye on the top of their heads and feet. The most terrible thing is that once someone is caught in the trap, the damn thing will run out and fall to the ground! After Jiang Xueyang was punctured by a sharp tree stump hidden in the dirt pit, the monster rushed out like a madman, and it was open all the way. The injured Jiang Xueyang was beaten. This time, in order to protect Jiang Xueyang, everyone used up the few sulfuric acid bullets they had left. Seemingly aware of Pugjings' sight, Jiang Xueyang whispered: Sorry, I'm dragging my feet, it's all because of my immaturity. That's why everyone...

Shut up. Li Youxing said solemnly, I don't blame you, I blame this dog for being too insidious. If you really have resentment in your heart, then next time you see him, just peel off his skin! Yes, Brother Yexing. Jiang Xueyang nodded. Although he was inspired by Li Yexing, his spirit still looked bad. He turned his head helplessly, and Li Yexing was a little surprised to find that the bar owner was also paying attention to the situation of everyone. Although the bar owner didn't say anything, Li Yexing could feel that he was worried, not that the task could not be completed, but that he was worried about the condition of the team members under the 2nd team.

This is a bit unexpected... Li Yexing murmured in a low voice.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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