[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Looks like you're worried about them. After the bar owner didn't let him adjust his state for a while, he seemed to want to adjust the heavy and tense atmosphere. Li Yexing slowly moved to the bar owner's side and whispered with a smile. Of course I'm worried about them. A hoarse and deep voice came from behind the red-lens gas mask, and the bar owner whispered: My teammates are like family to me. Seemingly surprised by the frankness of the bar owner, Li Yexing whispered: I thought you wouldn't admit it. This is nothing to be ashamed of. The bar owner said solemnly: 'I think compassion and protecting one's comrades in arms are It's very important, whether as a person or as a battlefield, maybe you don't understand this kind of feeling very well. There is nothing incomprehensible o.. Li Yexing whispered, not very confident, flipping through In his own memories, Li Yexing discovered that

The irritable mercenary is really a crazy guy who doesn't care whether his teammates live or die. Although he doesn't seem to have killed his teammates because of his reckless actions, it is inevitable to be scolded after the commission. Thinking about it carefully, since the boss, he has never had a regular teammate. Commissions are like an iron orphan. Looking at the bar owner from the USS in front of him, Li Yexing inexplicably remembered two clips, one is Resident Evil Raccoon City Operation. When the mission to capture the G virus failed, Hank resolutely decided to cover the evacuation of his teammates. The wolf pack tactical team was pushed out of the gate, and the back of William Birken, who was mutated after the injection of G disease, was alone. When he missed the best time to evacuate because the gate of the police station was blocked, he resolutely asked to wait for the scene when his teammates were shooting high. This is war, and it is your duty to survive!

In a trance, the USS veteran who protects his teammates but always loses them even though he is with his teammates slowly overlaps with the bar owner in front of him. Hank. Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper. As if he heard Li Yexing's words, the bar owner turned his head, and he said solemnly with a touch of disgust: I've said it all, I'm not that damn god of death! Well, I know. Li Yexing said He nodded, and then said curiously: Speaking of which, I have known each other for so long, and I don't even know what your name is.

I said, just call me the boss, the bar owner said in a deep voice. The name is just a code name, it's not as important as you and I thought. Forget it, I knew it would be like this. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned her head to look at Tililian who was beside her, and saw the blond girl squatting on a bare rock. He pouted and was sulking, and from time to time he gritted his teeth and muttered something in a low voice. What's the matter? Li Yexing asked with a smile when he walked to Tiililian. Shame.. Tilly Zhian said bitterly: This is a shame! Tillylian's atmosphere is not without reason. When they were marching in the jungle just now, besides Jiang Xueyang, there was another thunderbolt who stepped on the trap, that is Ti Lilian. Li Hean. Different from Jiang Xueyang's pit buried pile, Ti Lilian was caught by a huge broken fishing net after stepping on the trap, and then hung from a tree like a monkey, seeing someone stepping on it. After the trap, the ghostly tyrant rushed out immediately, everyone was firing, only Tililian was in the fishing net - struggling and cursing, until everyone repelled the tyrant, Li Yexing climbed up, using The dagger he brought with him placed Tilly's system. Although stepping on the trap is a very bad thing, but for some reason, seeing Tillylian's ruthless appearance, Li Yexing was inexplicable. She wanted to laugh. What are you laughing at, pervert?! Seeing Li Yexing's mouth turning upward, Ti Lilian couldn't help but get angry and said: 'Do you pervert so much like watching my shrew get shriveled?! I like it so much Seeing Lord Ben hanging from a tree by a rope?! Li Yexing didn't speak, he tilted his head and tried hard to restrain the raised corner of his mouth, but he laughed out accidentally. Wow! Seeing Li Yexing laughing endlessly, Ti Lilian was completely blown away. She pointed at Li Yexing and said angrily: 'You are still laughing! You never stopped.

Okay, goodbye.. Li Yexing smiled, took out the half bag of tablets left in the control room of the signal tower from his backpack, took out a stack and stuffed it into Tiililian's mouth, he smiled. He said softly: Eat more, and you won't complain so much if you eat it.

Although she was very unhappy, Ti Lilian honestly opened her mouth to catch the potato chips handed by Li Yexing, and after chewing for a while with a blushing face, she swallowed it reluctantly, and then grumbled a little unhappily. He pouted and said, It's not as delicious as before, pervert, are you trying to fool my lord?

What nonsense are you talking about? This is the bag I gave you before. Li Yexing said. Is that so? There was a hint of doubt on the dirty little face, and Tiililian whispered: What's wrong with my lord? The taste didn't seem right. Taste? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment. He grabbed two slices from his pocket and stuffed them into his mouth. Feeling the slightly soft taste, Li Yexing directly took the potato chips out. He whispered on his mouth: The female horse, the tide.

Wei! Pervert, why are you so wasteful?! Seeing Li Yexing spit out the potato chips that were half in his mouth, Tiililian immediately showed an ugly expression. She felt a little distressed. But it's still potato chips! How could you just spit it out? Just twist the half-pack of potato chips into the pocket and put it back into the backpack. Li Yexing took out the chocolate that Rita had prepared for him earlier. , after tearing open the package, he took off a piece and stuffed it into Tilly Zhi'an's mouth, then asked with a smile, How about this?

The hard chocolate gradually melted in Tililian's moist and soft mouth, covering it like a syrup--

Covered on the warm tongue, the fragrance, sweetness and slight bitterness slowly stimulated Tililian's taste buds, feeling the wonderful feeling in her mouth, Tililian slowly opened her eyes, the red one eye seemed to be inside. After a while, Tililian said in a low voice, and then she raised her head and asked Li Yexing eagerly, What is this pervert? It's so sweet.

Chocolate. Li Yexing was a little puzzled: 'Have you never eaten it? Your sister ate it when she was in the research institute.. No.. Tiililian shook her head vigorously, and the two were stained. Muddy's golden ponytail swayed vigorously with her movements, she said softly: My lord has been eating Nutritonium all the time, I never thought that there are such delicious things in this world..

Li Yexing was stunned for a moment when he heard Tililian's words, and then suddenly remembered that the person who gave Tililith chocolate in the research institute seemed to be Kelly, and now she has taken off her black Umbrella and turned to work for BSAA. No. There is no researcher who is willing to feed her chocolate. Subconsciously, Li Yexing stretched out his hands and hugged the blond girl sitting on the stone. Whoa whoa whoa!! What are you doing?! Suddenly being hugged by Li Yexing, Ti Lilian couldn't help shouting loudly. At the same time, she struggled subconsciously for a while, but Li Yexing didn't let go or speak, that's all. Hold her quietly. After a long while, Ti Lilian no longer struggled, she closed her eyes and buried her face in Li Yexing's chest.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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